Listening to the reward given by the system, Jiang Bai’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of excitement.

Most of the rewards given by the previous system were for the entire Anomaly Foundation, and Jiang Bai’s personal improvement was actually very limited.

Now he finally got a reward that also helped Jiang Bai himself.

[Physical Reflex Field]: Immune and return all damage caused by physical means to the attacker, this ability includes physical damage caused indirectly.

This physical reflective force field is actually one of Cain’s abilities.

The reason why those punks before would be injured after attacking Cain was because of this ability.

It can be said that with this ability, the physical level of the way is basically unable to hurt Jiang Bai, including through some kind of design, such as when Jiang Bai walks to a building, and then falls from the upper floor a vase and hits Jiang Bai.

This kind of attack on Jiang Bai through indirect means will also be invalidated by the physical reflective force field, and the damage will be returned to the person who did so.

To put it simply, Jiang Bai produced a physically invincible anti-armor.

Compared to this ability, making a reward anomaly-131 seem insignificant.

Because Anomaly-131 is not a powerful containment, it can even be said to be completely harmless.

Anomaly-131 is two drop-shaped, about 30cm tall, creatures with an eye in the middle of their body, their IQ is only that of cats, they do not need to eat, and they are full of curiosity.

They will be curious to observe everything around them, especially human actions, and work tirelessly on this, and they will also sound warning when the object is about to encounter danger.

It belongs to a pet-like existence, codenamed Eye Pea in the foundation.

If the Anomaly-173 was designed with the concept of a mascot in mind as the Foundation’s original work, then the Anomaly-131 is actually the Foundation Anomaly.

Although it is not of much use, in fact, 131 is the best choice for sheltering 173.

Because they don’t blink, and they don’t have a neck!

There is simply no way to trigger the killing logic of 173.


In this moment, Jiang Bai thought a lot.

And after thinking about these things clearly, Jiang Bai set his sights on Cain’s body again.

“Cain, I remember you should have the ability to never forget, right?”

“That’s right.”

Cain nodded, then removed his gloves.

And when he took off his gloves, everyone present except Jiang Bai showed surprised looks.

Because Cain’s hand is not a normal human hand, but a blue metal.

And the workmanship seems to be better than any kind of prosthetic currently known, and in Cain’s previous actions, even King Ida, as a top agent, did not find that Cain’s hands were actually prosthetics.

“In fact, my hands, feet, spine and other parts were replaced with this metal substance when I didn’t even know it, I think I may not be a real human being, right?”

Cain spoke lightly, and there was not a hint of his dissatisfaction with his current situation in his emotionless, mechanical tone.

But Jiang Bai knew very well that Cain should not be too happy at the moment.

Generally speaking, a normal person should comfort Cain at this time, but Jiang Bai did not do so.

“Obviously you’re not alone.”

“Young Master, you…”

King Ida’s eyes widened and he looked at Jiang Bai with a surprised face.

Shouldn’t Cain be given recognition at this time, so that Cain can be further integrated into the big family of the foundation?

How can you directly open your mouth and say that others are not people?

Isn’t this deliberately infuriating?

But Jiang Bai was still talking in his own way.

“No normal human being will have the ability and existence like you, but whether you are human or not will not affect your contribution to the world, let alone our attitude and view of you.”

Jiang Bai’s words were very serious, he really didn’t care if Cain was a human or not?

Because this is completely meaningless, Mary Zhongshan is even a being who has been elevated from a human to a supreme divine being.

Does it matter if Cain is human by comparison?

Not important at all!

“So what do you need me to do?”

When Cain heard Jiang Bai’s words, he seemed to have recovered some spirit, but he seemed indifferent.

Because he always shows a cold attitude, as if he has no feelings.

So it’s hard to see his emotional changes on the surface.

However, if he can say this, it is already very satisfactory to Jiang Bai, because it shows that Cain has recognized and accepted himself as a member of the foundation.

“In fact, there is nothing, but I hope that you can remember all the information that the foundation currently has in your mind and use it as a backup for critical periods.”

What is Cain called among the Foundation’s peers?

The humanoid USB flash drive is undoubtedly the most familiar one.

In the original foundation, Cain was such a being.

Because of the confirmation of Cain’s security, the Foundation also used Cain as a backup.

Store a large amount of Foundation information in Cain’s mind to avoid the loss of information if something unexpected happens.

There are even some materials that have been deleted within the Foundation that still exist here in Cain.

And now Jiang Bai plans to do the same.

“No problem, I will record all the information here as you wish.”

Cain agreed to Jiang Bai’s request without thinking.

As shown in his profile, Cain was a helpful man who enjoyed the process.

In contrast, 076, which is also one of the biblical twins of the foundation, is a bit difficult to say.

He is a being full of death, passionate about fighting and killing humans.

He will not help humans, at least in the vast majority of cases, and will kill all humans in sight.

One is passionate about helping humanity and one is passionate about killing humanity.

These two brothers are really two completely different extremes!

Jiang Bai shook his head a little helplessly when he thought of this, and then said to Dr. Reiner on the side: “073 is currently staying in the New York Branch, regarded as a part of the base, as long as he does not leave the base, he can move freely in the base, and at the same time cooperate with some of your experiments.” ”

At the end, Jiang Bai added: “In addition, no violence against 073 is allowed!” ”


Dr. Reiner immediately nodded in response to Jiang Bai, and then said to Jiang Bai: “President, in addition, the location of Anomaly-076 has also been confirmed, he is now carrying out a massacre in Hell’s Kitchen, do we immediately send a mobile task force to carry out containment operations?” ”

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