Chapter 61: Cooperate with the Anomaly to attack the Umbrella Headquarters!

(Successfully contain anomalies – 682, get reward anomalies – 999, obtain the concept of immortality.)

“999? I think it’s tickling, right?”

After Jiang Bai heard the number 999, information about 999 immediately appeared in his mind.

This is a viscous liquid creature with an orange-yellow body, equal human height, and wriggling.

In a kind of popular language, it is very much like to fantasize about the slime in the novel.

But unlike slimes, which are evil monsters, 999 is a life that would be extra affectionate to any life, especially humans.

Like 131, it exists as a moe of the Foundation and is loved by its members.

Because it is able to cure diseases, especially mental diseases.

999 will emit different aromas depending on the contact, and this aroma will make the contact feel physically and mentally pleasant, and if you are in direct contact with 999, this pleasure will also be enhanced.

Whether it’s depression, mania, or some other psychological problem, 999 can help treat, and with his treatment, these contacts will regain confidence and enthusiasm for their lives and futures.

999 is very keen to wrap humans in his body, and then constantly tickle until the other party surrenders, but it often happens that he ignores surrender.

But no matter what kind of behavior 999 will try not to hurt the other party, if someone is really injured because of him, it will hide in the corner and make a “whine” sound, like a puppy who understands that he has made a mistake.

In addition, in the records of the foundation, there was also an experimental record of putting 999 and 682 together, and this experiment was hoped to suppress the fury of 682 with 999.

However, 682 attacked after encountering 999, but did not cause any damage to 999, but was wrapped up by 999 and tickled attack, which caused 682 to collapse from laughter for 15 minutes, and then returned to a state of rage when he recovered.

And after 999 left, 682 made a strange cry, causing everyone who heard this cry to laugh and unable to effectively prevent 682 from breaking through the containment, which eventually led to 682 breaking through the containment and attacking the members of the foundation.

During this period, 999 has been trying his best to treat these injured, and showed fearlessness towards 682, and even took the initiative to invite 682 to play, but was abused by 682 as an object that should be killed.

It can be said that 999 is almost a completely opposite of 682.

It loves life and especially human beings.

And he is able to help humans, and even when he sees someone shot, he will stand up and use his body to block the bullet for this person.

The existence of 999 is still quite important to the Foundation.

Because members of the Foundation often face high levels of mental stress, they do not know when they will die at the hands of abnormal objects.

And 999 can just dispel this worry and get positive proof of emotions.

This is also the reason why 999 is so popular among foundations.

“Very good reward, this is the exclusive employee benefit of the foundation!”

Although 999 does not want to cure any injury and disease like a panacea, most injuries and diseases can be cured by 999.

It is naturally better to use 999 as an employee benefit of the foundation.

After all, a panacea is limited, and 999 has always existed.

In addition to this is another reward, the concept of immortality.

It is something that makes Jiang Bai more satisfied.

The concept of immortality is the most troublesome part of 682 for the Foundation, which cannot be destroyed no matter what, and will continue to be reborn.

After possessing the concept of immortality, Jiang Bai also possessed the same immortal nature as 682.

(The concept of immortality): It can maintain its immortal nature under the means of erasing concepts below level 5, distortion of reality, physical destruction, etc., cannot be truly destroyed, and will repair itself and return to its original appearance.

“Level 5? No wonder 682 is so hard to kill.”

Level 5 reality distortion and concept erasure has basically been able to rewrite the rules of the universe, modify and change the universe, simply put, the administrator of the universe.

682’s combat effectiveness is far from reaching the level of level 5, but his immortal nature is level 5, and it is no wonder that the foundation has a hard time killing him.

Because of the distortion of level 5 reality or the erasure of concepts, it is also very difficult for the foundation to make a move.

Even to some extent, the concept of immortality in his body now is stronger than Deadpool’s little cheap immortal curse, because the purple potato essence is most likely not to the point of a level 5 reality warper, that is to say, the purple potato essence cannot kill itself.

It’s hard to say when you let the infinity gauntlet that ghost thing, after all, this thing is really a level 5 reality distortion prop.

Of course, these are things to come, when the purple potato essence really comes with the Infinity Gauntlet, maybe he has already called Zhongshan Mary out, and when the time comes, there will be the supreme divinity and really don’t say who is afraid of whom.

Jiang Bai nodded quite satisfied with this reward, and then directly turned back to King Ida and Natasha’s side.

“Just… It’s so easy to solve?”

King Ida and Natasha both looked at Jiang Bai in disbelief.

Although they probably already knew that Jiang Bai had obtained Cain’s ability, seeing that 682, which was so powerful before, was contained in front of Jiang Bai without even a little strength to fight back, they still had a little difficulty believing their eyes.

“Or else? Do you really want me to fight him to the flesh like the Hulk?”

Jiang Bai teased King Ida with a strange look, and then turned around and walked towards the headquarters of the umbrella company.

“There are two more anomalies waiting for us, so hurry up!”

Jiang Bai said as he strode towards the headquarters of the umbrella company.

Seeing this, King Ida and Natasha could only hurriedly follow behind him.

From beginning to end, Jiang Bai has not looked at those people of S.H.I.E.L.D., although the Hulk and Wolverine are most likely anomalies, but now it should still be the main thing to protect the umbrella company.

As for these native anomalies, there are opportunities later.

“Are we completely ignored?”

Coulson looked at Jiang Bai and they left like this, and a bitter smile also appeared on his face.

Just now he was still worried that they might be ambushed by the people of the foundation.

But looking at it now, people didn’t care about them from the beginning, maybe in the eyes of the Foundation, they S.H.I.E.L.D. are not even enemies, right?

“That’s ridiculous!”

