In Luo's Manor.

Luo Ming is studying the ability to exercise himself.

Suddenly, his computer butler reminded him.

"Sir, Miss Natasha is here to visit."

At the same time, a virtual projection appeared in front of him.

That was Natasha at the door of his house under surveillance.

Luo Ming raised his eyebrows and ordered: "Open the door."

outside the door.

Natasha saw the door open and drove in.

Soon, she saw Luo Ming on the side of the road.

She drove closer.

"Luo Ming, something happened to SHIELD and Fury is dead."

Natasha didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

After hearing this, Luo Ming thought for a moment and realized what was going on.

This is the beginning of the plot of Captain America 2.

People from Snake and Shield attacked Fury in a sneak attack, but Fury died after failing to save him.

Of course, this is superficial.

In fact, Fury is not dead.

Hill was an insider, but did not tell Natasha and Rogers.

"Then you came to see me?"

"I want you to help decipher the contents of this USB flash drive."

With that said, Natasha took out a USB flash drive.

"This is SHIELD's secret. Is it appropriate for me as an outsider to see it?"

Natasha nodded.

"Suitable, you are trustworthy."

"Besides, Fury is dead and SHIELD has fallen into the hands of others. What other secrets does SHIELD have?"

Luo Ming did not comment on this.

Since Natasha didn't care anymore, he still cared about something.

He took the USB flash drive and came to the research room.

Insert into the reader.

In a short time, he cracked the protection system in the USB flash drive and read the data in it.

"This is about the insight plan, and a complete algorithm is needed to complete the insight plan."

Hearing Luo Ming's words, Natasha was thoughtful.

As a level six agent of SHIELD, she still knows a lot of things.

She also knew something about the Insight Project.

However, she couldn't figure out what the people behind the scenes wanted to do with the Insight Plan.

"Do you know what's going on?"

Luo Ming shook his head.

He knew it, but he didn't want to say it.

"Let's go find Rogers."

Hearing this, Natasha nodded.

She turned around and got ready to go out and drive.

Although you can fly there directly, you can also take a car.


the other side.

After Rogers got rid of his pursuers, he returned to the place where he hid the USB flash drive.

Before reaching the vending machine, Rogers realized that the item was missing.

Just when he was anxious.

Suddenly, he saw Natasha and Luo Ming.

At this time, the two people were dressed in ordinary clothes and were inconspicuous among the crowd.

Of course, Rogers was also in disguise at this time.

"It's you."

Seeing that the two people seemed to be waiting for him here specifically, Rogers thought of something.

After pulling the two of them to a quiet place, Rogers asked:

"You took the stuff, right? Where did you put it?"


Luo Ming took out the USB flash drive and shook it in his hand.

Seeing this, Rogers' eyes moved, but he did not impulsively grab anything from Luo Ming's hand.

"Do you know anything?"

"Yes, it's about the Insight Project."

Natasha replied.

"And I also know who killed Fury."

"According to Rogers' description, the person who killed Fury should be the Winter Soldier."

"Most intelligence agencies don't believe he exists, but he is real."

"He was involved in more than two dozen assassinations over the past fifty years."

Looking at the two of them, Natasha continued to tell her the information she knew.

"Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear weapons engineer out of Iran. As I was approaching Odessa, someone shot through my tires and the vehicle lost control and fell off a cliff."

"After finally escaping, the Winter Soldier was waiting there. When he saw me blocking him, he shot through me and killed the engineer."

Natasha showed off her injured left waist, where there was a scar.

"Soviet bullets have no rifling and cannot be worn in bikinis."

Seeing this scar, both of them were moved.

I know this is really not good for Natasha.

Then, several people left.

There is a positioning system in the USB flash drive, but it was hacked by Luo Ming.

Snake Shield can't locate them at all.

After looking at the two of them, Rogers asked:

"Where should we go now?"

"No need to go anywhere, just stay where Fury can find us and wait for him to come to us."

Rogers and Natasha looked at Luo Ming in surprise.

"Isn't Fury dead?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Luo Ming smiled mysteriously.


the other side.

Zola is reporting the situation to Pierce.

Zola is Red Skull's subordinate. He was captured after Red Skull was defeated and disappeared.

Later, he got cancer, which was still in the advanced stage. Medical skills could not save his body, but science could save his brain, or soul consciousness.

Zola underwent a complicated operation and stored his thoughts in the computer.

Eternal life was obtained in another way.

He has always been in the service of Hydra.

After World War II, SHIELD recruited many scientists, and Zola was among them.

He took advantage of the situation and lurked in SHIELD, providing various help to Hydra.

In the past few decades, Hydra has been behind many wars in the world.

In response to that sentence, if you cut off one head, another will grow back.

Pierce learned from Zola that Rogers and Natasha were completely missing.

At the same time, he also knew that the U disk location seemed to have been to Luo Ming's location.

This made Pierce feel nervous.

If Rogers finds Luo Ming for help, it will be troublesome.

So he quickly promoted the restart of the Insight Project.

Wait until the insight plan comes to fruition.

The first people he wanted to get rid of were powerful extraordinary beings like Luo Ming and the Avengers.


Fury's side.

He has always sent people to monitor Rogers and Natasha.

After knowing that they found Luo Ming's help, he knew that he could not wait any longer.

So he sent Hill and Coulson to find Luo Ming and the others.

He took several people into the air-raid shelter where he was secretly hiding.

Looking at Fury lying on the bed, Rogers and Natasha were both stunned.

"You are finally here."

Seeing Natasha and Rogers stunned, Fury said:

"I used tetrodotoxin B, which lowered my pulse to one beat per minute and faked a state of suspended animation."

"This was developed by Banner to reduce his stress, but it was of no use to him, so we discovered a new use for it."

After listening to Fury's explanation, Rogers asked back.

"Why did you hide it from us?"

"In order to make those who intend to murder the director think that the assassination was successful."

Hill replied.

"After all, a dead person cannot die again. Besides, I don't know who to believe."

Fury added.

Then, he looked at Luo Ming.

"I didn't expect that they found you, Luo Ming."


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