Chapter 54: The Umbrella Company strikes, and the biochemical monster attacks! (Kneel for subscription)

Chapter 54: The Umbrella Company strikes, and the biochemical monster attacks!

Jiang Bai is not without consideration, there may be some unexpected anomalies appearing in Raccoon City.

But these two masters, Jiang Bai really did not expect to appear.

049 Epidemic Doctor.

An anomaly like the medieval Black Death plague doctors.

Wearing a black robe, with a long ceramic beak, his body is full of various surgical tools.

This is an extremely fearful existence, and all humans who come into direct contact with him will immediately stop all bodily functions and die completely.

In other words, contact with 049 may be the only true painless death, because all physical skills stop at the same time, in no particular order, so naturally there will be no pain.

Although these things seem to be his clothes and tools, they should actually grow from his body.

Because in the archives of the foundation, it has been studied that 049’s clothes are the same material as his skin, and the ceramic beak on his face is actually a kind of chitin that grows from the facial bones.

However, although 049 looks dangerous, it is actually a fairly mild existence.

He will only take the initiative to deal with people he believes has contracted the plague, but after killing the other party, 049 will fall into a deep state of self-blame and remorse, and then begin his so-called healing operation.

But 049’s surgery will be almost unsuccessful, and after his operation, these corpses will become a walking dead, they only retain basic motor ability and reaction mechanisms, but they have no sense of self, so they are mostly harmless.

But when provoked, it can also become extremely aggressive.

For these walking dead, 049 will generally say that they have been cured.

At the same time, 049 is also an individual who was voluntarily institutionalized, and he trusts the members of the foundation, and believes that the researchers in the white coat of the foundation are not infected with the plague.

If 049 falls into a state of rage, only the use of lavender can calm him down and return to a gentle state, and 049 in this state will not be aggressive and will not resist containment.

If only from above, 049 seems to be an easy object to contain.

But in Jiang Bai’s opinion, it is not so simple, because 049 thinks that infection with the plague is a very mysterious thing, but a pair of twins who eat and live together, 049 will think that one of them is a patient infected with the plague, thus killing the other party and performing the so-called treatment, while the other person will think that there is no infection.

Whether or not to be infected is completely judged by 049’s own subjective consciousness, which leads to the danger that anyone who comes out in front of 049 will face the danger of death.

“I will sort out the information of the guild leader about 049 and put it in front of you, and the guild leader can take a general look.”

Dr. Iceberg put a pile of information in front of Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai, King Ida, and Natasha all read the information carefully.

I have to admit that Dr. Iceberg’s paperwork is indeed excellent, the materials are perfectly organized, all kinds of professional words are paid attention to, and their own conjectures and understandings are in it.

It’s no wonder Dr. Gears is reluctant to leave Dr. Iceberg alone and instead stay by his side as an assistant.

“Why do I always feel that those things after the resurrection of 049 are a bit like zombies?”

King Ida is not generally familiar with zombies.

Therefore, when she saw 049’s information, she immediately noticed that the people resurrected by 049’s ability were very similar to zombies.

“You’re right, this is also the one thing I’m most worried about now, if the umbrella company drops the T virus in Raccoon City, then 049 is likely to undergo unknown changes.”

Keeping two similarities in the same place is an extremely dangerous thing.

What’s more, 008 and 049 are both quite dangerous existences, and what will happen when these two guys collide together, no one can tell.

“What do you say? Will the umbrella company release the T virus in the raccoon market? Impossible, right?! Now they don’t have a scapegoat!”

After hearing Jiang Bai’s words, King Ida was suddenly not calm.

Although Raccoon City is not as prosperous as New York, it is also a large city with a population of more than three million.

If the umbrella company really drops the T virus here, these three million people will have at least more than eighty percent casualties, which is a consequence that no company or force in the world can bear.

Didn’t Monard say the same before? Let Jiang Bai come to Raccoon City is to find a scapegoat, and now that the plan has failed, the umbrella company should abandon this plan.

