Chapter 96: Coulson: The Foundation Called Me Undercover S.H.I.E.L.D.?

“Not a single living mouth, all dead!”

An S.H.I.E.L.D. agent came over to report after looking around.

Standing in the town’s central square, Coulson solemnly glanced around. I sighed silently in my heart.

“Did the deceased die in the same way as the information shows?”

“Yes, the body of the deceased is obviously intact, but the inside is full of ashes.”

The agent who was about to work nodded.

“Report Captain! We found biological traces here! ”

“It’s a dog!”


Before the agent could finish speaking, he let out a sharp scream.


After a scream, a series of blind voices came from the headset.

Coulson, whose face changed suddenly, shouted in the chat channel.

“What’s going on? Just which area of the people! ”

“Report the confrontation, which is the East Fifth area, which is said to be a slaughterhouse in the town.”

Another special agent reported.

Coulson listened and quickly led the people towards Dongwu.

When they arrived at the scene, they saw only one agent fall to the ground. Moving the mouth of the agent on the ground, Coulson saw a mouth of ashes.

Coulson was silent after examining the body.

“Does he have any relatives?”

“Report to the commander, he’s an orphan!”

The agent next to him reported.

After hearing that the other party had no relatives, Coulson’s heart quietly rose. No relatives are good!

Without loved ones, loved ones will not be harmed!

“Gather all the agents and start to surround this side, and after surrounding this area, we will start to contain!”

After giving the order, Coulson sighed bitterly.

This kind of thing should be handed over to the Blind Mobile Task Force.

With a presence like this that attacks through sight, there are actually task forces within the Foundation that are better suited to deal with this kind of presence. Suddenly, a burst of bullets rang out, and the voice of an agent came from the headset.

The agent reported in the chat channel: “Report Commander, we have found traces of containment-023-Black Star, he is hiding in a hut, do you want to pursue?” ”

“You stay where you are, and then we’ll assemble!”

Without hesitation, Coulson rallied his opponent toward the hut to surround him.

Until now, Coulson had finally seen the dawn of success.

“Commander, I found the containment-023-Black Star to be even more terrifying than the information describes above, and he is most likely immune to light fire weapons!”

The agent who had just fired the gun reported.

Just then, there was a sudden noise inside the hut.

A pitch-black dog jumped out of the window and pounced on an agent. The agent, who was thrown to the ground, inevitably confronted the Black Star.


A desolate scream sounded.

The agent on the ground barely struggled and lost his life in an instant.

The agent next to him did not hesitate, and an agent with a net-catching gun shot directly at the containment-023-black star. The containment-023-Black Star, which was covered by a huge steel wire mesh, only struggled slightly.

The steel wire mesh on his body directly turned into a pool of molten iron.

“Hidden! Hide! ”

Seeing this scene, Coulson’s face was instantly horrified, and then he shouted in fear: “The Black Fire Star still has a terrifying high temperature on its body? Such important information, why is the foundation’s information not shown above? ”

When he reached a wall and went into hiding, Coulson took the microphone and shouted, “Report to headquarters, I’m Coulson!” I need support here! Containment-023-Black Fire Star shows more power than intelligence says! ”

S46 I listened to Coulson’s report and sighed silently in my heart. She knew that Coulson was really just cannon fodder.

The reason why Beichen sent Coulson was to get more information about the containment-023-Black Star, so that it would be beneficial to the Foundation’s next containment plan

“If that’s the case, then retreat!”

Dr. S46 eventually relented.

After a brief confrontation, the Doctor probably knew what kind of strength the Containment -023-Black Fire Star was in at this moment. Hearing that his men had allowed them to retreat, Coulson sighed in his heart.

After realizing that the containment-023-Black Fire Star was not only immune to light fire weapons, but also covered with high temperatures, Coulson knew that this time he was completely incapable of sheltering them.

However, what Coulson did not expect was that although he was willing to give up the mission, the Black Star side obviously did not want to let them go. The black star’s red, blackened eyes stared deadly, and they had already hidden behind the various bunkers.

