American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 298 The Shadow Corps self-destructs in a surprise attack, and Bazaar's demonic ener

Chapter 298 The Shadow Corps self-destructs in a surprise attack, and Bazaar's evil energy escapes

Walong, you disappoint me so much!!

You haven't recovered the demonic energy left by Bazaar. Do you know how important this matter is?!

In the middle of the night, the hustle and bustle of the city gradually faded away as the street lights went out, leaving a hint of mystery and uneasiness in the night.

But in a building in New York City, the lights were still on. On the top floor of the Black Hand Organization building, a green stone sculpture was inlaid on the wall behind the desk.

This huge stone sculpture looked as ferocious as a dancing green dragon, and it was now speaking sinisterly to the man in front of him with white hair and a green suit.

The dragon's body was inlaid on the stone wall, its scales shone with a dark light, and exuded a strange and gloomy aura.

The pair of eyes on the green stone sculpture are like two red pearls, shining with fierce and evil light, which can make everyone who comes close feel a little bit creepy.

The dragon's body is winding and circling, its long snout is slightly upturned, and its claws are deeply rooted in the wall, as if growing in the stone. Each scale is finely carved, showing stunning realism in every detail.

And this stone sculpture is the sealed Demon Lord of Fire. His figure is twisted and intricate, as if he is trying to break free of the seal and release the evil power of the dragon.


Holy Lord, I won't fall for this trick again.

This is no longer your country, we are no longer in that nasty world!!

Figure out your identity and status. The relationship between the two of us is now led by me. I am the real leader in making plans!!

Valon was wearing a high-quality green suit, and his long white hair was combed meticulously. He tied his long hair with a small ring made of gold, and struck the ground with the scepter he held in his hand.

Faced with the accusation and questioning just issued by the Holy Lord, Valon did not feel panic or nervous at all, because he would not be afraid of the Holy Lord now.

The days when people were a swordsman and I was a fish are over! !

Then what are you going to do? Bazaar Demonic Energy is an indispensable part of the plan we agreed with Atlantis!!

Now that damn old guy has sealed the demonic energy...

Then just blow up the sealed place, and the Holy Lord summons all your shadow troops!!

Anyway, some of the ninja soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps will not die. Just let them carry high explosives and run to the base where the Avengers are.

Then just blow up the entire Avengers base, and then we can take back Bazaar's demonic energy. That'll be all right then!!

Wallon has long seen through the rules. In the original world, the government could control them.

But the government in the new world cannot control them! !

Because the Black Hand organization and they are outlaws! !


The Black Shadow Corps began their action. They wore black ninja tights, wrapping their entire bodies and blending into the night.

Their flexible postures and agile movements allow them to shuttle between buildings almost silently, like nocturnal cats.

The ninja soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps are light on their feet, as if they are stepping on the mist, leaving no traces. They are good at using various shadows hidden in the city.

Whether it is the dark corner of the wall or the shadow on the roof, it can become a hiding place for them, allowing them to see everything under extremely low light.

These ninja soldiers of the Shadow Corps are not only agile, but also good at using various weapons, such as darts, hidden weapons and daggers.

Ninja soldiers have superb combat skills and can escape the tracking and attacks of ordinary enemies with almost no effort.

In the dark night, their figures appear and disappear, like a group of ghostly beings, able to perform various tasks without leaving any trace.

As a result, they became the most chilling existence in the city, and today, they have officially become such an existence.

I saw these ninja soldiers carrying packages of high explosives on their backs, and then sneaking into the shadows, rushing through the shadow kingdom towards the Avengers base.

Today, the ninja soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps are self-destruction troops! !

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Didi beep beep!!

As the Bazaar's demonic energy inside the glass jar began to change, the sirens among the Avengers quickly sounded, and the red alarm lights instantly illuminated the passages on each floor.

Suddenly, alarms rang out inside the Avengers base, and the harsh sound quickly spread and filled the entire building.

All kinds of red police lights flashed dazzlingly, turning the entire base into an incredible scene, and chaos suddenly broke out.

Suddenly, a group of monsters wearing black ninja tight-fitting suits quietly broke into the Avengers base from the shadows in the wall.

The ninja soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps were carrying high explosives on their backs and holding darts made of steel in their hands. As soon as they arrived, they quickly attacked the staff nearby.

Boom boom boom!!

The Avengers gathered together, their faces full of serious and nervous expressions,

what happened?

Tony frowned, and then quickly entered instructions on the console with his fingers, ordering the artificial intelligence Jarvis to find out the cause of the alarm just now.

Someone breaks into the base!

There are abnormal situations on every floor!

The voice of Black Widow Natasha is full of tension. She is one of the few superheroes from S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Avengers.

Suddenly, Constantine, who was still sitting still, groaned, as if he sensed that something had been damaged, and he stared at the door leading to the main control room.

We're under attack!

Basha's demonic aura has disappeared, and we have been tricked!!

Boom boom boom!!

As Constantine finished explaining the current situation, there was an explosion and thick smoke billowing into the air.

The huge explosion was deafening, the flames burned like fire, and black smoke billowed up, making the sunset look blood red.

Chaos and panic spread throughout the base, as the Avengers fled in the aftermath of the explosion, searching for other surviving staff and extinguishing the burning flames.

Countless broken glass, collapsed walls and burning debris, the base is full of traces of tragedy.

This place should not be like this. The Avengers Base should not experience disasters. Disasters cannot come to this supposedly peaceful place.

However, compared to the sneak attack on the base, the missing trace of Bazaar's demonic energy is more important.

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