American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 194 Meeting the Cassel duo, the Hulk joins forces with the hybrids

Chapter 194 Meeting the Cassel duo, Hulk joins forces with hybrids to fight Deadpool



Jane, did you hear the screams? Someone seemed to be screaming just now?

Thor was sitting in an off-road vehicle driving on a muddy road. He seemed to hear a faint scream in the distance. This made him turn his head in confusion and asked Jane in the driver's seat.


I didn't hear anything!

Jane Foster was driving intently, and shook her head when she heard this, saying that she did not hear any screams.

its not right!

I obviously heard the screams, and it doesn't seem to be far from here, right?

Thor opened the window of the off-road vehicle, stretched out his head and took a look outside. Under the dark rain curtain, everything looked very blurry.

Thor, please don't stick your head out of the car window. This behavior is very dangerous!

Jane Foster looked at Thor's dangerous actions and rolled her eyes helplessly. This guy is still so reckless! !


At this time, lightning flashed across the sky again, and the thunder snake swam across the black sky.

Hey, friend, it's raining too much. Do you mind giving us a ride?

On the muddy roadside, a tall and burly young man waved excitedly, holding a suitcase in his hand. Next to him stood a young man wearing a black windbreaker, carrying a long and square bag.

Jane Foster was startled and stopped the car quickly.

Thank you very much, beautiful and kind lady.

This damn weather is so annoying!

The door of the off-road vehicle opened, and a burly young man got into the back compartment carrying a long and narrow black suitcase and greeted him warmly.

Through the rearview mirror, Jane Foster could see the dark green checkered shirt he was wearing and the dragging pants that hadn't been washed for who knows how long.

It's rare to see such an outrageous outfit. Maybe the homeless people on the roadside in New York City are better dressed than him.

Compared with the slovenly image of the burly young man, the neat and clear dress, handsome appearance and cold temperament of the young man in black trench coat next to him seemed particularly eye-catching.

Hello, gentlemen, I am Jane Foster, an astrophysicist. These three are my companions Daisy, Thor and Dr. Banner. Who are you?

Jane Foster couldn't help but asked out of curiosity. The costumes and unique temperaments of the two people in front of her made it difficult not to make people curious.

Of the three people in the car, Daisy was making love to the young man in black trench coat, while Banner was like a good student studying rigidly, burying his head in silence. Dr. Banner had been silent since getting in the car.

As for Thor, that crazy fool, he still has that nightmare and his precious Meowth Hammer in his heart.

As for the man in black trench coat carrying a rectangular bag, he was hiding his sharp eyes under his black hair. He closed his eyes and seemed to be waiting for something.

Hello, my name is Fingel von Frins and I am a college student from Cassel College in Chicago.

As for the handsome cool guy next to me, he is a junior in the same school as me, Chu Zihang. He comes from China.

We are here to conduct research!

Fingel stretched out his hand to wipe the rain off his face, then smoothed his wet iron-gray hair, finally revealing a young, handsome but very lovable face.

College Students?

Kassel Academy?

So besides us, are there any other college students here in this town to investigate?

Jane Foster was actually a little confused. This kind of thing had already happened in this small town. How could there be other college students?

You must know that Jane and Eric have been researching and investigating here for so long, and I have never heard of other college students also researching and investigating here!

Yes, our school specializes in reptiles.

Do you know about the Komodo dragon? You should have heard of this creature. The thing we are studying is its ancestor dragon.

Fingel leaned his head very familiarly, and then introduced his major to Jane and others in a serious and matter-of-fact manner.

Well, Mr. Fingal, your joke is really cold. It's not particularly funny.

Mr. Fingel, Mr. Chu, the four of us are going to the crater ahead. Where are you going?

Hey, what a coincidence, we happened to be on the way.

We are also going to the crater in front. The thing we want to investigate this time is right there.

Jane Foster thought Fingal was joking, smiled gently, restarted the car, and asked Fingal where they were going.

After answering Jane's question, Fingel took out a compass, stared at the wildly rotating pointer on it, and nodded affirmatively.

Your compass seems to be broken?

