American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 283 A new era is coming, new classmate Muto Yugi

The world has changed, and the wheels of time keep turning.

The ruins and pain of the past are slowly erased by time, as if everything before was just a memory of the past.

The Blood Night incident was eventually washed away by time! !

Even though the beautiful country's national destiny was greatly damaged and its strength declined sharply due to this battle, everything was still slowly covered up.

A new era is coming quietly! !

After a year, New York City in the Marvel world finally began to recover, and the buildings re-emerged to create a new city look.

The streets of the city became busy, and people passed by in a hurry, as if they had forgotten the suffering and struggle.

The ruins and destruction of the past have been cleared, the buildings have been repaired, and people on the streets are busy again with long-lost smiles.

Citizens gradually feel the return of vigorous vitality. They have picked up the rhythm of life again and rebuild their homes.

Shops reopened, restaurants came alive, and street performers brought upbeat music to passers-by.

The police force was also reorganized and worked hard to maintain the safety of the city.

After experiencing the Blood Night incident, the police department and street superheroes began to maintain close cooperation.

Cops and superheroes work together and collaborate to ensure that criminals no longer invade the city's streets.

The American government invested a lot of manpower and material resources to build more technology companies, and then new technology companies and research institutions were re-established in the central area of ​​the city, injecting new vitality and innovation into New York City.

The power of technology is widely used in urban infrastructure transformation and environmental protection measures, making New York a more advanced and smarter city.

People feel the progress of the city and are full of hope for the future.

In terms of technology, we have to mention two of New York City's most influential technology leaders. Their brilliance can be said to outshine all other technology giants!

One is Tony Stark, the playboy who once often occupied the headlines of American magazines, and is also the Iron Man who is now busy maintaining the stability of the world every day.

The other one is a rising star in the world of science and technology. He has been repeatedly elected as the man that beautiful women in the country most want to marry—Mr. Seto Kaiba, the president of Kaiba Corporation! !

Haima Company is well-known for its leading technology and innovation, especially in the development of virtual worlds, and it occupies a dominant position with virtual world technology that is several eras ahead.

As a company that emerged within a year, it seemed to have grown from a unicorn to a technology giant overnight.

Haima Company is committed to bringing people unparalleled immersive experience and unique digital entertainment in the virtual world.

Its research team continues to explore new technological frontiers and break through traditional boundaries and limitations. Its core project is the development of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies.

Through the modeling and interaction of the digital world, users are presented with an unprecedented immersive experience.

The virtual world developed by Haima Company has amazingly realistic graphics and interactive functions. Users can explore, interact and participate in various activities.

Whether they are fighting side by side with friends in an immersive environment, or participating in challenging and strategic games, users can find fun and excitement in this virtual space.

And because of the careful planning and design of Becas J. Flood, the first game designer of Kaiba Company, a game called Duel Link has become popular among players.

And the virtual world is not limited to the entertainment field. Haima Company also applies it to various fields such as education, medical care, and architectural design.

Students can learn interactively through virtual classrooms, doctors can perform surgical simulations in a virtual environment, and architects can quickly design and modify architectural plans through virtual modeling technology.

And this is only a small part of what happened in one year. The changes brought about by the new era are huge, and one or two sentences cannot explain the ins and outs of these things.

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Director, Director, strange energy fluctuations have been detected again in the Cairo area. Judging from previous experience, those monsters should have appeared!!

Agent Coulson hurried into Nick Fury's office, his face solemn and determined, panting slightly, and a slight trace of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Agent Coulson was seen holding an urgent intelligence document in his hand, and he hurriedly handed Nick the intelligence document in his hand.

This report records the details of the energy fluctuations that just appeared, as well as clues related to the newly emerged duel monsters.

And this is not the first report about Duel Monsters discovered and compiled by SHIELD. The same incident has happened many times before.

Since the Blood Night incident, the world seems to be changing every day, and these strange monsters are new and strange things.


Midtown High School!

Today we will welcome a new foreign classmate - Muto Yugi!

A starfish-headed boy with an unconventional and unconventional style of country style, he was wearing a school uniform and slowly walked towards the classroom.

Although his style looks strange and unique, this non-mainstream style is somehow not annoying.

The starfish-headed boy was seen holding the inverted triangular building block-shaped golden pyramid hanging on his chest tightly, with an expression on his face that seemed a little uneasy.

The other me, I'm in! Wish me luck!

Muto Yugi seemed to be cheering for himself. After he finished speaking, he walked into the classroom.

Standing in the center of the classroom, Muto Yugi looked at the teacher and began to prepare nervously and excitedly to introduce himself.

Muto Yugi adjusted his tie slightly, and then began to introduce himself to the classmates below.

The students in the classroom sat quietly in their seats, watching him with curious and expectant eyes, and Peter Parker was also in the back row of the classroom, looking at this new classmate.

Hello everyone, I am Muto Yugi from the island country. I am very happy to come to Zhongzhong High School to study with you.

I am a game enthusiast who loves dueling. I hope to make more like-minded friends here and enjoy the fun of dueling with everyone!

Muto Yugi took a deep breath and began to introduce himself. Although his voice was slightly trembling, his words were clearer than before.

Bah bang bang!!

The classmates gradually showed friendly smiles, and everyone applauded, encouraging him to continue introducing himself.

I like to express myself through the virtual game Duel Link. I also believe that everyone can discover their potential and achieve success. My dream is to become best friends with everyone.

Seeing that no one was laughing at his hobbies, Muto Yugi continued to talk about his hobbies and dreams. His words revealed his love for dueling and his confidence in looking forward to the future.

With the end of the self-introduction, Muto Yugi felt a friendly and warm atmosphere in the classroom, because the classmates were applauding to welcome him to join.

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