American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 292 Declaration of war on Sakura Country and announcement of the discharge of nuclear sewage

Chapter 292: Declaration of war on Sakura Country, press conference on the discharge of nuclear sewage

Do you know? In fact, I don't care what you think. I can carry out this plan on my own. However, I still have this meeting with you to discuss how to guide the holy beast Godzilla to attack the Sakura Country.

It's not because of how much I recognize you and respect you, but because Lord Renohart has given the order to attack, and the things Sakura Country has done have already doomed their fate.

Unlike the blue Smurfs, Namor is the only one among this group of Atlanteans who is not blue-skinned.

As a hybrid of Atlanteans and humans, Namor once suffered from white eyes and malice because of his skin when he was young, but...

Everything in the past is long gone now. Thanamo is the supreme leader of the Atlantean clan, and his position is only lower than the gods of the Teardrops of the highest gods.

Namor turned around and faced the relief of the supreme god in the hall. He bowed devoutly to the relief of Renohart, the Tearful Elegy.

Humans on the ground are simply too greedy!!

On the throne, a violent look flashed across Namor's face, and the royal family and ministers below did not dare to take a breath.

Ever since Namor obtained the power of Olihagun from Lord Renohart, Namor has become more and more agitated and his behavior has become more and more violent.

On the ground, they are fishing for marine resources without restraint, hunting creatures on the seabed, discharging wastewater and domestic garbage into the sea, and now they are even discharging radioactive nuclear sewage into the sea...

We Atlanteans are the true rulers of the seabed and the spokesperson of the Ocean God Tribe's Lament Tribe, just like the island nation on the ground - the Sakura Country.

This kind of ugly, dirty, sincere and shameless country should be eliminated by us.

Since they dared to announce the discharge of nuclear wastewater three months ago, let them taste the bitter fruit!!

Namor's voice was loud and furious, as if he wanted to destroy the Sakura Kingdom right now.

The whole story started from a press conference a few months ago! !


Time: Three months ago! !

Location: Sakura Country, Tojo Electric Power Company, Press Conference Hall! !

The atmosphere in the hall was particularly solemn and tense today. The lights in the conference hall were turned on, and the cameras and cameras were all pointed at the podium on the stage.

Countless reporters from home and abroad gathered here, waiting for the announcement of a major news.

The logos of Tokei Electric Power Company and Tokei Metropolitan Government were hung at the back of the conference hall, declaring that Sakura Country attached great importance to this meeting.

On the stage, a government spokesman wearing a formal suit stood in front of the podium, with a solemn expression on his face.

Apart from the microphone for speaking, there was only a bottle of water on the table, a bottle of water that seemed to be transparent.


I saw that the spokesperson of Dongjing Electric Power Company's press conference finally took action. He gently adjusted his tie and coughed slightly.

If you look closely, you can see that there are undetectable beads of sweat on the speaker's forehead. The speaker seemed to be relieving his nervousness by doing what he did just now.

At this moment, the hall is packed with reporters from home and abroad sitting in their seats, the photography lights are flashing, and the cameras are ready to capture every important moment.

Just because the Sakura Country government officially announced today that it will discharge nuclear sewage into the sea! !

Dear friends from the media at home and abroad, Yasuhiro Shita, today I will announce an important decision on behalf of the Sakura Country government and East Coast Electric Power Company.

After careful consideration and weighing various factors, the Sakura Country government has decided to discharge the nuclear sewage from the nuclear power plant.

Tian Kangbo cleared his throat and began his earth-shattering speech. His voice was steady and firm, and for a moment, the entire venue fell into silence because of his speech.

Mr. Yasuhiro Tian, ​​the Sakura Country government should know the consequences of this, right? Why does it still do such things that damage the environment and are anti-human!??

Mr. Tian Yasuo, the ocean is the common home of all mankind. This kind of behavior in Sakura Country will only make the marine ecological civilization worse...

There was an uproar in the venue! !

The reporters suddenly became excited, the shutters of the cameras came and went, and the voices of questioning and angry eyes appeared one after another.

There was a chill around Tian Kangbo. If looks could kill, he might have been cut to pieces by a thousand cuts.

But even though he was being stared at hard by others, he continued to speak firmly, responding to the reporters' questions meticulously and logically.

We are clearly aware of the importance and sensitivity of this decision and discharge of nuclear wastewater is the best option after careful evaluation.

The nuclear leakage of the Fudao Nuclear Power Plant is very serious. If the decision is not made to discharge nuclear sewage, our government will not be able to ensure the safety of people's lives and protect the safety of our ecological environment...

We will take a series of strict measures to minimize the impact on marine ecology and ensure that the lives of our people and our environment can avoid the impact of nuclear sewage.

Tian Kangbo seemed like a faceless and skinless tree, not caring at all about the scorching dagger-like eyes below.

He also didn't care about the people of other countries who were watching the news and yelling at each other. He just followed the script and carried out what he should do according to the speech in the document.

We are extremely sorry for the impact these things may have, but it will not affect the progress of the emissions plan...

Tian Yasuhiro looked at the camera and bowed, then apologisedly said red bean paste Smith Marseille, and also assumed a standard soil seat posture.

Yasuhiro Tian used the Sakura Country etiquette of sitting down, that is, prostrating himself on the ground to apologize or petition, in order to express the Sakura Country government's apology.

The earth seat was originally used in ancient times to express humility to people of noble status, but in modern times it is generally used to express the deepest apology or a sincere request.

The camera switched back to the press box. Notebooks were flipping through the pages quickly. The reporters in front of the camera raised their microphones and asked questions eagerly.

We will be fully transparent, provide detailed information domestically and internationally, and accept supervision from international agencies.

At the same time, the Eastern Economic Capital Government will also invest funds in environmental restoration to ensure that the impact on marine ecology is minimized and the safety and health of the people are protected.

The harmless discharge of nuclear sewage will be the right choice. Our government will not change due to external interference...

Tian Kangbo remained calm in the face of many questions and responded to reporters' questions in a reasonable and well-founded manner.

But how many of the words Tian Yasuhiro just said were sincere, and which of them were lies?

Everything is unknown. After all, verbal promises can be made casually, but actual actions are extremely difficult.

Sakura Island Country, with its craftsmanship spirit, is far ahead! !

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