Coulson let out a long sigh with some emotion, as if those previous honors, arrogance, and arrogance were all gone, with this sigh.

“This world is big, and we will face more challenges in the future, but as long as our hearts are strong enough, even if the challenges are difficult, we will definitely find a way to win!”

At this time, Captain America suddenly struggled to stand up, and then issued encouragement to Coulson and everyone.

It’s just like Jiang Bai’s previous view of the US team.

This one symbolizes more than the presence of strength.

Sure enough, under the personal charm of the US team, these words successfully cheered everyone up again.

“Our mission is not over, the virus is still spreading in the city, and the crimes committed by the umbrella company have not yet been sanctioned!”

Captain America said as he dragged his injured body towards the umbrella company.

This time Coulson wasn’t stopping Captain America.

Because he knows it’s the right decision!

On the other side, at this moment, everyone Mad Hat Merchant has also found 049.

It’s just that he is surrounded by many zombies.

Although these zombies will touch 049 the moment they touch 049, they will lose all their physical functions and die completely because of 049’s ability.

But it can’t stand up to the huge number of these zombies, even if 049 can kill them in seconds.

But under the siege of so many zombies, there is no guarantee that they can move freely.

But 049 is not in a hurry, because in his opinion, these zombies are also patients, and they are all patients infected with the plague, so 049 took out his scalpel and began to do surgery in the siege of countless zombies.

It’s a very eerie scene, in the midst of a horde horde of rancid, disgusting zombies.

A man resembling a medieval plague doctor is operating on these apparently unrelated beings with a scalpel.

And those zombies full of appetite and attack will rush up one after another, and then immediately fall to the ground the moment they contact the target, completely dead.

In this way, these zombies instead used corpses to pile up a wall of corpses around 049.

“Confirm target 049, the action begins!”

After confirming the existence of 049, the members of the Mad Hatter Merchant immediately took action.

The radiant dissolving gun made by Dr. Iceberg in their hands immediately shot out a green beam.

And once hit by these beams, the zombies will be melted into a viscous liquid in an instant.

However, because these fluids have been completely destroyed by radiation, there is no longer a virus, and secondary infection will naturally not occur.

Armed with a radiated dissolving gun, the Mad Hatter is constantly weaving through the zombie horde, although the zombies are constantly pounced on them trying to attack them.

There were even sporadic zombies who crossed the Mad Hatter’s gun line and came to the Mad Hatter, and attacked the Mad Hatter.

But it’s also useless.

Because the Mad Hatter’s special protective clothing has a hardness beyond ordinary steel, it is impossible to penetrate their protective clothing with the claws and teeth of these ordinary zombies, and it is impossible to cause damage to the Mad Hatter.

Instead, these approaching zombies will be slapped on the ground by the mad hatter, and then receive a shot, turning into a puddle of viscous liquid on the spot.

The mad hat merchant is cleaning up these zombies while thinking that 049 is approaching.

Soon they had arrived near 049, and by this time, the zombies around had been cleaned up.

Looking at 049 in front of him, all the members of the Mad Hat Merchant did not rush forward, but carefully paid attention to 049, and at the same time, the captain of the Mad Hat Merchant also took out a handful of lavender and sprinkled it directly at 049.

049, which had gradually become a little fanatical during the treatment, also smelled the scent of lavender and slowly calmed down.

The members of Mad Hat Merchant can clearly feel that 049’s mood has gradually stabilized.

“No one infected with the plague? It’s wonderful!”

After 049 calmed down, he also noticed the members of the Mad Hatter.

It seems that in his eyes, none of the members of the Mad Hatter are infected with the plague in his mouth, so he is quite amiable towards the members of the Mad Hatter.

“Hello guys! I’m a doctor working hard to deal with the plague that is spreading everywhere, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

049 seems to be very talkative, or very talkative to people like mad hatters who are not infected with the so-called plague.

But no matter what the reason, 049’s friendliness to the Mad Hat Merchant Team also made the members of the Mad Hat Merchant all breathe a sigh of relief.

049 is a great threat to any living thing.

He will bring death to all life, especially humans, and will die as soon as he touches him, and he cannot be killed yet.

Although it is not clear, 049’s immortality is based on a physical level? Or is it based on the distortion of concepts and reality?

But anyway, 049 is friendly to them at the moment, that’s the best thing.

In this way, they can also complete the things that the president gave them before.

“Hello, Doctor, we are members from the Abnormal Objects Foundation, I believe you also found out, right?” Now the city is experiencing an extremely horrific plague.”


049 nodded: “This is not the same as the plague I have been pursuing, but it does not impress my determination to treat this plague.”

“At present, we are planning to go to the source of this plague outbreak, doctor, can you join us in the operation?”

The captain of the Mad Hat merchant tentatively made an invitation to 049.

Just like Jiang Bai said, if there is the help of 049, maybe this time the action can be much easier.

“As a doctor, I have a responsibility to eradicate this plague!”

049 naturally nodded obligedly at the moment, joined the team of mad hat merchants, and walked towards the headquarters of the umbrella together.

And this time the headquarters of the umbrella company.

Spencer was looking through the monitor as another group of people hacked into the Umbrella Corporation.

Three powerful mutants are fighting the zombie soldiers of the Umbrella Company.

“Brotherhood of mutants, obviously I didn’t invite you, why do you have to make trouble?”

Spencer said as he picked up the walkie-talkie: “Start the trackers, giant lickers and executioners, kill these troublesome mutants!”

With Spencer’s order, a group of more powerful zombies rushed out of the surrounding passage.

They were taller and armed with bazookas and tyrants with heavy machine guns.

Lickers with nearly the size of an elephant.

and the same tall, and large zombies with huge tomahawks and sacks on their heads.

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