American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 47: Off-site technical guidance

Schiller and Stark stand together in front of a damaged Mark 2 mech.

Stark said: "Listen, the problem now is that the braking system here is completely broken, and we need to fix it before we can do it."

Having said that, he picked up the wrench and stepped forward, and began to tap the mecha.

Schiller stood behind him and said to the symbiote in his head, "No, no, you can't eat his brain."

"But his head looks delicious, really delicious, and smells good."


Schiller put his hands on his hips and covered his forehead with one hand. He reorganized his language and said, "You can't just eat people's brains, because..."

Schiller paused for a long time. He thought, well, although this race looks strange, its taste is surprisingly consistent.

"Eat his brain, we can do it ourselves," said the symbiote.



Stark didn't notice it, he fiddled for a long time, then tapped the railing next to him with a wrench, changed the place, and continued to fiddle and said: "Magic armor? This sounds really good, I think it is A special kind of atomic force, what do you think is the best form of application for it? Concussion? Or extreme compression?"

Schiller asked in his head: "...what is the best form of application? Concussion or extreme compression?"

"It's decomposition and reconstruction," said the symbiote.

"It's decomposition and refactoring," Schiller said.

As he said that, he directly pressed his hand on the joint that had not been repaired, and a large piece of parts there flashed, and when it returned to its original position, it was brand new.

Stark stood up, his eyes widened, and he folded his arms and said, "The so-called magic you're talking about looks much stronger than the weightlessness you demonstrated."

"It's me who's great, I'm great, I'm great, I'm great..." The symbiote began to squeal in Schiller's mind again.

Schiller said, "Okay, okay, you are the best."

He has to say that the symbiote is still better than magic. After all, his current magic ability is only low-level, and it's okay to use it to bluff people. When it comes to playing, he has to rely on the symbiote.

"Reduce the armor, it can be very small." The symbiote said in Schiller's mind.

"Shrink the armor," Schiller said.

"Of course I have considered this. My Mark 5, in the subsequent version, was originally intended to be compressed into a suitcase, but it has not been developed yet, and it is not possible to carry it around at will."

"I think the suitcase plan is a bit conservative."

"Can it be smaller?"


"How small do you think it can be compressed?"

Schiller asked the symbiote in his head: "How small do you think it can be compressed?"

"A bottle of fear venom."

"Can it be compressed to the size of a vial of fear venom?" Schiller asked.

"I want to drink." The symbiote said

Schiller rolled his eyes angrily, and he would even haggle.

After the symbiote happily finished drinking a bottle of wine, he said, "A cigarette can be compressed to the size of a cigarette."

After Schiller told Stark, Stark walked around the room excitedly, saying: "It's really atomic-level structure and reorganization, and if you put it that way, maybe it's more than a cigarette. Small, maybe even nano-scale..."

"Can it be smaller than a cigarette?" Schiller asked in his mind.

"Yes, but the deployment will explode," said the symbiote.

So Schiller said to Stark: "It can actually be made smaller, but I can't make sure it's safe to unfold."

Stark said: "In short, let's start, come up with a technology that is more transcendental, and then I will throw all those old versions of the armor to the military, let them help me deal with the garbage, and save money. Pepper will be happy with my e-waste disposal fee."

"There are so many benefits of being armed at any time!" Stark said, clenching one hand into a fist and pounding the palm of the other, "and I can even shove a full-body Jarvis into one. In a mobile phone, a mobile phone with such a powerful smart housekeeper, can you believe it?"

Schiller said, "...God bless Jarvis."

After a while, Stark put the slightly worn Mark 2 down from the shelf. Before he could see it clearly, a gray fog flashed and the Mark 2 disappeared.

Then Schiller reappeared, holding a metal cigarette in his hand, and handed it to Stark, Stark: "This is it?"

"Otherwise what do you want?"

"There shouldn't be any spellcasting spells... I mean, such as rituals, and staff..."

"No need, that's too low-end," Schiller said.

Stark blinked, he suddenly had infinitely beautiful expectations for magic.

But then, this expectation just drove Strange crazy, he's just a mage, how can Iron Man think of it as an omnipotent god, no matter what, Iron Man is a 'let's put it Leave it to the omnipotent magic' look!

Hearing that the Supreme Mage still needs to prepare to cast spells, Stark called Strange a "low-end Mage", and Strange was so angry that he almost broke his staff.

