American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 681: Scavenger No. 142

Although Goofy has no interest in drinking, he does need to drink anything right now, as long as it washes away the smell of alien wreckage from his mouth.

So he stood in front of the building that looked like a pub and looked at the two female aliens with drinks in their hands.

The Saka people have a very unique aesthetic. These two alien creatures are very distinctive. Their commonality is very prominent, that is, there is a full accumulation of fat on the chest, and the lower limbs are slender and slender.

But as a normal straight man on Earth, Gao Fei really couldn't appreciate the beauty of this alien female creature, and he couldn't imagine what kind of weird scene it would be for him to communicate deeply with this kind of creature...

"Come in for a drink, distinguished guest."

Then one of the female aliens spoke up, seeing Goofy's clean clothes and guessing that he was a potential high-quality client.

After all, most of the people passing by Saka Star are some embarrassed fugitives or wanderers, and there are not many people who can be as decent as Gao Fei.

"Oh, of course I'd love to go in for a drink..." Goofy said with a smile, "but..."

But I have no money. This is Gao Fei's inner voice, and he is too embarrassed to say it.

Since I didn't know the destination was Saka before I came, and there was no Saka's currency reserve on Earth, Goofy was now empty-handed and didn't have a penny.

"I knew I should search the pockets of those homeless people, maybe they have money on them." Gao Fei regretted it, but it's too late to regret it now.

And the welcoming lady at the door was still greeting Gao Fei warmly: "Come on sir, we have a lot of high-quality goods here... Come on, we won't let you down."

Gao Fei looked embarrassed and was about to turn around and leave.

Just then, a female voice sounded nearby.

"Let's go, handsome guy, can I buy you a drink?"

Goofy turned around and saw a familiar face with a very human-like appearance, black skin, square face, and big eyes. She captured the Hulk and Thor in "Thor 3" and sold them to him. Gao Tianzun is the Gladiator's Population (Harmony) Trafficker Scavenger No. 142: Valkyrie.

Because Gao Fei had seen the movie before, it was inevitable that Gao Fei would be wary of this girl, and she came over to be courteous for no reason, and there was a suspicion everywhere.

Gao Fei could guess with his toes that the scavenger No. 142 obviously wanted to capture him and sell him to Gao Tianzun.

But since Gao Fei knew her intentions, and Gao Fei was very confident in his abilities, he didn't worry that he would be caught by Valkyrie at all. This cunning girl may not be the opponent of the old fox Gao Fei. .

In this way, tricking her into a drink is also a good choice.

After all, the alien wreckage in Goofy's mouth smelled so bad that he had to wash it off as soon as possible.

"Oh, pretty lady, what's your name, please?"

Goofy pretended not to know Valkyrie and said with a smile.

"No. 142, you can just call me 142." Valkyrie smiled charmingly, "I'm a scavenger on Saka Star, how about you? Are you a native of Saka Star?"

"I'm not, my spacecraft had an unfortunate accident in the universe, and I came here for the first time today..." Gao Fei put on a sad expression and said, "But then again, this place is really a mess... no What is that red vortex in the distance that keeps bubbling out of garbage?"

"Oh, you said 'big chrysanthemum', it's a wormhole, through which a lot of garbage and waste from the universe poured into Saka, they regarded Saka as a huge garbage dump." Valkyrie said , "We Saka people are used to it."

Saying that, Valkyrie took the lead and walked into the tavern. She still didn't forget to grab Goofy's wrist and lead him to the tavern, as if she was afraid that the duck she got in her hand would fly away.

Goofy obediently followed Valkyrie into the tavern, he really needed a drink.

It was obvious that Valkyrie was a frequent visitor to this tavern, and the few waiters in the tavern greeted her warmly as soon as she entered.

"Hey! No. 142, you're here again!"

"Isn't this our wine barrel girl?"

"The big client is here! Have you made any big deals recently?"

"Asgardians really can't live without wine!"

Hearing this, Goofy realized that he almost forgot the other identity of Scavenger 142. She was originally the Valkyrie of Asgard, the king who swore to guard Asgard, and was once sent by Odin to capture the sea who attempted to rebel. La, unfortunately, the entire Valkyrie team was wiped out by Hela alone, and only Valkyrie escaped.

Valkyrie, who escaped from the dead, did not return to Asgard. She not only resented Hela for killing her comrades, but also resented that Odin sent them to die.

Valkyrie, who escaped by chance, began to question Asgard's kingship and her promise to always be loyal to the throne. She believed that the monarch on the top was not qualified to order others to die, and everyone should live only for themselves.

The so-called loyalty is nothing but the brainwashing rhetoric of the ruler, and these two words are a complete hoax.

But Goofy didn't say anything about it, he and Valkyrie just met.

"Oh, you should know what I want to drink." Valkyrie said to the waiters with a smile.

Afterwards, she looked back at Gao Fei and asked, "Handsome guy, what would you like to drink?"

"Uh..." Gao Fei looked at in front of the bar and found that he couldn't understand the text of Sakaxing at all, but according to the pattern prompt, Gao Fei chose a glass of alien juice, "I want this. "

"Green juice? Are you sure you want to drink juice?" Valkyrie looked disappointed. "This is a pub, my friend, I think you should drink some alcoholic beverages?"

"No need." Gao Fei took a firm stand. "The juice is pretty good."

However, the rage in his body whispered: "Uncle Goofy! Don't drink juice! Don't drink juice! I hate drinking this kind of stuff! It's really unpleasant... Is there any fresh blood? Brains can also be added! Premium protein! This is the real drink!!”

Goofy didn't care about rage, he couldn't accept the taste of rage anymore.

And Valkyrie didn't mean to force Goofy to drink. Seeing his firm attitude, Valkyrie signaled the bartender to pour a glass of juice over.

While waiting for the drink, Gao Fei did not take the initiative to chat with Valkyrie, but looked up at the bar and saw some game information displayed on a bulletin board not far away. Although Gao Fei could not understand the text introduction, but from the picture It was speculated that it was likely to be a gladiatorial competition organized by Gao Tianzun.

There were competitions that night and the next night, and it seemed that the frequency of gladiatorial matches in Saka star was very high, and soon Goofy saw a familiar face, the face of Thor.

There was a picture of Thor's head on the bulletin board at the gladiatorial match that night. The poor guy had been cut short by Stan Lee, who was a hairdresser in Saka Star, and his face was painted in blue and red. Oil paint, how embarrassed it looks...

"I guessed right." Gao Fei whispered in his heart, "This guy has already been sold to become a gladiator."

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