American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 208 What is endless reincarnation? The Cassel duo and

Chapter 208 What is endless reincarnation, the Cassel duo and the Defenders Alliance

Ha ha ha ha!!

Loki stood on the Rainbow Bridge and laughed wildly, feeling like a villain who was triumphant. The huge arc of the smile at the corner of his mouth made him look very miserable, which was not in line with his elegant mage image.

However, Loki himself didn't care at all about his gaffe. If it were the previous Loki, he might have paid great attention to etiquette and the majesty of the so-called gods.

However, today's Loki does not pay attention to such insignificant things. You must know that in his memory not long ago, he experienced a death himself.

It hurts, it really hurts (`Δ)!

The wound left by the sharp sword piercing the chest seemed to have disappeared, but the pain caused by it still rippled faintly in the chest.

Loki didn't know why he had such a clear memory, as if the things in his memory really happened.

Loki once thought that if his future was just like in his memory, how should he deal with Laufei's attack? !

Although the current Laufei lost the Frost Box a thousand years ago, his current strength is not as strong as before.

However, even in this state, Laufei's strength is still not comparable to that of the current Loki.

Especially now that Laufei still possesses that weird weapon. Loki clearly remembers that after he was stabbed to death by this long sword, his body seemed to be controlled by Laufei and then made into a puppet. exist.


In Jotunheim, the thousands-mile-long glacier is collapsing step by step, and lava is pouring out from under the icy land.

Countless Frost Giants sensed the crisis between life and death and quickly ran towards the surrounding areas where they might be safe.


Screams and wails continued to resound throughout Jotunheim, portraying Jotunheim as a miserable world.

Loki, you perfidious bastard!!

Laufei held Frostmourne in his hand and tried his best to use his frost magic power to hold up the protective shield and protect the frost giant warriors beside him as much as possible.

Looking at the colorful energy beams falling from the sky, Laufei was almost furious with Loki. He did not expect that what Loki did was beyond the scope of his plan.

His own son actually violated the contract between them and shot Jotunheim with the Rainbow Bridge without mercy.


Laufei, who had been using his own strength to share the energy beam of the Rainbow Bridge, finally couldn't bear the full power output of the Rainbow Bridge.

The frost melts and the king disappears! !


A generational hero, the king of the Frost Giant clan, Laufey died in what could be called a sneak attack. In the end, only a long sword with a goat skull embedded in it fell on the melting ice.



Loki woke up again and again, and found that he was still sitting on the palace. The scene next to the Rainbow Bridge seemed to have disappeared. He had tried many times to eliminate the Frost Giants and Laufey in Jotunheim in advance.

But why is it that after his actions are always successful, he pulls his consciousness back to before the action begins?

What exactly is going on! !

Loki thought of the strange events he had encountered recently, and he had tried many times to eliminate Laufey in advance.

But the result of these actions was that Loki's own consciousness was sinking in reincarnation again and again.

If it weren't for Loki's extraordinary soul power as a mage, he might have been lost in every reincarnation of consciousness.

what on earth is it?!!

··············································· ··

How many times do you need me to say it before you understand? Everything I say is true!!

I really didn't lie to you, there are real monsters.

The monsters from the past were covered in scales and the claws on their hands were sharper than steel knives.

And not long ago, the monsters that suddenly appeared were each bigger than a small building, with hard ice hanging from their bodies, and they were as brutal as wild beasts.

Jessica was trying her best to explain to her partner.

Jessica herself was extremely excited and kept explaining the situation to her companions.

You must know that according to his many previous memories, the attacks of Deadpool and Frost Giant will definitely come again.

Although Jessica has known about this matter many times and has experienced it many times, Jessica still has to try her best to explain it clearly to her companions.

But every time Jessica's memory woke up again, the memory of her companions was wiped out again.

No matter how much Jessica asked Matt and others, they would not have those previous memories in their minds.

The constant occurrence of this situation also made Jessica feel anxious.


Hey, beauty!

Hello, could you please tell us in detail, what do those monsters with scales all over their bodies look like?!!

Suddenly, a strange male voice appeared, unexpectedly interrupting the conversation among the Defenders.

I saw a burly man with a suitcase painted with the half-decayed World Tree in his hand. He was asking Jessica questions seriously.

The person coming is none other than Fingel! !

Next to Fingel was Chu Zihang, who was wearing a black windbreaker, carrying a suitcase in his left hand and a sword slung over his right shoulder.

Constantine, who was also wearing a black trench coat like Chu Zihang, had a cigarette in his mouth and was smoking nicotine, was looking at the Defenders.

Matt, why are you in here?


The cheekpiece that Tony Stark wore on his head opened, revealing his face with deep dark circles under his eyes.

Although Tony's face looked a little confused, it wasn't much.

According to common sense, unless the Defenders came to this town before the dome appeared, there should be no way for them to get in.

Tony, are you trapped in here too?

Or have you found any way to rescue us?

Although Matt and Jessica didn't know Fingel and Chu Zihang, seeing Tony here, they couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

After all, the man standing in front of them now is Tony Stark, a billionaire and genius scientist from the United States, nicknamed Iron Man.

While the Defenders and others were excited, Tony Stark also saw Zhang Lingyu at a glance.

Mr. Zhang, are you back?

There may be some mistakes in what I have written recently. Please forgive me. If there is anything wrong, you can point it out.

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