American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 223 The sweaty Nick Fury, what is the "betrayer"

Chapter 223 The sweaty Nick Fury, what is the Thirteenth Section of Betrayer

An hour ago, in the office of the Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury was enjoying his coffee, which he would rely on to survive the night.

Tonight, Nick Fury will work overtime here to speed up the time to solve the hidden dangers left by the previous incident.

As night falls slowly, there are only a few people left in the Trident Building office of SHIELD.


Damn documents, why are there so many!!

Nick Fury looked at the piles of documents on the table. He couldn't help but feel a sense of stress and fatigue, and he couldn't help but curse.

Various recent events have unintentionally brought many unnecessary troubles to SHIELD and the Nick Fury plan.

If it weren't for the fact that these files could only be handled by himself, Nick Fury would not have chosen to work overtime to handle them himself! !

And this is also done to ensure that his Avengers plan can proceed smoothly.



The messy documents were piled high and piled up in front of him. Nick Fury patiently sorted them out and flipped through them one by one to ensure that he would not miss any important information.

The words and numbers in the document were intertwined in front of his eyes, but Nick Fury still tried to stay focused and recorded every detail.

Time passed by minute by minute, and my fingers kept tapping on the keyboard, inputting the organized information into the computer.

The crisp sound of the keyboard echoed in the quiet office. Nick Fury took a sip of coffee from time to time to let the caffeine help him stay awake.

Although Nick Fury's eyes were a little tired, he still did not dare to slack off. Every document needed to be carefully reviewed to ensure that the data and information contained in it were accurate.

Along with the brilliant light on the computer monitor, Nick Fury gradually entered a state of concentration, and at this moment...

Da da da!!


Director, something serious has happened!!

I saw Agent Coulson walking in a hurry and suddenly pushing open the door of the director's office. As soon as he came in, he interrupted the rhythm of Nick Fury who was working seriously and shouted Something is wrong loudly. .

Colson, what's wrong? What happened to make you so nervous?

Nick Fury saw Agent Coulson sweating profusely, and his heart sank. He knew something bad might have happened.

Director, according to the news from the agents in Europe, the Vatican has sent people to deal with the vampire incident!!

The Pope in the Vatican issued a demon hunting order some time ago, and the traitor Judas Section 13 has sent people to the beautiful country to eliminate demons!!



Colson, are you sure you didn't get the wrong information?

Can you confirm the accuracy of this news?!

Nick Fury's expression immediately became tense upon hearing this. He stared at Agent Coulson with a surprised look on his face and repeated his questions very seriously, as if to confirm the accuracy of the information.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is a United Nations agency affiliated with the five permanent members of the Security Council, its real scope of power today is only in the Americas.

Not to mention a large eastern country in Asia and a polar bear, some countries in Europe, similar to Great Britain and some countries in Western Europe, are difficult for SHIELD to reach.

And the Holy See in the Vatican is the most mysterious country among them!

As one of the most prominent European countries, the Vatican and the Pope have always been extremely mysterious beings. Since the Middle Ages, the Vatican has had extraordinary institutions affiliated with them.

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[The Betrayer]... is not only the informal secret service agency of the Vatican, but also the only and strongest combat force possessed by the Vatican.

“Experts in exorcising demons, suppressing heretics, and eradicating heresies.”

Carrying the name of Judas, the Thirteenth Division should not exist.

Judas the Betrayer is a controversial figure in Christian history. He was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

But in the New Testament, he is described as the one who led the Jewish chief priests and Pharisees to arrest Jesus, which led to Jesus being sentenced to death.

Judas's behavior was seen as a serious act of betrayal because he had walked with Jesus and was inspired and taught by him.

In Christian tradition, Judas's actions are interpreted as betrayal and became one of the main culprits in Jesus' crucifixion.

However, some modern scholars believe that Judas' actions may have been related to political and religious reasons.

Because he probably wanted Jesus to be a strong political leader rather than a prophet who merely preached religious ideas.

Regardless, the actions of Judas have been one of the most controversial and discussed topics in Christian history.

The name of Judas has gradually become synonymous with betrayers, and this 13th Section Agency is the existence that has taken over the name of Judas, the betrayer.

They hide under the endless darkness and kill evil dark creatures. They are ascetics who hide in the darkness and serve the light.

Nick Fury recalled the information about the betrayer in his mind, and then frowned and asked Agent Coulson in front of him.

Where are the troops sent by the Vatican Holy See [the betrayer] this time?

only one person…

“The ace of the thirteen subjects—Father Alexander Anderson!!”

Father Alexander Anderson, one of the characters in the Knights of the Holy See OVA, is the ace of the thirteen betrayers of the Holy See. He mercilessly annihilates the enemies of the Holy See.

He is a regenerated person who uses technology beyond science to transform his body. He is nicknamed Decapitation Detective, Regenerator, Angel Dust and Priest Gunsword.

During the decisive battle in London, he stood up to attack Accardo. With the help of Section 13, he broke through the river of death and stood in front of Accardo.

In order to kill Accardo, Father Anderson turned himself into a monster and had his heart crushed by Accardo, and finally turned into ashes and disappeared.

Damn it, that monster turns out to be a real person. Does the Holy See want vampires to fight to the death with us in the United States?!

When Nick Fury thought about the pros and cons of this, he couldn't help but sweatdropped all over his body, and his heart became even more bitter.

Section 13 does not care about administrative power when exorcising demons. In their eyes, the countries composed of Protestants in America are not the ones they want to protect.

Father Alexander Anderson, that monster with titles including Decapitation Detective and Angel Dust, definitely makes a lot of noise when he attacks.

When the time comes, the vampires won't be able to figure out the situation and will definitely fight back against the United States.

And SHIELD can't directly conflict with the Holy See yet!

You must know that compared to those vampires who only suck blood, the power hidden behind the Vatican is actually more terrifying.

This is exactly what makes Nick Fury irritated and terrified! !

The next plot will be written around Accardo and Major Tokusan. If you have any new thoughts and ideas, please tell them in the comment area. I will accept them with an open mind. I hope everyone can support me.

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