Jane Foster tilted her head to talk to Fingel. At this time, she could just catch a glimpse of the wildly rotating needle in the compass out of the corner of her eye.

No, this compass is good, but now the environmental magnetic field is a bit special, so it keeps spinning around.

Fingel put away his watch and patted Banner beside him. Banner had always been the most silent person in the car, except for Chu Zihang, the iceberg god.

Hey, friend, why haven't you been talking? It's so boring to ride in the car at night. Let's talk together.


Hulk is roaring in my heart. What does he seem to be wary of?

There seems to be something dangerous here, and it is constantly approaching us!!

We have to go back quickly!!!

Banner lowered his head, trembling all over, and answered weakly.


Fingel touched his chin and nodded, agreeing with Banner's point of view.

Banner is right, it is indeed very dangerous around here.


Listen carefully.

Fingel made a gesture of silence and began to speak mysteriously to Jane.

Didn't you notice that it's so quiet here? There's nothing but the sound of rain.

how so?

At this time, Jane Foster realized something was wrong. It was too quiet outside the off-road vehicle.

Although it's raining heavily outside, there shouldn't be any sound outside even if it's such a heavy rain.

What about the chirping of insects and birds! ?

What about all the noise in the town! ?

What exactly is going on?

I thought you had known about it for a long time, and you would have taken the initiative to run there.

You have entered the territory of dragons. The Nibelungs overlap with the real world.

Dragon? Nibelung?

Jane Foster opened her eyes suddenly and found that the world suddenly became very strange.

Fingel, what is all this about?

Shh, be quiet!!

Fingel interrupted her and raised his finger nervously.

Don't talk. I can already feel that the monsters are catching up with me.

Bang bang bang!!

As soon as Fingel finished speaking, the car door was lightly clicked.


On a muddy dirt road, a black off-road vehicle ran wildly.

The female driver of the off-road vehicle and her best friend screamed at the top of their lungs, releasing their uneasiness.

To be honest, this is the first time I know that a woman's voice can be so loud!

No wonder some people say that a woman is worth hundreds of ducks. Two women are so noisy. I can't imagine more women...

Fingel covered his ears and complained speechlessly.

So, who can tell me what the hell is out there?

Jane, don't be afraid of these monsters. As the Asgardian God of Thunder, I will protect you! These are the words of comfort from the Asgardian wolfdog Thor.

Under the dark rain curtain, heavy rain poured down, and the speed of this Ford off-road vehicle reached its limit, 120 kilometers per hour.

But even so, someone was still knocking on the door outside the car.

Even the sound of knocking on the door became more and more urgent, and instead of one person knocking on the door, there were three, four, five, and more and more people gathered outside the car.

These figures stared down at Jane Foster through the rain-stained car windows. Mercury light came in from the window, which suddenly made Jane Foster's face pale.

And just when Jane Foster was scared to death, a silver light like a butterfly's shadow flashed past, and a sharp sword was inserted into the bodies of the monsters outside the car door, splattering a burst of black blood. It was corroding the car door and sending out white smoke.

It turned out that Chu Zihang, who was sitting in the row, took action. He pulled out a samurai sword hanging in the weapon bag beside him. The crisp blade was as smooth as the first dew of autumn sliding over the grass blades, and he thrust it in. In the body of the monster.

Sword name: Murasame! !

The corrosive black blood adhered to the blade, but Murasame was not affected in any way, and decomposed the corrosive black blood into droplets as clear as rain and dew.

Those guys who have fallen just now are Deadpool, and they are also puppets of the Dragon Clan, so we don't need to show mercy to them.

Fingel seemed to sense the uneasiness of Jane Foster and Daisy, and immediately opened the black suitcase he carried with him, revealing a neatly arranged and dazzling array of various thermal weapons.

“Don’t panic, we are professionals who are prepared!!”

You can pick whatever weapons you usually like to use. We have a tough battle to fight next.

··············································· ···

Who are these two guys?

What kind of college student would carry a Desert Eagle and so many swords with him?

Two girls, Jane Foster and Daisy, wanted to cry. Why are these people so crazy?

Not afraid of these monsters at all?

And one more thing, the way that handsome guy just stabbed the monster with his samurai sword was really scary!