No matter how much Schiller's performance makes Strange, who will get along with Iron Man in the future, collapse, now he surprised Stark very much, he said: "How do I turn it into a mecha? How do I wear it on my body? ?"

Schiller asked in his mind, "How would he turn it into a mecha? How would he wear it?"

The symbiote burped and said, "Think about it in your head."

"Think about it in your head," Schiller said.

Stark was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly recalled the original weapon of the Mark 2 in his mind.

Almost instantly, the Mark 2 was worn on his body. There was no process in this change, it was almost a reorganization at the atomic level.

Stark said: "What is the principle of this?"

Schiller asked in his head, "What is the principle behind this?"

The symbiote said: "Mind disturbance."

Schiller said to Stark: "Mind disturbance."

"You mean brain waves or something? Or bioelectricity?"

The symbiote in Schiller's mind was a little confused, and it seemed that he could no longer answer the question, so Schiller said, "Please don't use science to explain magic, it's easy to use."

Stark was scratching his head and wanted to start researching immediately, so he turned his face and said to Schiller as if he didn't recognize anyone: "Okay, okay, I know, your amazing magic, you wait, Sooner or later I will use it better than you."

Then he saw off the guest.

Schiller was almost invited out of the Stark Building, but he wasn't angry, as Stark always does, once the experiment's addiction was committed, he didn't care about anything.

As soon as he got back to the clinic, he saw Steve waiting for him, Steve said hello and said, "Nick asked me to run an errand, he wants to see you, I think it might be something to do with Stark. ."

Then Schiller shouted into the air, "How about $10 million an hour? Chief Nick?"

"You're talking to a lion." A voice suddenly came from the phone hanging on Steve's waist.

Schiller shrugged and said, "Okay, I originally wanted to give you an invoice of 100 million yuan."

The other side was silent for a while, and then said, "There is an invoice for late payment of 50 million yuan..."

"Deal," said Schiller.

After a while, Schiller came to the S.H.I.E.L.D. International Reception Center again. Nick, who was wearing a blindfold, shook hands with Schiller. Then the two sat down face to face. Coulson poured them a cup of coffee. For Schiller is espresso.

Schiller drank the coffee, but Nick picked up the cup and drank it slowly. Schiller said first, "Let's talk about business first, or invoice first?"

"Invoice first," Nick said.

After a while, Nick asked him, "I know Stark gave the mecha technology to the military, but it doesn't matter, we don't want those mechs."

"What you want is him."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. was created by his father."

"If you mention this to him now, you won't want him to join in your life."

"Also, let him join, you can talk to him, don't come to me, it's useless to ask me, I'm just a psychiatrist, not his father."

"We didn't ask you to persuade Stark, and we knew he wouldn't listen. What do you think of our idea? A team of people with special abilities?"

"It's good in itself, but it depends on who they work for."

"Isn't it for S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"So who does S.H.I.E.L.D. work for?"

Nick frowned, decisively bypassing the topic, he said, "Okay, we want to invite you to join..."

"You also said that it's a team of people with special abilities. I'm just an ordinary person. The long jump has never exceeded 3 meters."

Nick opened his mouth, he thought Schiller was taking him for a Listen, we don't care how you disappear and suddenly appear a few hundred meters away, nor do we care about that yellow guy with a Canadian accent. Where did the rat come from, and you can ignore your quaint horrific psychoanalysis, but a certain neurologist himself told us that you threatened him with a floating ballpoint pen..."

Schiller said to the symbiote in his head: "You can't eat other people's brains at will in the future, except for Strange's."

Schiller said, "Do you believe in magic in this world?"

"Some scientific forces have created these special abilities, so I also believe that there are other forces that create other people. Are you one of them?"

"No, I'm just an ordinary person, but I think I can exchange a piece of information for my freedom."

"What about? Magic?"

"That's right, I believe you should have the authority to mobilize satellites to find out where the connection went to a missing network in New York."

Nick frowned, but Schiller didn't tell him any more.

The wireless network of the New York Temple should also rely on the network system of modern people, not some magic network, but they use magic to cover up the way to access this network.

If Nick checked it out, he would definitely find some clues.

The reason why Schiller didn't refuse strongly was that in the various major events that followed, he had to rely on the Avengers to save the world. He wouldn't have to deal with those enemies by himself, and he would not fight with the lizardmen and the Red Hulk. fist.

At most, for the safety of his own life, he can provide a little help, so he has to keep in touch with these superheroes, so that in future events, he can be a fresh and refined... a **** stick.

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