American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 281 Blood River and Steel Sky (18) Earth Special

Chapter 281 Blood River and Iron Sky (18) The reason why the earth is special, the dust has settled

Kama Taj, in a Zen room with a simple painting style, the Supreme Master Ancient One is meditating inside.

It's really difficult~~~

Ever since he intercepted the Star Destroyer Cannon attack, the Supreme Mage Ancient One had been sitting here meditating, and it was only now that he said an inexplicable word.

I saw Gu Yi suddenly open his eyes, his gleaming eyes filled with confusion and bitterness.

The Eternal God just summoned Ancient One and gave her a difficult task: let her find a guy who has disappeared, and then go and bring back another god - Atum! !

Putting aside the guy named Akkado for the moment, the origin of Atum is closely related to the earth! !

Earth, a very magical planet! !

It can be said that in the many stories of Marvel comics, Earth-616 always plays a crucial role.

Some accounts even point out that it is actually the heart of eternity and the axis of the multiverse, and that the earth in other parallel universes is also the center point and core of Marvel stories.

First, Earth plays a central role in the Marvel Universe as the center of a multiverse.

The Earth is the birthplace of many superheroes, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Avengers, etc., who protect the world from threats on Earth.

The Earth has also become the target of many super villains because there are many important technologies, resources and superpowers on the Earth.

Secondly, the earth is the cradle of human civilization. The Earth in the Marvel Universe has a very long history, and humans have existed on the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years.

Many important historical events have occurred on Earth, including various supernatural phenomena, the arrival of alien races, and the existence of mythical creatures.

This makes the Earth a unique and diverse center of the universe.

In addition, the Earth has been given some special items and powers, such as Earth Stones (Infinity Stones).

The Earth Stone represents a fundamental force in the universe and its power is unparalleled.

Some places on the earth have become important gathering places for earth stones, which deepens the importance and specialness of the earth in the universe.

In the Marvel Universe, there is another important reason why Earth is regarded as the embodiment of the eternal heart, that is, Earth is the only planet with original power.

The Primeval Power is a special type of energy in the Marvel Universe that is considered one of the creative forces and sources of the universe.

This power gives the planet and the creatures on it unique energies and properties.

On Earth, this primordial force manifests itself in the presence of Gaea, Mother Earth, a mysterious divine being who is believed to embody the life force and power of the Earth.

Gaia injects most of the life and nature of the earth, giving the earth unique ecosystems and life forms.

This power not only affects the natural world on Earth, but also gives superheroes and superpowers special abilities.

It provides stable environmental conditions and abundant resources where organisms can thrive and exhibit a variety of unique characteristics and abilities.

This also makes it possible that soon after the earth was created, the planet had a rich and fertile biosphere, churning with the potential for life.

This biosphere is filled with power and life energy, until the energy itself realizes its own capabilities, thus giving rise to the Demiurge, the living essence of the Earth's biosphere.

Gaia aligned the developing planet with the celestial axis as the Creator moved across Earth's dramatically changing surface.

Then, in a burst of fertility, Gaia seeded the Earth with the spark of her own life essence, giving birth to the first ethereal beings known as the Old Gods.

When most of the brethren began to degenerate into demons and turn against each other, the primordial earth mother known as Gaia called upon the Creator and gave birth to Atum, the first of a new generation of gods.

Atum slaughtered legions of demonic gods, absorbing their corrupted forms and energies until he transformed into the monstrous God-Eater Demogorge.

After completing his mission, Demogorge flew into the sky, purified the demonic energy from his body, and returned to Atum, becoming one with the sun.

Hundreds of millions of years later, humans, the advanced physical beings on earth, finally came into being, looking at the miracles in the world with awe and mystery.

And when the new consciousness of mankind enters the energy sown in heaven by Atum, a new generation of gods is created from people's imagination.

Thus, many Earth pantheons were born, different series of gods were born.

Greek gods, Nordic gods, Eastern heavenly gods, heavenly gods, Indian Brahma gods...

These gods are gods of different divinities, given essence by the Creator and given form by the unconscious thoughts of human beings.

The Immortal God Atum~~~

Now, the Eternal God, who is also the creator god, seems to have guessed what the goddess of death may do next, and knows that the goddess of death, the creator god, is going to make trouble in the Marvel universe again.

Therefore, Eternity, the creation god, gave an order to Gu Yi, a high-level wage earner, to find Akado, the guy who had fled, and also asked Gu Yi to bring back the big troublesome Atum.

It seems that I can't retire for the time being~~~

I could only hear the Supreme Mage Gu Yi lamenting, and the bitter taste in it was really intriguing! !

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In New York City, eight hours have passed since the Blood Night incident, and everything has settled.

The HSD District and the White House were finally rescued. After the Millennium Organization mysteriously disappeared, they immediately withdrew their troops.

And this also gave SHIELD and other superheroes the opportunity to rescue the leader. Nick Fury was still worried that the Avengers could not be established, but now he no longer has to worry about anything.

As soon as the Blood Night incident occurred, the commander-in-chief, who had managed to survive, immediately approved the Avengers' plan for the sake of his own safety.

In New York City, only the faint light of the morning sun shines on large areas of flattened ruins, and the remains of destroyed buildings and broken streets are scattered everywhere.

Once bustling streets are now deserted, now left behind by debris and waste, and the facades of high-rise buildings have collapsed.

Only broken walls and ruins remained, with glass windows shattered and falling to the ground.

There were no more cars, pedestrians, or bustling crowds, just dead silence and an air filled with the smell of death.

Smoke and dust drifted on the streets, and the sunlight could not penetrate the thick smoke, dust and clouds, leaving only painful wailing sounds.

Iconic landmarks in New York City, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, were also completely destroyed.

The head of the Statue of Liberty fell to the ground, and the spire of the Empire State Building was destroyed, as if it was torn from the head by a huge force.

Occasionally, some residual signs of life can be seen in the ruins, struggling feebly.

Water, I want water...

There are still some survivors among the tens of millions of people. They are struggling to find food and clean water in the ruins and try to survive.

A scene from hell! !

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