American comics: Loot from the heavens!

Chapter 213 Tony: Do you want to make an anti-Loming armor?

See the psychic energy pervading this space!

Luo Ming frowned.

Is Wanda's chaos magic gradually awakening?

Before, Wanda's psychic energy was not so strong.

Fortunately, he had set up defenses for his brain and soul, and Wanda's psychic magic could not affect him.

However, the same cannot be said for others.

In addition to Tony and others in the room, Natasha and Hawkeye in the room were also affected.

The passage of time in fantasy is different from reality.

Natasha recalled her past and joined the Red Room since she was a child to undergo agent training.

When agents graduate, their uterus must be removed and permanently sterilized.

This past is Natasha's nightmare.

What Thor saw was a little different, probably because he was from the Asa clan. The illusion he saw was more like a prophecy.

Thor saw the future, and Luo Ming married his sister Hela! ! ?

Captain Rogers saw his first girlfriend Carter in a dream. After the two danced, Carter disappeared, leaving Rogers alone.

What Rogers fears most is loneliness.

What Tony saw in his dream was that the Chitauri army invaded the earth, and then wiped out the Avengers and killed them all.

Although Luo Ming was not dead, he was desperately resisting the enemy alone. Rogers blamed Tony for not doing more protection.

Hawkeye is also caught up in the environment.

Although he had specially taken precautions due to Loki's control and encountered similar methods again, he still fell into the trap when facing Wanda.

Hawkeye saw that he lost control again and not only did many bad things, but also killed his wife and children with his own hands.

I noticed that the Avengers were all trapped in an illusion due to their spiritual energy!

As soon as Luo Ming had an idea, he used his telekinesis to wake up the Avengers who had fallen into the illusion.

However, in just a few seconds, Wanda, Pietro, and Ultron ran a long distance.

Luo Ming ignored Ultron and chased Wanda and Pietro.

Outside the base, Pietro took Wanda away and met Banner on the way. Wanda also used psychic magic to influence Banner, or Hulk.

What Banner saw was that he transformed into the Hulk and hurt many innocent people. Everyone hated him and asked him to leave the crowd, leave the land, and even leave the earth.

Hulk transformed in anger.

They did this so that Hulk could hold Luo Ming down as much as possible.

Just when the two thought they could leave.

Luo Ming flashed and appeared in front of them.

"Where are you going?"

While speaking, Luo Ming reached out and held down the two of them!

Feeling Luo Ming's strong palm, the two of them immediately grimaced.

They knew that once they were caught by Luo Ming, they would not be able to escape.

As a result, the two gave up their resistance and told the truth.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo Ming."

"After meeting Ultron, we knew what plan it had, but we didn't know what the specific plan was, so we thought about lurking next to it to see if we could know its plan and try to destroy it."

"I didn't mean to attack them."

Pietro and Wanda apologized one after another.

Finally, Wanda added another sentence.

"Of course, attacking Stark was intentional. Who made him ruin our family?"

Seeing this, Luo Ming sighed.

"You two had good intentions, but you did it wrong."

"Now, please stay here while I go to save Dr. Banner first."

After saying that, Luo Ming turned around and flew away, towards where Banner was.

At this time, Banner had turned into Hulk and was running towards the nearest city.

Fortunately, Luo Ming was fast and stopped Hulk before he entered the city.

Standing in front of the Hulk, Luo Ming looked at the angry Hulk with red eyes and tried to wake him up.

"Hulk, wake up! Don't be affected by Wanda's magic!"

He wasn't stupid enough to call Banner's name.

Because Hulk seems to be an independent personality.

Looking at Luo Ming's familiar figure, Hulk roared loudly.



With a roar, Hulk rushed towards Luo Ming.

Seeing that he couldn't wake up Hulk with words, Luo Ming didn't do anything.

He immediately increased his speed and then fought the Hulk head-on.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

The close-quarters fighting with fists and fists makes people’s blood boil!

In the surrounding land, large pits appeared one after another under the aftermath of the battle between the two!

The air is filled with stirred up dust!

After fighting at close quarters for a while, two fists, one big and one small, clashed together!


The huge force of the collision directly set off a concussive airflow!

They both took a few steps back!

He looked at Hulk who raised his momentum again and attacked him.

Luo Ming's expression was determined.

"It's time to finish."

Until just now, he had not used all his strength.

The purpose of fighting Hulk is to find out Hulk's current situation and strength.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be sure how much force he would need to use to knock out the Hulk.

Now Hulk's anger has increased, and his strength has also begun to increase, reaching thousands of tons.

However, Luo Ming's power has reached tens of thousands of tons.

To prevent Hulk's power from surpassing him due to anger, Luo Ming moved his body and increased his speed to hundreds of times the speed of sound.

In an instant, he came behind Hulk and hit him hard on the back of his head!

At the same time, he also used his telekinesis to attack Hulk's mind!

Under attack from two sides, Hulk's roar suddenly stopped!

Immediately afterwards, his eyes rolled up and he staggered to the ground.

Then, Hulk's body gradually shrank and changed back to Banner's appearance.

Seeing this, Luo Ming felt slightly relieved.

"Finally done."

There were no casualties, and it was a very beautiful job.

At this time, a large battle armor flew from the horizon!

After taking a closer look, I found that it was Stark, flying over wearing a thick, large armor.

Arriving near Luo Ming, Tony, who was in armor, was stunned when he saw Banner who had fallen to the ground and was unconscious.

"Is this the end?"

What he is wearing now is what he and Banner studied together, specifically to deal with the crazy Hulk.

This armor, called Veronica, is on standby on Stark's satellite, waiting for Tony to use it at any time.

Tony prefers to call this suit the Hulkbuster suit!

After learning about the battle between Loming and the Hulk, Tony launched the Hulkbuster suit.

After putting on the Hulkbuster suit, Tony rushed over, ready to help subdue the Hulk.

As a result, he saw Luo Ming and the unconscious Banner.

Seeing this situation, Tony knew that Luo Ming had subdued Hulk and awakened Banner.

He couldn't help but muttered.

"Who is the real monster?"

At the same time, he was also thinking secretly in his heart.

"Do you want to make another anti-Luoming armor?"

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