American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 125 Vampire soldiers wreak havoc on the battlefield, sucking blood in the Marvel world

Chapter 125 Vampire soldiers ravage the battlefield, the source of vampires in the Marvel world

Captain, the situation in our front position has become very urgent. We should hurry over now.

Hydra's soldiers are slaughtering our soldiers wantonly, so there are not many defensive measures in their rear. This is a good opportunity for us!

Jeff ended his gaze and ran to Captain America in small steps. His eyesight was comparable to that of an eagle, giving Jeff the ability to see distant battlefields.

Okay, get ready to go!

This is the first time that our special operations team has fought together on the battlefield. I hope that everyone can work together, fight together, and go all out to eliminate the evil forces of the Axis powers.

After Captain America heard Jeff's report, he turned to the other nine team members, including Bucky, and said.



Promise to complete the mission!


So, after getting affirmative replies from the other nine people, Captain America led this special operations team to the battlefield quickly and stepped forward to rescue the allied soldiers who were besieged by Hydra soldiers.


Da da da!!!

Da da da!!!

Da da da!!!

Fierce firefights were heard on the Allied positions. Smoke and flames were the cornerstones of this war, and roars and whines became the main theme of this war.

Destruction, commotion, magnificent scenes of fire, swaying blue and white searchlights, the intensive roar of bomber motors, the banging of anti-aircraft guns that had just begun...

The two armies were fighting, with artillery fire and smoke filling the air.

On the cruel and merciless battlefield, the enemy and we were fighting fiercely. The soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy, and the fierce gunfire was deafening.

The soldiers rushed towards the enemy regardless of their safety and fired at the enemy wantonly. Bullets flew across the air and pierced the night sky.

Soldiers from both sides engaged in fierce exchanges of fire on the battlefield, with shells raining down, shrapnel whizzing and fire flying everywhere.

Inside the Allied position, inside a fortification with cannons, a young man with yellow hair was busy.

I saw the yellow-haired young man constantly loading cannonballs and pointing them at the Hydra invaders in the distance. His mission was to fire and destroy these damn Hydra soldiers.

Boom boom!!!

After the yellow-haired young man fired the cannonball, a violent rumbling sound was heard not far away the next second.

The shell exploded on the attacking Hydra soldiers, and after a while, the Hydra soldiers also suffered heavy casualties.

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

After being attacked by allied artillery shells, the Hydra soldiers also responded quickly. The tanks loaded with energy weapons were spraying their fury in front.

The blue energy light was like a hot table knife, cutting through the Allied forces' defense system as soft as butter.

Soon, under the fierce attack of Hydra's energy weapons, the Allied defense system became precarious.


Suddenly, the barrier on the window suddenly fell down, and the fortifications were gradually crumbling under the fierce fire of Hydra soldiers.

And the young man with yellow hair who fired the cannon suddenly went dark in front of his eyes, and his body suddenly lost consciousness. Finally, the voice of the yellow-haired young man could be heard, and the only thing he could hear was the painful whine coming from his mouth.

A bullet in the distance hit his brow at some point, embedded in two blue eyes, and seemed to open a black eye between his brows.

A living life disappeared so easily!

A young man who was still in his prime died humbly on the battlefield before he could start his wonderful life.

On the battlefield, human life is as cheap as grass and mustard, and human life is as fragile as ants.

And on an extremely hidden slope in the far distance of the fortifications, a woman with scarlet eyes lying on the ground, holding a sniper rifle in her hand, had a smile on her lips.

Perfect, another one done!

After this woman in a black special combat uniform climbed up on the slope, she shook the dust off her clothes, kicked away the corpses in front of her, curled her lips and walked towards the target in the distance.

And after the yellow-haired young man died tragically, the Allied soldiers beside the yellow-haired young man did not bother to feel sad for the young man. He could only roar in the sky to express his anger, and then fired repeatedly at the Hydra soldiers in front.

Guns are murder weapons, marksmanship is the technique of killing, and war is the trampling of life. No matter how beautiful words are used to describe it, it cannot escape this reality.

The smoke-filled battlefield was filled with flames and explosions.

Because of the continuous bullets and fierce artillery attacks, people did not dare to stick their heads out easily, for fear that the bullets would kill them in the next second.

But in such a harsh environment like purgatory, there is a group of special people here. They are just like strolling in the garden, constantly harvesting the lives of allied soldiers.

It seems that for them, this war is not an evenly matched battle at all, but a unilateral killing.

These people are as simple as choosing vegetables and fish in the vegetable market. In their eyes, the lives of Allied soldiers are as cheap as live fish that are about to be scaled and disemboweled under the knife.

The female Hydra sniper lying on the slope was one of them, an enhanced warrior who had used the vampire enhancement serum.

The strengthening effect brought by the vampire's enhanced serotonin, coupled with her own sniping talent, has resulted in her terrifying dynamic vision and sniping skills.

The gunfire roared, the smoke filled the air, and the clouds blocked the sun. It was terrible to see. Fight back and give it a try.

Smoke was everywhere in the battlefield, and the soldiers rushed forward regardless of their own safety. In an instant, blood splashed everywhere like goose feathers.

The two sides fought fiercely, with continuous artillery fire, and the battlefield was filled with smoke and the smell of blood. Artillery shells roared, the ground shook, and the battlefield was in chaos.

This is what most people will encounter on the battlefield!

Those driving the unparalleled warriors to bravely kill enemies on the battlefield are only scenes that appear in movies and TV series.

In most battlefields, victory that is exchanged for blood is the most common situation. It is an illusion that an individual hero can affect the overall situation.

··············································· ····

And this is what Steve and his team members saw when they just arrived on the battlefield!

War also likes to eat exquisite food. He takes away the good people and leaves behind the bad ones.