“Raccoon City is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on one side, which is a natural cage, and the reason why the umbrella company will build its headquarters in this place is enough to explain their intentions.”

“And since the umbrella company has made so many preparations, do you think they will give up on the plan that has been preparing for so many years because of the failure of a scapegoat plan?”


King Ida was silent.

It stands to reason that the plan has already reached this point, and even if there are some minor problems, it will be persistent.

But once the T virus leaks in Raccoon City, millions of human life umbrella companies will not be able to afford to lose money.

They finally managed to achieve such a big power, how could they give up so easily?

“The goal of the umbrella company has never been to make money, but to research the perfect virus, and then achieve eternal life and world conquest.”

Jiang Bai could see at a glance what King Ida was thinking at the moment.

“The establishment of the umbrella company is based on 008, the zombie virus, so their purpose from the beginning is not to make money, become bigger, and completely control 008.”

Jiang Bai’s words completely woke up King Ida.

“Did I think wrong from the beginning?”

King Ida looked at Jiang Bai with a surprised face, why would this man be so clear about the secrets of the Umbrella Company?

Obviously, these things, even the investigation umbrella company for such a long time did not know.

“What about this 682? Immortal lizards, it sounds very powerful.”

At this time, Natasha also finished reading the information of 049, and then picked up another piece of information about 682 on the table and asked.

“President, does 682’s intelligence need some explanation from me?”

Dr. Iceberg was very knowledgeable and took the task of interpreting.

Jiang Bai, who was too lazy to waste his spit, naturally nodded and agreed.

“682 is a large reptile, and on the surface his mouth is a bone-like carapace in the upper jaw, and he can evolve and grow indefinitely, and is extremely adaptable to any environment.”

“In addition, 682 has a strong hostility to all life, especially humans, once it is found that humans are basically immortal, and his regeneration ability is extremely strong, it is speculated that there should be no way to kill him at present, which is also the origin of his immortal lizard.”

In the Foundation’s archives, 682 has always been a presence that asks to be killed.

However, it has never been successful, including physical damage, reality distortion, concept erasure, etc., but it is enough to destroy 682 to 80%, and it cannot continue.

This is also why 682 will be called an immortal lizard, and Jiang Bai will feel a headache for 682.

This guy is a hot potato, thirteen attempts to break through containment, six successful breakthroughs.

The old prison escape maniac, it is not an easy thing to contain him perfectly.

“I don’t know if my subspace containment room can do this?”

Jiang Bai hasn’t used much since he got the sub-space containment room.

There was an operation to put the coffin doll in it before, but then Jiang Bai took the doll out again, because there was no need to let the coffin doll, a relatively safe containment, enter and occupy a seat.

Since then, Jiang Bai has never used this thing, and now he doesn’t know if he can use the sub-space containment room to contain 682?

When Jiang Bai was thinking about how to contain 682, Natasha and King Ida were also studying the information of two anomalies at this moment.

And the deeper they studied these two anomalies, the more they were able to determine one thing.

These two guys are extremely terrifying monsters!

“Young Master, our goal seems to be even more difficult this time than the one in New York?”

Natasha said to Jiang Bai with some concern.

From these information, it seems that one of these two guys is a second kill, and the other is not dead.

All of them are open and hanging, and they are all the kind of violent hanging that sacrifices the household register.

To be honest, if you really face these two guys, Natasha is very afraid that she will be G if she looks at each other.

“If it weren’t difficult, I wouldn’t have come to Raccoon City, and have you forgotten? Now our biggest difficulties are not 049 and 682.”

Jiang Bai looked at the second daughter, who had obviously been completely attracted by 049 and 682, and suddenly chuckled and said.

“Not them?”

Natasha looked at Jiang Bai with a puzzled face, while King Ida on the side seemed to have thought of something at this moment.

“That’s right, it’s not them.”

Jiang Bai stretched out his finger, pointed outside and said, “The biggest difficulty is Raccoon City, it’s the umbrella company!”



