American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 226 The Bishop Arrives with Amen, from Maxwell

Chapter 226 The arrival of the bishop and Amen, the ultimate humiliation from Maxwell

Are the beliefs of old Christians and Protestants in conflict?!

On the busy street, traffic was flowing continuously. Nick Fury was looking up at the majestic church in front of him. His only eye was staring at the church in a trance, and he was muttering to himself.

The cars nearby are constantly crossing the road, and the sound of horns, brakes and engines interweaves into a unique traffic music.

In the traffic flow, taxis, private cars, buses and bicycles passed quickly, and people hurried to their destinations.

People with different languages ​​​​talk and communicate on the streets. Many of them come here just to enter St. Patrick's Cathedral to attend services, and then continue to pray devoutly day after day.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral is one of the most famous Catholic churches in New York City. It is located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 50th Street in Manhattan. It is also the cathedral of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York.

St. Patrick's Cathedral was built between 1879 and 1888. It is a Gothic building with a magnificent spire and ornate interior decoration. The facade of the church is made of white marble, and the interior has beautiful stained glass windows, sculptures and paintings. .

The main features of the church's interior include towering vaults, a gorgeous main altar, a huge organ, and various religious artworks. The church holds multiple masses every day, attracting believers and tourists from all over the world to visit and participate in worship.

St. Patrick's Cathedral is an iconic building in New York City and an important tourist attraction.

This church has a more important role than being a tourist attraction, that is, it serves as the cathedral of the Archdiocese of New York City and as a designated guest house for receiving envoys from the Vatican.

Today, Sunday, St. Patrick's Cathedral has unusually closed all tourist attractions open to the public.

Today, no one except devout Catholics and church staff are allowed to enter St. Patrick's Cathedral.

And the reason for all this is because today we are going to welcome the bishop from the Vatican, welcome Bishop Enrico Maxwell from the Thirteenth Section of Betrayer, and listen to the demon hunting order personally signed by His Majesty the Pope.

Old Christianity and Protestantism are the two main branches of Christianity.

Their differences lie primarily in doctrine, church structure, and religious practice.

The Old Church (also known as Catholicism) firmly believes in the authority of the Pope, accepts the doctrinal interpretation of the Holy See, and emphasizes the authority and continuity of traditional teachings. Old Christianity had a complex liturgy and teachings, including seven sacraments (such as baptism, communion, etc.).

At the same time, the Old Church respected the importance of sacred tradition and church tradition, such as the authority of biblical interpretation and the tradition of revelation.

Protestantism is the result of the religious reform movement initiated by reformers such as Martin Luther in the 16th century.

Protestantism emphasizes the direct relationship between the individual and God, the personal experience of faith, and the personal interpretation of the Bible.

It rejected the authority of the Pope and emphasized the independence and universality of the Bible as the authority of faith.

Protestant worship and teaching are generally more minimalist and focus more on preaching and hymns.

The Old Church had a worldwide church system centered on the Pope and divided into many parishes, churches, monasteries, etc.

Protestantism does not have a centralized church system. Each denomination and church has a certain degree of autonomy and independence.

Old Christianity focused on rituals, the Eucharist, and the worship of icons, and emphasized traditional religious practices and monastic life.

Protestantism attaches great importance to personal religious experience and thinking, personal faith and personal spiritual life. It tends to participate more directly in Bible reading, prayer and preaching.

These differences between the two sects doomed the old and new believers to be unable to coexist harmoniously, because from their standpoint, no matter how they forgive each other's disobedience, the pagans will always be unrecognizable traitors.

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After Nick Fury passed the obstruction of the staff of the Archdiocese of New York City, he strode into the church door. As soon as he entered St. Patrick's Cathedral, an atmosphere of tranquility and solemnity hit him.

A huge and exquisite chandelier hangs from the tall vault, emitting a soft light, illuminating the entire auditorium, and the faint aroma of incense makes people feel calm.

In the center of the auditorium, a gorgeous altar stood, with Bibles decorated with flowers and sacred vessels used by clergy enshrined on the altar.

Unless these sacred vessels are held on special religious festivals, such as Good Friday, these precious sacred vessels will generally be kept properly.

Behind the altar, a gorgeously decorated cross hangs conspicuously, symbolizing the believers calling for faith in Christ.

Neatly arranged benches stretch along both sides of the passage, waiting for the arrival of believers. When the service began, the melodious sound of the church organ sounded, like the singing of angels, penetrating the entire auditorium.

Devout believers from the old religion in New York City gathered together. They sang loud hymns, full of piety and joy.

The ceremony officially began, and the church clergy marched in front of the altar, dressed in solemn attire, to preside over the ceremony.

When the clergy read the scriptures, explained the Bible, recited prayers, and guided the believers to communicate with God, the devout believers below listened quietly, with focused minds and pious expressions on their faces, as if they were establishing a relationship with God. connect.

As the ceremony progressed, the church was filled with the prayers and pious chanting of believers. People chant silently in a low voice to express their piety and prayers to God. Some people close their eyes and feel deeply connected to God.

The colorful patterns on the glass windows cast brilliant light and shadow, instantly isolating believers from the world and leading them into a space to meet God.

Believers find a quiet corner in the church, close their eyes, kneel down or clasp their hands. They isolate their thoughts from the noise of the outside world and establish a sincere dialogue with God.

In the quiet church, there is only the light of weak candles, the silence that everyone knows and the deep piety.

Believers blend in silently, facing God alone. They stare at the icon or cross on the altar with their hearts and eyes, seeking guidance and comfort for their inner thoughts. Take out your Bible or prayer book, read scriptures or prayers silently, and find a deeper spiritual experience.