The light fire weapon held by the agent is basically equivalent to a fire stick for the Black Fire Star. And so a massacre began…

With his keen speed, the Black Fire Star rushed in the direction hidden by an agent.

To know that the physical quality of the Black Fire Star is even more terrifying than the most powerful animals in nature, even if it is a male lion, the Black Fire Star can add up to one-handed crushing.

Listening to the incessant screams, Coulson clutched his pistol as he panicked and withdrew outside the town. Coulson, who ran away, also had a bitter feeling in his heart.

He had naively thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. could replace the foundation, but now Coulson realized that the world could not live without foundations.

There is no way, in the face of those terrible containments, human beings can really only be defeated, and these people themselves are the best examples! After being abused again and again by the containment, Coulson has begun to accept this cruel fact in his heart, and finally the action squad of more than 40 people survived, only less than 10 people survived, and then fled the town in a daze. Back at the base, Coulson sat silently on a bench in the corridor of the base.

I thought that my foundation had studied for a month and should be enough to deal with shelters that were not very dangerous. But now, Coulson realized how naïve he had been before.

“How? Frustrated so quickly? ”

Dr. S46, who was passing by, handed Coulson a glass of functional drinks.

··· Ask for flowers…

Coulson listened, smiled bitterly and didn’t speak.

You must know that half an hour ago, the top agents who followed him and sacrificed were all the top agents trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. at a huge cost!

So he died in a desolate town, and he died at the hands of a dog. This is indeed ironic.

“This is the foundation, and it is also the meaning of the existence of those of us who have died!” You see, their sacrifices are meaningful, at least they have gained valuable information for the foundation! ”

Dr. S46 said coldly and comfortingly.

In her memory, in order to contain those containments, the good fighters who died at the Foundation were simply not too many, such as the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad…

For example…

Too many elites have died on this path.

If she had to observe a daily silence for those victims, she would not have been able to play at all. Dr. S46 shook his head, then handed the file in his hand to Coulson.

“Forget it, you are now leading the team to take in the Black Star, it is indeed a little early, you will not be responsible for this matter in the future, this is a new task given to you by the president, this time you don’t want to disappoint the president.”

Silent Coulson took the file from the Doctor’s hand and opened the folder later. The pupils of Coulson, who saw the familiar name, shrank instantly.

Is the foundation still on the same page as S.H.I.E.L.D. after all?

“The Foundation discovers that S.H.I.E.L.D. is secretly working on a very dangerous containment project, and your mission is to find a way to enter S.H.I.E.L.D. and then obtain intelligence on the S.H.I.E.L.D. SCP.”

Dr. S46 explained at the side.

Let yourself, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, lurk into S.H.I.Es.l.N

Coulson was speechless, but since he knew that the Foundation had set his sights on S.H.I.E.L.D., COULSON NATURALLY WOULD NOT SIT IDLY BY.

“Leave it to me!” I will be able to get the intelligence that the organization needs. ”

Coulson said confidently.

Coulson finally saw an opportunity to make a difference. Join S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Isn’t that as simple as going back to your own home?

Coulson, who had taken over the task, couldn’t wait to turn his head and leave, and then reported today’s information to Fury.

Fury looked strange when he received the order.

“I heard that with the continuous deepening of research, the space cube is becoming more and more unstable, and the unstable containment that the foundation says will not be the cosmic cube, right?”

“Hahaha! It seems that my research direction is right, and the arrogant foundation is also anxious! ”

Fury thought about it, and instead of planning to stop, he decided to develop the Cosmic Cube more deeply. The more the Foundation doesn’t allow, the more he has to do it!

Fury didn’t believe that he had everything in his hands and how big a basket he could poke out. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is the organization that can truly protect all mankind!


A mysterious organization that is both illegal and violent!

What Fury doesn’t know, however, is that after Asgard steals the Infinity Gauntlet, Loki finds Thanos in the universe as he wishes

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