American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 308 Osaka “Ultimate Paradise”, “King General” and

Chapter 308 Osaka’s “Ultimate City”, “King General” and Visitors

In the land of cherry blossoms, as night falls, the streets of Osaka begin to become bustling with people walking through the streets and alleys with flashing neon lights.

Neon lights cast colorful lights, illuminating the figures of pedestrians passing by.

Young people gathered in street cafes and bars, laughing and drinking, enjoying the joy and relaxation of the night.

Street vendors put out all kinds of snacks, and the tempting aroma of food wafts around, attracting hungry passers-by to stop and taste. Music and singing come from time to time on the street, and street performers perform their talents to the fullest, attracting passers-by to stop and watch.

The brightly lit shopping mall ushered in a shopping frenzy, and pedestrians lingering under the neon lights carrying shopping bags seemed to be in a bizarre fairy tale world.

Even under night, the streets of Osaka are still full of life and vitality. This city never sleeps and is full of endless charm and vitality.

From time to time, the roar of vehicles and sirens can be heard on the streets, and the pulse and noise of the city are intertwined.

In that cold area close to the boundary between the city and the suburbs, the roar of the sports car's engine suddenly sounded, echoing in the streets and alleys, breaking the hard-won peace.

The owner of the sports car skillfully controls the sports car, his pupils emit golden light with varying degrees of brightness, and shuttles through the streets at extremely high speeds, nimbly crossing the traffic flow, seeming to be integrated with the surrounding environment, leaving behind the passing figures like lightning. Dazzling.

Hahaha, Mr. Police, why can't I keep up? You are not fast enough!! Do you want me to wait for you?

Those young speed racing gangsters were swaying the sweat of their youth wantonly, leaving the policemen behind them who were restrained by regulations far away, leaving only the exhaust fumes of the sports cars for them to savor.

In the city of Osaka, these racing gangs are able to play tricks on the middle-aged patrol policemen so wildly. After all, it is because of their strong backgrounds that the unruly young people can open their helmets and run in front of the patrol policemen and taunt them triumphantly.

In Osaka, apart from the government agencies on the surface, the most powerful organization in this city is called the Fierce Demons, and they control the city secretly.

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There is a mysterious and magnificent casino hidden in the mountains on the outskirts of Osaka. Legend has it that no matter how unbearable your desires are, this casino can help you realize your desires.

Kill enemies, get lovers, or even some more dirty ideas, Paradise Hall can help you realize these greedy desires.

Looking at the panoramic view, you can see that this casino building stands among the majestic mountains, giving people a sense of isolation, but the luxurious wind coming from the bones is not blocked by the mountains.

In the parking lot of Paradise Pavilion, gamblers came and went in an endless stream. Expensive luxury cars stopped one after another, and successful people with handsome men and beautiful women appeared in front of the casino.

These successful people wear custom-made clothes with well-fitting cuts and exquisite details. They are matched with famous watches and dazzling jewelry. Each person's clothes exude unparalleled taste and high-end sense.

The exterior design of Kukakukan is unique, blending traditional Japanese architecture with modern luxury elements. The casino’s walls feature a combination of black and metallic colors that contrast with the surrounding environment.

A hanging lantern hangs in front of the huge door, emblazoned with the casino's bold name, emitting bright light.

What attracts people's attention more than these bright lights is a group of men wearing black and white suits and black sunglasses with their arms open, slightly revealing the handles of guns hidden in them, and their fierce postures are like evil tigers.

Once gamblers step into the gate of the casino, they will be shocked by the spacious and luxurious gambling hall, giving people a feeling of coming to heaven.

Countless lights are set up on the ceiling of the hall, forming a brilliant starry sky.

The walls are inlaid with huge tapestries, and the delicate embroidery patterns show the traditional art and aesthetics of Sakura Country. The floor is covered with top-quality wooden flooring, and you feel like you are stepping on clouds when you walk on it.

The gambling tables and game facilities inside the Paradise Hall are unique. Even the gambling tables are made of high-quality materials and exquisite craftsmanship. From the shoe brushes to the card dealers, they all show a luxurious temperament.

Gamblers sit on their seats, interact with the dealers, and enjoy the thrill and excitement of casino games. The dealers next to them are graceful and charming in sexy bunny costumes.

These croupiers are wearing a figure-hugging dress that perfectly outlines their charming curves and attracts everyone's attention.

Black or red bunny costumes are decorated with lace edges and bows, adding a sense of temptation and mystery.

The dealer skillfully manipulated the playing cards, and his flipping skills were as smooth as a dance. The fingers pick up the chips flexibly and skillfully, easily responding to the players' bets, showing a confidence and ease.

This is the Paradise Hall, where people who win a lot of money can make wishes for indulgence and depravity that match their desires, and if they win, they can get everything.

As long as you take enough of the money you win and put it into the wishing well, you can realize all kinds of unethical, dirty, illegal and even bloody wishes here.


Inside the Bliss Pavilion, in a room decorated in a simple style, a sad and beautiful song was heard.

Inside the room, traditional Japanese scenery, such as landscapes, courtyards or castles, is set up on the stage to create the background of the drama. In the center of the stage is a slightly raised orange wooden stage, symbolizing the traditional Japanese stage style.

Traditional musical instruments such as harps, flutes, and drums were placed on both sides of the stage, and a traditional Kabuki performance from Sakura Country was being performed on it.

Under the stage, two well-dressed old men sat on the tatami, tasting sake and top-quality tuna slices, and enjoying the performance on the stage.

Among them, the old man wearing a kimono, a royal mask, and blackened all his teeth was gently tapping the beat with his left hand, seeming to be enjoying the kabuki performance at this moment.

Next to the old man in kimono, there is another old man in a suit and leather shoes. Although he looks like a gentle old man, he has a false temperament about him, and people within the system will recognize this temperament.

That’s the temperament of a politician! !

And this old man is indeed a politician. In Sakura Country, anyone who has read the news will know him because he is the former leader of Sakura Country - Mr. AB.

Mr. AB was born in the AB family, one of the five major families in Sakura Country. In the last century, some Europeans felt that Sakura was no longer a Western-style democratic system, but this was not the case.

From the appointment of Sakura leader, it is closely integrated with Sakura country's huge family system and complex and ever-changing overall strength of the valve.

The five major families will firmly grasp people's livelihood projects and people's voice as important political forces.

The five major families are the AB family, the Hatoyama family, the Koizumi family, the Fukuda family and the Aso family.

And Mr. AB has three leaders in his family! !

Mr. General Wang, how is the progress of that matter!?

The kabuki performance continued. Finally, Mr. AB broke the calm between the two people and took the initiative to ask the king general with a strange smile on his mask.

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