The lips of the believers moved silently, and they silently recited the prayer words in their hearts. Express your confusion, sorrow, and regret to God and seek His wisdom, strength, and protection. They expressed their gratitude to God devoutly and praised God for His grace and blessings.

And at this solemn moment, the church organ once again emitted loud notes, and the singing of the aria or choir echoed in every corner of the church for a long time. The high-pitched melody and harmonious harmonies were intertwined, as if a group of angels were singing. Heaven chants.

Suddenly, a young man in a bishop's uniform walked up to the altar. This male bishop was tall and straight, with broad shoulders, and his upright posture gave off an aura of nobility.

The man's hair was silver-white, shimmering like silver threads.

His neat and delicate silver hair exudes a touch of aristocratic style. A bunch of braids extend from the back of his head to his shoulders, like a smart snake pattern.

The deep eyes seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts, and the slender eyebrows are gently curved like a paintbrush.

He looked solemn and dignified, and wore a gorgeous bishop's robe, which was embroidered with exquisite patterns and gold borders. The colors of the robe are rich and bright, and a necklace decorated with a cross hangs on his snow-white neck, shining brightly.

This person is none other than Bishop Maxwell from the Thirteenth Section of Vatican Betrayers! !

When the devout believers saw the man's arrival, they immediately stood up from the benches and saluted in the direction of Bishop Maxwell's altar.

The Lord is my Shepherd; I will never want. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters. He revives my soul and guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Sing a new song to you, for He has done wonderful things; His right hand and holy arm work salvation.

Shout to the Lord and rejoice, all the earth. Come and sing to Him, sing praises and praise His name.

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and whosoever is in me, bless his holy name.


The man's not loud voice appeared in the church, but it miraculously covered up the huge musical sound of the pipe organ.

As his chant-like poetry recitation appeared, the sincere words were integrated into the beautiful melody, and the words of the hymn flowed in the ears of believers like flowing water.

The verses in the song exude messages of wisdom, hope and love, inspiring believers to praise and be grateful to God.

The conductor saw that Bishop Maxwell was also participating, so he stood on the stage and waved his baton harder to guide the singing. It seems that he wants to use his passion and talent to make the music more vivid and powerful.

The believers followed the conductor's movements, sang together, and devoted themselves to creating a unique and harmonious sound symphony.

Chanting in the church narrows the distance between faith and soul. Everyone works together for the same goal, and their voices converge into a beautiful harmony in the church.

The light of faith revealed in the eyes of the fanatical believers is a dazzling light that no one can cover up!

The fanatical believers either sang in unison or whispered softly when chanting. Every note was full of piety and power. The church was filled with an atmosphere of awe and joy, just because their souls were cleansed and nourished. The soul is healed and comforted.

When the ceremony was about to end, the people in the church, whether they were fanatical believers, clergy, or even the noble bishop standing on the altar, all of them shouted piously:

Amen! Amen!!

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Worries, doubts, fears...

Nick Fury, who had watched the entire ceremony, felt all kinds of negative emotions constantly appearing in his mind at this moment.

For no other reason than because these fanatical believers were surprised by their faith and frightened by the Holy See’s heritage in the Diocese of New York City.

But fortunately, I brought it this time...

Nick Fury calmed down his emotions and prepared himself to the best of his ability. At this time, there were no believers here. The others were all clergy of the diocese.

Nick Fury took the initiative to walk to the altar of the church in order to communicate with Bishop Maxwell, who was about to issue a demon hunting order.

That's right, SHIELD has not given up on communicating with the Betrayer Section 13! !

Bishop Maxwell, welcome to the United States of America, I am Nick, Director of SHIELD...

Discourteous person!!! Heretic!!! You, don't come any closer!!

Before Nick Fury's smiling self-introduction was over, a loud roar of hatred interrupted his friendly greetings.

I saw Bishop Maxwell standing opposite Nick Fury with eyes wide open and a look of disgust. At this moment, he seemed to have seen something extremely dirty and filthy. The gentle and noble smile on his face had long since disappeared. Don't know where it was thrown.

Bishop Maxwell looked at Nick Fury with a look of disgust. His eyes were full of disgust, as if Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. he had never met, was his father-killing enemy.

Bishop Maxwell, the main purpose of my coming here today is to have a good communication with you traitor Section 13.

You must know that your actions on our American soil this time have caused a lot of trouble for our SHIELD. If the vampires go crazy, the people will be harmed...

Nick Fury forced down the anger in his heart and wanted to try to argue with the other party again and strive for more communication opportunities.

so what?


The expression on Nick Fury's face froze, and he asked incredulously.

Be a little polite to you, and you'll get in trouble. You Protestant heretics!! No matter how many people die, I won't care!!!

I don't care if two of you Protestant heretics die or if 200 million people die. I won't talk to you despicable people without an order from His Majesty the Pope himself.

You just have to shut up and listen to me, you Protestant male dog!

No, you are a lowly guy. You are not even a male dog of the Protestants. You are just a farm tool crawling in the cotton field. How dare you show your teeth and resist your master!!!

If you obediently listen to the instructions from His Majesty the Pope, maybe I can mercifully reward you with two pieces of watermelon and fried chicken at the end of your work, so that you can have a good rest in your free time. a while!!

Otherwise, I will have to smash your dog's head myself to let you heretics know what God's punishment is!!

A storm of extremely humiliating words was thrown at Nick Fury, just like the explosion of a plane bombing, it suddenly appeared in Nick Fury's ears.

For a moment, Nick Fury didn't react! !

The next plot will be written around Accardo and Major Touzan. The teaching saint Alexia has already appeared, and Father Anderson is also online. If you want to see how the plot develops, you can give me your opinions.

If you have any new thoughts and ideas, please share them in the comment area. I will accept them with an open mind. I hope you can support me.

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