American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 127 Bucky was shot and was about to die, but Walter was rescued in time

The battlefield was filled with smoke and artillery fire. Dazzling explosions continued to resound throughout. Red flames burst out from the collapsed buildings. Flames full of destructive power rolled in from a distance, sweeping away the smoke that filled the sky.

From time to time, plumes of gray smoke rose up and shuttled among the black smoke. From time to time, bombs fell from the sky, shaking the entire battlefield.

Nearby, you can see rocks, mud, piles of ruins, and mountains of collapsed buildings that almost cover the sky.

This is a hell-like scene, filled with fear and despair, and any imaginable melancholy and pain will be wrapped in wails and smoke.

After the artillery fire, the smoke filled the air, like a demonic black dragon, constantly shuttling across the battlefield.

The air was thick with smoke and a scorched smell, the result of the war burning buildings, military vehicles and other objects.

Captain America was defeated once again. Although the special operations team was not beaten to the ground by the vampire-enhanced soldiers, they were now unable to fly.

The bullets and energy lasers that are constantly fired from a distance are not the biggest threats faced by the special operations team.

These fire attacks from a distance are just a small way for the vampires to strengthen the soldiers, just to make it impossible for the special operations team to escape.

Those vampire-enhanced soldiers in the vicinity are constantly moving like man-eating army ants in the desert.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, their scarlet eyes were embedded in their eye sockets, like red lanterns.

These Hydra's vampire-enhanced soldiers run in a zigzag pattern, coupled with their extremely fast movement speed, to avoid the special operations team's shots from hitting them.

Although Captain America and his team members counterattacked in time, in the eyes of these vampire-enhanced soldiers, their counterattack was weak and powerless.

The time while moving at extremely high speed is short, as if it passes in the blink of an eye.

The vampire-enhanced soldier came to Captain America!

I saw a vampire-enhanced soldier wearing a special combat uniform, suddenly stretching out his sharp claws and grabbing Captain America's face, as if he wanted to smash his head with one claw.



There was a sound of metal colliding, coupled with the sparks splashed out by the collision, it was enough to indicate the dangerous battle situation at this time.

Captain America reacted in time and raised the vibranium shield in his hand, so he narrowly blocked this attack.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

As several harsh sounds broke through the air, the vampire-enhanced soldier in front of him waved his sharp claws again, attacking the vital parts of Captain America's body.

Not only that, in addition to the vampire-enhanced soldier in front of Captain America, there are more than thirty vampire-enhanced soldiers surrounding the special operations team.

Now they are cooperating with their companions to attack these members of the special operations team.

Claw swings, fingers in eyes, knee strikes, kidney strikes, lower body attacks.

These Hydra's vampire-enhanced soldiers are all about high efficiency, and they use all kinds of vicious moves in order to be able to kill with one hit.

In this case, facing the continuous attacks of more than thirty vampire-enhanced soldiers, Captain America and the others naturally fell into decline. Maybe all they could do was to hold on for a while longer.

Even if Captain America and the others wanted to fire bullets, if they failed to hit the heads of these vampire-enhanced soldiers, they would not be able to cause fatal damage to them at all.

And under these conditions, Captain America, who was attacked by vampire-enhanced soldiers, finally received a fatal threat.


Bucky Barnes roared angrily and flew towards Steve.

It turned out that one of the vampire-enhanced soldiers who had been fighting hand-to-hand with Captain America and the others suddenly took out a small energy gun from his pocket and pointed it directly at Captain America's body and fired a burst of fire.

Captain America dealt with multiple vampire-enhanced soldiers, but because he didn't react immediately, he didn't use the vibranium shield in his hand.

The azure energy beam shot towards Captain America, as if this clear azure light was the color that symbolized his death.

Before Captain America could start his revolving door of life, his thoughts were interrupted by Bucky flying towards him in the next second.

No!! Bucky!!!

··············································· ····

I saw a blue energy beam shooting towards Bucky. When Captain America saw this, he roared and rushed forward, as if he wanted to push Bucky away.

But the energy beam still hit Bucky's body and opened a big hole in Bucky's chest.

No no no!!


Captain America looked at his friend who was gradually losing the light in his eyes, desperately pressing Bucky's wound with his own hand, as if he wanted to save him in this way.

It's just a pity that if we don't have enough ability to prevent death, then all we can do is accept this cruel reality.

Seeing Captain America losing his mind, those vampire soldiers also pursued the victory and wanted to eliminate them in one go.




Following the sound of threads twitching, wisps of bright silver-white light were seen twitching on the bodies of those vampire-enhanced soldiers.

The next second, blood lines soon appeared one after another on the bodies of these vampire-enhanced soldiers surrounding them.

Then the bodies of these vampire-enhanced soldiers seemed to be enveloped in high temperatures, with thick white smoke rising from their bodies, and finally dissipated in the air.


Are you still alive? If you are alive, tell me!!

The other team members looked towards the place where the voice came from, and saw a man wearing a black butler's suit, holding strands of silver wire in his hand, and a cigarette in his mouth on the top of the ruins of the trench, asking them.

And this person is none other than Walter, who disappeared after parachuting not long ago!

Those extremely ferocious vampire-enhanced soldiers quickly turned into wisps of smoke as the silver cord in his hand twitched and waved at will.

Walter, who came to the rescue at the critical moment, fully proved his strength with his actions. Unfortunately, the people in the team didn't pay much attention to him now, and why he suddenly left before and now returned here.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Bucky who was shot in the chest and was about to die. The team members all gathered around Bucky and looked at their teammate with worried faces.

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