“Lao Tzu paid so much! It took a lot of hard work to get to this position, and as a result, you gave me a lack of authority? Just show me a name? ”

“Lao Tzu’s pants are off, and that’s the result?”

Resisting the urge to drop the keyboard, Coulson got back into his chair and watched the screen gasping for breath.

Not angry….

Be calm….

Strive hard, and sooner or later the authority will be raised.

Coulson was constantly comforting himself in his heart, trying to convince himself to calm himself down.

What Coulson didn’t know was that even if his authority went up, he wouldn’t actually see anything.

Because these so-called materials were uploaded by Beichen itself, and only the names and numbers of their respective SCPs were uploaded.

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. invaded the foundation’s data center, it would only get a lonely one.

After calming down, Coulson also remembered a very important thing.

The frozen captain?

In fact, just from this name, you can already see a lot of things.

Was the captain caught frozen by the Foundation, or was he frozen on the other side of the Arctic Circle?

Coulson stared dead at the screen, muttering to himself.

He preferred the former.

It must have been the evil foundation that secretly captured the captain and then froze the captain.

The Foundation is truly an evil and grand-sounding organization!

What protects all mankind!

It’s all farting!

Obviously, it is a rogue organization with a rampant authoritarianism!


Lao Tzu and a beautiful national agent all feel that the people of the Foundation love to engage in dictatorship!

I have to tell the director the news and then find a way to rescue the captain, after all, the captain is the spiritual symbol of the beautiful country!

How can you be imprisoned by the Foundation.

The thought of his idols imprisoned by the Foundation made Coulson feel that his faith had been desecrated.

He had no idea that a cauldron had been fastened to his own body, and Beichen was on his way home at the moment.

Look at the legendary value of nearly 500,000 on the system panel.

Beichen was also in a dilemma at this moment.

Are so rich, should you find yourself an old …


Should it be SCP?

Enchanted Girl? Or 105? Or 336?

No way!

How can someone who wants to do great things indulge in beauty?

In the end, with firm willpower, Beichen put the target on a bell.

SCP-662 – Butler Bell.

An SCP with little danger, but somewhat all-powerful.

Its containment difficulty is almost zero, basically as long as it is summoned, and then found by relying on the SCP map, it can be directly completed by the containment.

SCP-662 – The legendary value required to summon the Butler Bell is 1 million.

Seeing this number, Beichen sighed, and said to himself in his heart, “Suffer more S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, it should be enough to scare them again…”


The villa where North Star lives is located on the outskirts of New York, not far from Chinatown, but not too close.

Because it is a suburb, the villa where Beichen lives can be said to be very remote, and there is no property, saying that the villa is actually more like a manor.

Because the outside of the villa is a very large garden and a lake of several hundred square meters.

Today’s villas are different from the past.

With the previous lessons, Beichen also had a snack on his personal safety issues.

More than 50 C-class combatants, a team of B-class combatants, and a class A combatant were specially transferred from the Foundation.

(The level of a Class A combatant should be the same level as May, and the S level is the limit of human beings, such as Black Widow, S level and above, that is, SCP… )

The black widow who drove back looked at the Foundation combatants who were constantly patrolling outside the villa, and couldn’t help but complain: “Will you grow up, are you too careful?” This security force is also too exaggerated, right? Who went out with fifty or so bodyguards? ”

Beichen listened and glanced at the other party: “Much?” I didn’t feel at all, I didn’t want to receive bombs again. ”

Hearing this, Natasha was even more speechless.

“In this year, which normal person will receive a package of unknown origin?”

Natasha whispered.

North Star: “…”

Hearing Natasha’s complaints, Beichen touched the bridge of his nose with some embarrassment.

It was the black spot of his life!

His name was ruined on that occasion.

Beichen whispered, “To tell the truth, so many people are guarding me, in fact, I am not used to it, but for safety, what can I do?” Of course, I can only endure in silence. ”

Thinking of this, Beichen felt the need to summon SCP-662 quickly, and having such an all-powerful butler by his side was not only convenient but also safe.

The security force formed by ordinary Foundation combatants was still a little worse after all.

Of course, the security forces transferred from the Foundation are not completely useless, at least they can solve some small problems, such as preventing assassinations like before in advance.

But this effect, after he obtained the Immortal Death, was useless again.

Any external force is virtual! In this chaotic Marvel Universe, everything has to be spoken of by its own strength.

……………… PS: What brain holes do you have that can be proposed in the book review area, and then the author will speed up the progress of the plot, and strive to advance the plot before the Women’s Federation One New York Battle before it is on the shelves.

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