American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 278 Blood River and Iron Sky (15) "Universe

Chapter 278 Blood River and Iron Sky (15) Space Police Captain Marvel, Battleship Star Destroyer Cannon


In space, a blazing stream of light suddenly appeared, and a female warrior exuding a strong aura and surrounded by golden light quickly flew from space into the space battleship group organized by Millennium in the atmosphere. .

This female superhero wears a blue-based close-fitting combat uniform with red accents on her wrists and shoulders, and a golden eight-pointed star pattern on her chest.

She's back, and now the earth can be saved!!

And after Nick Fury recognized the dazzling golden woman's outfit on the big screen, combined with what Nick Fury just said, think about it carefully.

Then the identity of the visitor is naturally very obvious! !

The female superhero wearing a special combat uniform is none other than Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, the galactic Guanyin Bodhisattva who is known as the cosmic policeman and is a compassionate and compassionate rescuer.

You must know that since the 1990s, after getting rid of the control of the Supreme Intelligence, regaining memories, and destroying the Kree's conspiracy to persecute the Skrulls.

Carol Danvers left the earth and became the defender of the cosmic order, dedicated to protecting the earth and the entire universe from evil forces.

Captain Marvel has always traveled between planets and witnessed the existence of different civilizations.

Captain Marvel flies over star-studded planets, some of which are rich and prosperous worlds, while others are desolate ruins.

When communicating with residents of different civilizations, Captain Marvel learns their wisdom and culture and contributes to the peace and cooperation of the universe.

At the edge of the universe, she encounters some alien creatures and mysterious beings. Some are friendly and work with her to pursue justice and balance; some are evil and try to threaten the tranquility of the universe.

She helps vulnerable groups in the galaxy who need her, bravely faces challenges, protects innocent lives, and engages in fierce battles with those forces that threaten the universe.

Presumably, this cosmic policeman who wanders around the universe to fight against evil must have suddenly received a distress signal from Nick Fury during his patrol and rushed over.

Judging from the time it took for Captain Marvel to arrive here, he must have traveled a long way in a hurry.

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Captain Marvel herself can be said to be a female hero with outstanding talent and strong will in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Captain Marvel was once an ordinary Earthling named Carol Danvers, but after coming into contact with a powerful cosmic energy source, she became one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel Universe. one.

This cosmic energy source changed Carol's physical structure, giving her almost unlimited power.

Giving her the ability to fly at high speeds, survive in space, and release destructive energy.

Moreover, Captain Marvel's abilities are many and complex, and are not limited to these superficial basic abilities.

Captain Marvel possesses a form that integrates and controls cosmic-level electromagnetic spectrum and gravitational domain energy. This form, called the binary star form, contains super strength, faster-than-light flight, super endurance, photon energy impact and other abilities.

Whether in comics or movies, this is the ability that can only be obtained by turning on the binary star form. The binary star form is Captain Marvel's most powerful form.

After Captain Marvel in the comics turns on the binary star form, her casual blow can even reach the point of exploding stars.

However, the price to pay for replacing it is mediocre physical fitness under normal conditions, and this is the shortcoming of the double star form in the comics, sacrificing physical fitness and defense in exchange for powerful attack power.

After Captain Marvel turns on the binary star form in the movie, although it is not as scary as the binary star form in the comics, it can still physically crash the space battleship.

In Avengers 4, Captain Marvel crashed into Thanos' spaceship just as he came to the rescue.

Moreover, the physical fitness of Captain Marvel in the movie is much stronger than in the comics.

In the state of fused energy, Captain Marvel, in addition to controlling photon energy, is basically similar to the Hulk and DC's normal Superman next door. His power should even be much stronger than the Hulk in ordinary form.

The combat characteristics of this type of superhero can be briefly summarized. Generally, they rely on their own physical fitness to directly crush various enemies in fights.

Although it is a very rogue, violent and direct style of fighting, it is not a shameful thing to rely on absolute power to defeat the enemy.

Interesting, it seems that the bastard director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually willing to use his precious pager. Even Captain Marvel was called back by him. It seems that I should really admire him...