Although the existence of war will bring indelible disasters, if you think about it from another angle, the war at this time is just laying the foundation for peace in the next moment.

However, the situation that is presented to people about the war, the number of deaths in those wars, seems to be just a number.

However, those cold numbers about soldier casualties cannot express the value of each living life.

Captain America looked at the severely injured Allied soldiers and took a deep breath, the anger in his heart was almost uncontrollable.

These soldiers from Hydra are simply killing these allied soldiers!

I saw a Hydra soldier wearing a black combat uniform, picking up an Allied soldier who was still screaming with his hands, twisting the Allied soldier's neck hard, and then piercing his fangs fiercely. The soldiers' arteries vigorously sucked the fresh blood in the Allied soldiers' bodies.

Yes, Not Bad!

Even when this Hydra vampire-enhanced soldier was sucking blood, he still made sounds of enjoyment from time to time.

The scene in front of me is not a rare case. On the contrary, it can be said that most of the Hydra soldiers on the battlefield have people like this who are sucking blood.

And these Hydra soldiers who are lying on other people's bodies to suck blood are the vampire-enhanced warriors carefully cultivated by the Red Skull after spending a lot of manpower and material resources.

Seeing the brutal behavior of these vampire-enhanced soldiers, Captain America and his team members immediately guessed the identities of these Hydra soldiers.


That's right, it's a vampire!

Although they couldn't believe the prospects they saw in front of them, Captain America and the others had to admit that the identity that best suited these Hydra soldiers now was probably the legendary vampires.

So what exactly is a vampire? ?

In fact, since the beginning of European history, vampire legends have also spread at the same time.

In the Middle Ages, thousands of people believed in this legend and trembled in the dark because of it.

Vampires are an ancient and mysterious race.

Theoretically speaking, the so-called vampire can be understood as a corpse to a certain extent.

The legendary vampires have no heartbeat or pulse, no breathing, no body temperature, and they are immortal.

At the same time, vampires have their own thoughts, can think, talk, move around, and even get injured and die.

Although every vampire has abilities that are different from ordinary people, this ability is not born with it.

The abilities of those young vampires may only be a little better than ordinary people.

However, with age and experience, vampires will gradually discover their own abilities and become stronger.

From a certain perspective, the older the vampire, the more powerful the ability, and its own combat effectiveness is even more terrifying.

In front of these vampires, ordinary people are vulnerable.

Although the power of vampires is much greater than that of ordinary people, and they also have superpowers that ordinary people cannot obtain.

However, in order to maintain their state of existence, vampires must drink blood regularly, otherwise their own strength will gradually lose and their bodies will become weak.

Generally speaking, most vampires usually feed on human blood, but some vampires survive by sucking the blood of animals and even other vampires.

Judging from the way of sucking, some vampires will raise livestock (herd)!

These livestock are not animals such as cattle or sheep, but humans who voluntarily contribute their blood for some reason.

In this world, there are always some people who will eventually choose to become minions of vampires in pursuit of immortality, and the blood is the bribe they use.

Other vampires will use special occasions to seduce humans to achieve their goals, and some vampires usually use attacks to forcefully drink blood from people.

In the setting of the Marvel world, the ancestor of all vampires in Marvel is Varna, the great wizard of Atlantis.

After Varner used some magic in the Dark Book, he transformed himself into the first vampire in the Marvel world.

Although the origins of vampires in Marvel are different from those of vampires in real legends, many of the habits of vampires in Marvel are indeed borrowed from vampires in real legends, such as being afraid of sunlight, silverware, crosses, etc.

A lot of information in the human world believes that vampires are afraid of many things, such as garlic, holy water and wooden stakes.

In fact, most of these rumors are incorrect. What vampires fear most are things with a sacred aura and sunlight full of strong ultraviolet rays.

Some vampires with powerful powers have weak resistance to sunlight, and few other vampires can withstand the sun's rays.

In addition, high temperature also has a certain restraining effect on vampires. Therefore, vampires usually move at night.

Because of the sunlight and high temperature during the day, these factors will seriously affect their thinking and abilities.

In addition, vampires are completely unafraid of garlic and so-called holy water. Unless someone has extremely strong religious beliefs, it is possible to use crosses and holy water to temporarily suppress vampires, but vampires will never die from this.

Similarly, wooden stakes have no effect on vampires, but if a wooden stake can be used to nail the vampire's heart, it can be scarred until it is removed.

In general, vampires are not afraid of things that have no divine aura!

Legend has it that after Varna, the great wizard of Atlantis in the Marvel world, was transformed into a vampire, he committed suicide in the sun when he had had enough.

The main reason for committing suicide was because the ancestor of the vampire had lived for a long time and experienced many things.

Varna, the great wizard who became a vampire, was finally tired of eternal life and wanted to get rid of the troubles in the world.

Therefore, after Varner passed on his energy to Dracula, Dracula soon created his own vampire dynasty in the Marvel Universe.

And today, the mysterious veil that has been covering the face of the vampire will finally be unveiled in front of the world!

In fact, vampires have always existed, and the top leaders of continental European countries basically know this.

However, for the beautiful country on the other side of the ocean, the existence of vampires is indeed a very mysterious thing.

After all, the beautiful country at this time is not the so-called center of the world, and they have not mastered many secrets in the world. They cannot expect that a country composed of a group of sinners and chocolate farm tools can have any historical heritage.

As we all know, there are three thinnest books in the world: recipes of the British Empire, German jokes, and history books of the beautiful country.

Now, Steve and the others meet face-to-face with vampire-enhanced soldiers for the first time, which represents the first collision between the beautiful country and vampires.

The final result of this first collision is still unknown to us and is still a confusing matter.

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