Is that a monster? !

That is a monster that can lie on an off-road vehicle with a speed of 120 kilometers per hour! !


At this time, the knock on the door turned into the harsh sound of sharp things scratching on the steel and glass. Jane Foster looked in the rearview mirror and could see more and more black figures, as well as the Both pairs of golden eyes.

These black shadows were like a group of gods of death surrounding the bedside of the dying person, surrounding the off-road vehicle from all directions, waving their extremely sharp claws, as if to tear the lambs in the vehicle into pieces.


Jane Foster closed her eyes, then stepped on the accelerator with abandon, and screamed like a collapse. Then the tires rubbed violently against the ground, immediately making a harsh noise.

The heavy off-road body of 2.5 tons combined with the extremely fast speed generated huge kinetic energy that swept away the black shadows, and then rushed into the tide of black shadows like an arrow from a string.

Bang bang!!!

Finally, amidst the dull and powerful crashing sounds, the four-sided window glass of the off-road vehicle was smeared with black blood. The front of the vehicle, which was originally extremely hard, dented violently. It was forced to bear black shadows all the way, and was stuck in the mud. The dirt road crooked forward.


After an unknown amount of time, the car hit the wire protection fence of SHIELD's temporary base. The off-road vehicle finally stalled and was scrapped.

Now we...what should we do?

Jane Foster was really about to cry now, her voice was trembling when she spoke now, and the black-haired girl Daisy, who was even more timid than her, was even more unbearable, almost kneeling on the ground and becoming incontinent.

Now that we have arrived at our destination, let's fight!!

Fingel threw a miniature submachine gun to Jane Foster, an M16 to Daisy, and an alchemical long knife to Thor.

And his own body was covered with various weapons, including an alchemy sword in his left hand and a desert eagle in his right hand. He opened the car door and jumped out.

As for why Dr. Banner was not given a weapon, it was because Banner was already covering his head and began to moan in pain.

Behind Fingel, Chu Zihang was cooperating with Fingel's offensive, holding Murasame in his hand like a ruthless tree chopper, attacking the deadpools head-on and face-to-face.

Bang bang bang!!

Fierce gunfire roared, sticky black blood splashed everywhere, and the dead waiters rushed toward them one by one.

Mr. Thor, Dr. Banner, Jane Foster, Daisy.

Welcome you four to the real world!

The infinite battle royale game begins! !


At this moment, Banner, who had been enduring Hulk's consciousness, finally couldn't stand Hulk's resistance anymore.

Roar, Hulk attacks!!

A green giant tore through Banner's tall and thin figure. Banner disappeared from the spot, and what appeared in his place was the irritable and restless Hulk.

In the rainstorm of thunder and lightning, the Hulk and the Deadpool of the dragon world started a desperate struggle.

The figure of the Hulk and these terrifying Deadpools flashed rapidly in the storm, as if they had turned into the embodiment of thunder and rain.

Hulk's angry roar shook the whole world, and endless power surged in his muscles. The powerful force seemed to tear the whole world apart.

Hulk smash!!

The Hulk danced the Hulk's huge fist, trying to knock these Deadpools to the ground, and beat these dead bodies into pulp with his own source.

Chu Zihang was holding an alchemy sword, and his eyes had changed from normal black pupils to gilded lava at some point, and his whole body was exuding a mysterious light.

Those gilded eyes stared closely at Deadpool. Although he was silent there, he already revealed an unparalleled confidence.

Hybrids can use the Word Spirit, an ancient language with mysterious power, and can also manipulate the elements and spiritual powers.

Yan Ling—Jun Yan! !

This high-risk word spirit, ranked 89th on the periodic table of words and spirits, has the effect of instantly heating the air to a rare high temperature, then shrinking it, sucking in the dust in the air, and creating a terrifying dust explosion.


Bang bang!!

I saw black invisible flames appearing next to Chu Zihang, and then he suddenly leaned forward and waved the alchemical sword Murasame. The sword collided with Deadpool's hard scales, making a harsh metal impact. Voice.

Every collision released powerful energy fluctuations, and violent winds and lightning flashes blew in an instant. The flow of elements was constantly changing as they fought.

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