The major looked carefully at the radiant and confident woman on the big screen, and couldn't help but nodded in recognition. The other person's speed was very fast, and could even be said to exceed the speed of light.

This kind of person who runs out to maintain the peace of the world for no reason without solving the turmoil on the earth in his own family is really stupid and a bit pitiful~~~

The Major mocked Captain Marvel in a chant-like tone, because this behavior of incarnating as a space policeman and spreading justice everywhere is not behavior that the Major approves of at all.

Captain Marvel himself is already very comfortable with the use of cosmic energy. The moment the opponent appeared, the sensors of the Ragnarok sensed stellar-level energy fluctuations.

Sure enough, the next second, Captain Marvel gave a big surprise to the space battleships in the atmosphere of Millennium.

Captain Marvel's hands were seen hanging relaxedly on both sides of his body, and the spaceships and battleships around him flashed by at an alarming speed, colliding with a beautiful and dazzling light. She passed through the battleship's attacks with ease, and the landscape around her changed around her.

In the vast atmosphere above New York City, hundreds of space battleships gather together to form a massive enemy fleet.

The space battleship group is large and majestic, equipped with advanced weapons and shields, and is preparing to launch a devastating attack on the earth.

Suddenly, a bright light streaked across the dark sky, leaving behind her traces of shining energy, and a fiery red light ignited in the atmosphere.

Captain Marvel fell from the sky at an astonishing speed. She was wearing a shiny red and blue suit, with a relaxed and comfortable expression, as if this was not a war at all.


The enemy ships are densely packed, and some of them are trying to block Captain Marvel's attack.

Captain Marvel showed no sign of weakness, she quickly shuttled between the enemies, and when Captain Marvel got close to the enemy, she unfolded her super powers.

She was seen using her arms to charge energy and release a powerful energy beam, directly smashing a space battleship into pieces, using her extraordinary speed and strength to quickly destroy one enemy ship after another.

This energy beam is destructive and penetrating, completely destroying the shields of enemy ships.

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

The enemy ship's shields collapsed under her attack, and explosive flames bloomed in the sky, creating a spectacular sight.

As the battle continues, Captain Marvel nimbly flies through space, targeting each enemy ship with his energy beam.

Her outstanding skills and super strength allow her to easily dodge the attacks of enemy ships and approach the enemy with unparalleled speed.

In a series of explosions, Captain Marvel destroys enemy ships, her energy beams piercing the metal hulls of enemy ships and tearing them to pieces. Her actions were swift and precise, leaving her enemies no chance.

Bang bang bang!!

With a loud bang, Captain Marvel broke out of the core area and the battleship began to disintegrate.

Explosive waves spread through the atmosphere, scattering the wreckage of enemy ships.

Captain Marvel flew back to the ground unscathed, and the light of victory filled the entire earth.

Captain Marvel also wants to find Nick Fury to quickly understand the situation and figure out what is going on.

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All weapon systems are activated, activated, and this~~

In space, many space battleships of the Millennium Organization moved together to face the blue planet not far away, with all weapon systems turned on.

The large mothership in the center of the spaceship group is the most conspicuous. It is another Ragnarok built by the Millennium Organization, and it is also one of the few three Ragnarok ships.

The High Fort V-type missiles are all ready to be dropped on New York City, three, two, one, launch!!

The battleship commander in the space battleship looked at the group of space battleships reduced to fragments in the atmosphere, smiled coldly and then looked at the blue earth and said.

After the battleship commander's voice fell, the Millennium Space Battleship's magazine slowly opened, and dozens of super missiles were launched from it one after another, hitting the earth directly.

And at the critical moment when these super missiles broke through the clouds and were about to come to the earth, a golden light rushed towards the super missiles from bottom to top.


I saw Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, holding the missile with both hands, shouting and pushing hard, and pushed it up again.


The missile that was pushed back instantly detonated the missile behind it. Under the mutual influence, dozens of shells exploded at high altitude, without posing any threat to the earth.

How is this possible? The Earth's defense system is obviously very backward and it is impossible to intercept our missile attack.

The battleship commander looked at the fire of the missile explosion below in the spacecraft and said with a surprised look on his face.

