American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 234 The rebellious girl, Gwen on the verge of death

When people are in a luxuriant and cheerful environment, they may be influenced by the outside world and begin to indulge in unrestrained entertainment and enjoyment.

The environment and social circle have a great influence on people's behavior and attitudes. When they are in an environment full of carnival atmosphere, people are often affected by the actions and words of the people around them, creating a following mentality.

This environment often emphasizes material wealth and short-term happiness, immersing people in an atmosphere of carefreeness and indulgence.

In a free and open environment like the United States, campus love, nightclubs and disco dancing have long been commonplace. Campus violence and leaf-sucking are the more fashionable new versions.

However, for Gwen, a three good student who excels in studies and does not drink or dance, because she has a strict tutor and guidance from her father who is the police chief, the influence of family education on Gwen is particularly important.

The most important thing is that personal choices and behaviors are driven by inner wishes and values. The sources of this drive include the cultivation of values, responsibility and self-discipline.

But due to the impact and temptation of the environment, she will also have a certain degree of rebellion and the tendency to chase fashionable and entertainment-filled trends.

Today I went to the nightclub with my good friend Sissi to experience new and unknown things because of her desire for novelty and excitement, as well as her desire to get rid of the constraints of her father and explore her own identity.

And this does not mean that she does not value the value of family education, but under certain circumstances, she may be more immersed in an atmosphere of joy and relaxation.

However, everyone's response and choice to the environment are different, and everyone is an independent individual.

Even in a chaotic environment, there are still people who can remain sober and rational and not be swayed by external temptations.

But this does not include the current Gwen Stacy and her good friend Sissy. The two young girls are immersed in the atmosphere of nightlife in this underground bar full of charm and mystery.

Rebellion is tonight!

Music and lights intertwine to create an enchanting atmosphere.

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Gwen, don't you really want to go up and have a dance?

I'd better forget it. Sissy, you go play first. I'll come up later.

Gwen Stacy smiled and rejected her friend's invitation, indicating that she should go dance alone without worrying about herself.

Soon, Sissi was dancing passionately on the dance floor, swaying to the rhythm of the dance music. Her perfect body curves and navel-baring outfit fully exuded her sexiness.

It immediately attracted the attention of many men and created a stage that was completely of its own.

Gwen was sitting alone at the bar, carefully tasting the cocktail in her hand. Faced with this situation for the first time, she still couldn't let go.

But there was a unique desire that could be seen in Gwen's eyes, which shone with excitement and curiosity.

I saw Gwen purse her lips, savoring the taste of each drink, and realizing the deep taste hidden in this drink that she had never tasted before.

As the night progressed, the people in the bar became more enthusiastic.

The rhythm of the dance music continues to accelerate, and people on the dance floor dance enthusiastically and release their passion, as if time has frozen in this happy moment.

Beautiful lady, may I get to know you? May I invite you to dance?

Gwen Stacy was sitting next to the bar, sipping a glass of martini. Suddenly, a handsome man in a suit stood in front of her, covering Gwen's sight, and also took the initiative to greet her. She asked to dance.

Sir, I can't dance...

Gwen felt a little embarrassed, a little uncomfortable with the stranger's invitation to dance, so she refused.

It doesn't matter, I can teach you, just follow my rhythm.

A gentle and elegant smile appeared on the man's face, and he showed a very gentlemanly attitude that he could take the initiative to study with Gwen.

Ah, okay...

Finally, Gwen was invited to dance. Unable to resist the invitation, she joined the dance floor. The handsome man in a suit came face to face with her, and the two of them danced hot and rhythmic steps.

Although Gwen was a little uncomfortable at first, the girl was gradually swept away by the craze on the dance floor, twisting her body to the music and showing off her youthful vitality.

So, soon under the dim light of the underground bar, the two young girls showed green smiles and enjoyed the atmosphere of music and laughter.

But the two young girls didn't know that they were about to face a terrible threat.

The dance floor is buzzing!

My dear, you have a unique smell!

Suddenly, a dancing beauty approached her partner. Her eyes were hot, and a red light flashed through her eyes, filled with greed and the desire to pursue blood.

This beauty is a vampire!


I think so too!

The person being held close to the body was a young boy who looked like a college student. Faced with this sudden beauty, his mind suddenly became confused and his body was honest and unable to resist the temptation.

Well, I really like you more and more!

Um, really...ah!!

A shrill scream broke the intense dance music, and the boy was seen being bitten on the neck by his dance partner. His fangs were deeply pierced into his aorta, and he was constantly sucking blood.


That's a vampire!!!

The other ordinary people in the bar reacted immediately and fled in all directions, screaming.


In the instant commotion of the crowd, Gwen saw with her own eyes that her friend's dance partner suddenly transformed into a hungry and thirsty wolf, quickly stretched out its gleaming fangs, and then suddenly attacked her friend's neck.


The young girl let out a shrill scream. She felt her life force being slowly and mercilessly devoured by the vampire. Her surroundings began to blur, her consciousness gradually became blurred, and she was on the verge of death.

At the same time, Gwen's eyes flashed with fear, because she saw that her originally gentle dance partner also had red eyes, and knew that she might also face the same fate.

Ah, go to hell!!


So, Gwen rushed to the vampire desperately, trying to resist fear and despair. She picked up a wine bottle at hand and hit the vampire hard.

Although the current Gwen Stacy is not Spider-Woman, and she does not have superhuman strength, her courage can drive her to keep fighting.



Gwen's voice was as thin as a gossamer, and she felt helpless as she watched her friend being sucked blood.

Because now Gwen himself is also a mud Buddha crossing the river - he cannot save himself! !

The man in the suit was like a gourmet eating elegantly, leaning on Gwen's neck and sucking her blood.

The future Spider-Woman Gwen Stacy is on the verge of death and her life is at risk!

Danger! !

The next plot will be written around Accardo and Major Touzan. The teaching saint Alexia has already appeared, and Father Anderson is also online. If you want to see how the plot develops, you can give me your opinions.

If you have any new thoughts and ideas, please share them in the comment area. I will accept them with an open mind. I hope you can support me.

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