At the same time, Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. also came to Raccoon City with nearly a hundred elite agents and the strong support specially requested by S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Captain America, it’s up to you to stop the Foundation’s plot this time!”

Coulson, as a super avid fan of Captain America, began to praise Captain America the first time he set foot on the land of Raccoon City.

This makes the remaining two backers seem a little unhappy with this.

“Coulson, we are a collective, this time we are also here to fight the Foundation’s conspiracy, and I believe that James and Dr. Banner will also bring excellent results in this battle.”

There are three backers who helped S.H.I.E.L.D. this time.

They are Captain America, who was fished from the sea by S.H.I.E.L.D., Dr. Banner the Hulk, and James Wolverine from the X-Men.

It can be said that in order to be able to take back a city in Jiang Bai’s hands this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has paid for blood.

“That’s for sure, I also believe in the strength of Dr. Banner and Mr. Wolverine, it’s just that I’m looking forward to your performance more than this American team.”

Coulson faced the correction of the US team and strictly abided by the principle of knowing the mistake, admitting the mistake but not correcting it.

And neither Banner nor Wolverine said much about this.

They can also see that Coulson is a full Captain America fan, and it is no wonder that this situation will occur.

And at this time, Banner suddenly sniffed the air hard, and then showed a hesitant look on his face.

0……….”What’s wrong?”

Wolverine, as a veteran, immediately saw the change in Banner’s expression.

“The city is weird.”

Banner said with some uncertainty: “I smell a very strange smell in the air, it seems to be some kind of virus?”

As a scientist, Banner is naturally much more sensitive to these things than the average person.

Wolverine was also immediately on alert after hearing Banner’s words.

“Coulson quickly take us to the stronghold, this is not a place for small talk.”

“Okay, please follow me.”

When Coulson heard this, he did not continue to waste time, but immediately led everyone to the temporary stronghold of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Raccoon City.

Raccoon City, a slum on the coast.

The tracked Namor was in a house at the moment, and there were two people in front of him.

A muscular giant covered in muscles and wearing heavy red steel plates on his head and body.

As well as a strong man with long hair, full of fangs, and hands that are also sharp claws.

“Red Tank, Saber-toothed Tiger, did Magneto let you two come here this time?”

The red tank just glanced at Namor and ignored Namo, but the saber-toothed tiger had a simple conversation with Namo.

“Magneto said that if you come this time, then let you direct this operation, our goal is to kill Jiang Bai, and figure out what kind of organization is the foundation behind him?” and the liberation of the mutant brothers imprisoned by him!”

The Brotherhood of Mutants is an organization dedicated to helping, improving the status of mutants, and destroying humanity.

In Magneto’s opinion, Cain and Abel, who were previously taken in by Jiang Bai, are undoubtedly mutants, so he judges that Jiang Bai and the Foundation should be an organization opposed to mutants, so he wants to destroy this organization and kill Jiang Bai.

“It doesn’t matter, the purpose of my coming here is to find out who created that damn virus and then dropped it on my kingdom, as for your affairs, I can help you by the way.”

For Namo, the most important thing is his own kingdom and kindred.

As for things between mutants and humans, he can help out appropriately.

“That’s enough, during the operation in Raccoon City, I and the Red Tank will listen to your orders.”

“The Foundation, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Brotherhood of Mutants are all here, and it seems that this experiment can get a lot of valuable data.”

Umbrella company headquarters, inside Spencer’s office.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Brotherhood of Mutants all their actions are clearly displayed on the big screen in front of Spencer.

“Since they are all here, let’s try the combat effectiveness of the monsters created by the T virus first, right? The other thing is to catch and find the foundation’s hiding place in Raccoon City.”

Spencer said as he pressed a red button beside him, and then clicked a little on the screen where S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Brotherhood of Mutants were located.

“The order has been received and the biological weapon is being dropped.”

A cold mechanical sound sounded in Spencer’s office, and the T-virus-modified monster was coming at S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Brotherhood of Mutants! Eight.

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