Your Majesty Commander, that is not a defense system.

The deputy of the battleship commander showed a figure on the screen, and then explained that it was Carol who was rushing into space in a suit.

Knock her down.

Of course the battleship commander didn't know Captain Marvel's situation, but he didn't take her seriously at all.

You must know that the current Millennium Organization is in space, but it has an entire fleet. How can it still not defeat a mere Earth superhero?

A space battleship VS an earth superhero! !

Anyway, the advantage is mine! !

The battleship commander gave an order, and several fighter planes flew out from the main ship and headed straight for Carroll, who had already rushed into space.


Carol yelled, and then without evading at all, he directly faced the attack of the fighter plane and hit it.

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions sounded, and a full squadron of fighter jets was wiped out. Then Captain Marvel directly rammed into the surrounding space battleships.


As a series of firelights lit up, the space battleships were all reduced to space junk in the commander's incredulous eyes.

Only a golden red stream of light was left and rushed out for a very long distance, with little traces still remaining in space.

Now there is only one Ragnarok left. The battleship commander and his deputy looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

At this moment, Captain Marvel was suspended in front of the battleship commander's battleship, his hands glowing, and he slammed into the Twilight of the Gods hard.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of bang, and a phantom of a space battleship like a big scimitar emerged from the surface of the Twilight of the Gods, blocking Captain Marvel's attack at the critical moment.


At this moment, the space battleship appearing in front of Captain Marvel is none other than the [Interstellar Wizard - Dark Scimitar]! !

The Ragnarok requested a Star Destroyer cannon attack.

The request passes!

Inside the Twilight of the Gods, after temporarily blocking Captain Marvel's attack, the major's reply came through the screen!

Didi beep beep!!


In an instant, the atmosphere on the battleship became tense, and an emergency siren sounded throughout every corner of the battleship.

The crew hurriedly rushed to their respective posts, and preparations for battle began quickly.

The core area of ​​the battleship began to flash with a dazzling red light, which was the preparation signal of the Star Destroyer Cannon.

The huge and powerful Star Destroyer Cannon is hidden deep in the battleship. It is the battleship's deadliest weapon, capable of destroying a planet.

The commander on the bridge gave the order calmly, and endless light shone in a special room, where the cards of [Interstellar Wizard - Dark Scimitar] were stored.

[Interstellar Wizard - Dark Scimitar] is the energy source of the Ragnarok Star Destroyer Cannon, and is also the power provider of the Ragnarok energy shield.

At this moment in the [Interstellar Wizard - Dark Scimitar], he is gathering the energy of the battleship and his own elf power, and continuously directing it to the Star Destroyer Cannon.

Target locked, character: Earth's superhero Captain Marvel and the entire Earth!!

In the command room, space images around the battleship appeared on various displays, showing precise target locking.


As the order was conveyed, the battleship began to reveal its huge Star Destroyer Cannon.

The Star Destroyer Cannon is composed of a huge energy device, and it also flashes with strong energy fluctuations.

I saw the base of the Star Destroyer Cannon rotating and aiming at the target in front of the battleship. A huge dark barrel protruded from the bottom of the spacecraft.

The Star Destroyer Cannon carried on the Twilight of the Gods was activated. The dark Star Destroyer Cannon carried a hint of destruction, as if it could destroy the blue planet in front of it.

The commander in the bridge issued a key command, and the Star Destroyer Cannon was activated, charging up and preparing to attack the target.

The energy of the entire Twilight of the Gods battleship was instantly redirected and concentrated towards the energy device of the Star Destroyer Cannon.

In an instant, the energy of the Star Destroyer Cannon reached its limit, and the surrounding air seemed to begin to twist under its pressure.

The commander of the battleship looked solemn. He knew that once the Star Destroyer Cannon was fired, it would trigger a devastating explosion and cause an unparalleled blow to the earth.

The commander's voice sounded, and the final order was given.


The Ragnarok began to tremble, the Star Destroyer Cannon roared and stretched forward, and a huge beam spurted out from the center of the battleship.

The energy of the huge beam tore apart space and spread out into a huge ball of light.

The ball of light quickly flew towards the target, like a son of death! !

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