“There are people in the flames, some survivors call them fire elves, others call them fire demons, if there is no support from above, this fire may be completely out of control, and thus spread to the entire beautiful country.”

After the fire chief finished speaking, he also took out a tablet and handed it to Coulson.

The screen displays a map of the fire.

Unlike normal fires, Coulson found that the fire was actually spreading in all directions, even against the wind.

Seeing this, Coulson finally realized the seriousness of the matter.


It must be the containment behind the scenes!

Such a strange fire can only be explained by supernatural phenomena.

“No way! I have to report this to the Bureau…”

Coulson, who left in a hurry, finally made the first phone call to Beichen.


Although he is an undercover agent, aside from the position to comment, the Foundation’s professionalism in dealing with the supernatural does throw S.H.I.E.L.D. a dozen streets.

“The president is not good! I found traces of new containments on my side, and it was initially determined to be flame-related containments. ”

Listening to Coulson’s report, Beichen calmly replied, “I know, you don’t need to care about this, I will send someone to deal with it, and you will continue to be responsible for the containment – MC-24 – Thor’s Hammer.” ”

“Cough cough… That…”

Coulson was a little embarrassed, distraught, and didn’t know what to say.

“Say what you have to say!”

Beichen scolded.

For this two or five boys, Beichen naturally will not give the other party a good face, even if the other party works hard and complains, but still can not change the fact that the other party has bad intentions.

“If nothing else, we have to retreat, and the fire caused by the fire-related containment is about to spread to my side.”

“So fast?”

Beichen was shocked.

The place where the containment-457-Fire Devil descended was the town of Asak, a town east of New Mergo.

The location of Thor’s hammer is located in the north of the new Mogo, and the distance between the two is about 40 kilometers.

What is the concept of a distance of more than 40 kilometers? The combined diameter of the two cities is estimated to be this length!

In just one night, the Fire Devil burned close to two cities, or even more?

What to do? Do you want to stop it now?

Beichen opened the system and looked at the legend value balance.

This fire, which burned half of the beautiful country’s sky red, directly brought him nearly a million legendary values.

If the containment-457-Yan Devil were allowed to burn down again, his legendary value would be estimated to be able to exceed ten million in less than three days.

But burn it for three more days….

That level of containment-457-fire demon, does the Foundation really have the ability to stop it?

Endless greed and cautious restraint.

These two options kept colliding in Beichen’s mind.

Natasha next to her did not speak, but looked directly at the North Star.

Of course, he hoped that Beichen would quickly send the Foundation to stop it.

After all, the foundation has this ability, and the base under its feet has a meteorological weapon that can control the entire beautiful weather.

As long as the Foundation is willing to pay the price, this catastrophe can be contained.

But to do so is bound to expose the existence of the foundation.

When the time comes, it will not be just S.H.I.E.L.D. who will covet the foundation.

At that time, all the secret service departments, military departments, and politicians will turn into hungry wolves and want to nibble a bite of fat on the foundation.

After hanging up the phone, Beichen let out a heavy breath.

Then he took Natasha to the command room.

Dr. S96 is constantly busy in front of a projection, as if he is making some kind of plan.

“Doctor, that fire…”

When Beichen asked aloud, Dr. S96 interrupted, “Containment -457-Yan Demon, this is the number given to him by the Foundation, he has caused a certain danger to mankind, and the advice given by the Foundation is to take it in immediately.” ”

Looking at the serious and serious Dr. S96, the morality and sanity in Beichen’s heart instantly occupied the high ground.

“Is there any plan for that?”

In the face of the most primitive greed, Beichen finally chose kindness.

“The Foundation will launch a meteorological weapon to put the new Mogo into a 15-day stormy period, and then our firefighters will prepare the most advanced fire extinguishers and flame shields to join the containment operation.”

Dr. S96’s plan sounds simple and not difficult to implement.

But Beichen was keenly aware of the flaws in this plan.

“Can’t the 15-day period of heavy rain be shortened?”

Beichen asked worriedly.

“Can’t! Meteorological weapons can not be used frequently, in order to let the new Mogo rain, the rain period must be at least 15 days. ”

“What about the flooding caused by these 15 days of torrential rains?”

Dr. S96 folded his hands and said apologetically: “Infinite flames and short floods, the beautiful people of the country must always choose the same.” ”

North Star: “…”

Beichen took a deep look at the muscular man in front of him.

Those who can be mixed into the management of the foundation are certainly not good people.

After this flood, the economy of Xinmogo will have to go back at least 10 years.

But if it weren’t for this flood, the Fire Demon might have turned the entire New Mo Ge into a scorched earth.

The lesser of the two, Beichen chose the latter!

……………… ps: I TM serviced, those red-eyed dogs actually directly reported to the Internet information.

CP was changed to containment later, the front content I also changed, spent a whole day to change the previous content, delayed a whole day of time without code words, think about it.

In addition, Lao Tzu not only has to continue to write! And to write better and better! I am envious of you red-eyed dogs!!!

In addition, thanks to the support of all the readers, the author will also work harder to let some red-eyed dogs continue to be red-eyed.

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