The night is cold as water.

Cannaxi in Brooklyn is peaceful.

Carrie and Skye have both fallen asleep. One of the two girls has been busy with school all day, and the other is running around the streets of New York to maintain law and order. Sleep at night can help them recover and recharge for the new day.

As for Frank, who is always drunk, he has long disappeared, and no one knows which gentle village he is sleeping in now.

In the whole house, only Goofy's room was lit, and he was concentratingly studying the "Book of Darkness" left by Mephisto.

Leopold Fitz is right. The information in this book is pouring in too fast. They are converted into Chinese characters and transmitted to Goofy's brain at a rapid rate, which makes Goofy hardly think. time.

The hometown where Gao Fei used to travel has always been known for its "cramming education", but compared to reading "Dark God Book" now, any previous "cramming education" seems to be insignificant.

Even if Gao Fei's brain has been systematically blessed and has evolved into an advanced mode that intelligent creatures cannot have at all, he still can't bear the long influx of information from the "Dark God Book". The brain is saturated.


Gao Fei forcibly closed the Dark God Book, blocking the flow of information,

"This **** book is probably treating me as an artificial intelligence, and the influx of information is too fast."

After complaining, Goofy began to ponder the knowledge he had gained from this book, which was very complex and he had to find out how to control the soul in the **** dimension.

"Come out... come out..."

"Stop peeking around..."

Goofy sifted through his memory while talking to himself. It felt like he was looking for the answer to a big question, but the answer to this big question was hidden in a mess of answers.

The influx of information is instantaneous, but the screening of information is a waste of time and energy. Fortunately, Gao Fei is smart enough, and he thought of one thing.

The soul scepter made by the dwarf king Itri is engraved with an ancient incantation, which is related to the power of the soul, which means that if Goofy finds a connection with the soul in the knowledge of the dark book The same old spell engraved on the scepter seems to be able to find the secret of using the soul.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei hurriedly started screening, and the progress was indeed much faster. After half an hour, he found similar content as he wished.

"I finally found it..."

"The energy bond between the living and the undead, using the mind to control the remaining mind power of the deceased..."

"So so..."

Following the guidance of the Book of Darkness, Goofy began his attempt.

He sensed the souls in the **** dimension, and their whispers seemed to echo in his mind.

All Goofy had to do at first was to listen quietly, to the appeals of these undead, to listen to their last whispers.

Then he tried to understand, he tried to evacuate, he tried to take control.

Clenching his fist, at this moment, Gao Fei opened the crack between the two dimensions. He seemed to have opened a channel that communicated between the two worlds.

Immediately afterwards, the crimson mist of **** floated out, permeating from Goofy's fingers, lingering on his clenched fist...

Goofy felt power like never before!

He raised his fist and waved lightly out the window.

The red light suddenly appeared, and the shadow of the fist roared!

Not far away, a lawn withered abruptly, and the thriving grass instantly withered, withered, and turned into dust...

"Tsk..." Gao Fei sighed softly, "The power of this soul... is a bit overbearing."


Far East.

Himalayan foothills, Kama Taj.

Strange stayed up all night and studied the book "The Use of Suspended Rings" that Mordo helped him borrow from the library.

"Come out! Come out! Big aperture, come out!"

Strange drew circles in the air with his reluctant, trembling fingers wearing a dangling ring, and he tried to summon the "any door" so that he could go directly from here to his home in New York, And got back a few changes of clothes.

Unfortunately, after nearly six hours of trying, Strange's progress was very limited, and his best results were only a few small sparks in the air.

"Damn it!"

Strange took off his suspension ring depressedly, got out of bed and took a simple shower.

"Why can't I learn to use this **** ring?"

"Perhaps your study environment is too comfortable." - At this moment, the voice of Master Gu Yi sounded from behind him, which made Strange quickly wipe his face and turn around.

"Mage, good morning."

"Good morning, Stephen." Master Gu Yi smiled, "I heard that you didn't sleep all night last night, and have been studying the use of Suspended Rings."

"That's it." Strange nodded and admitted, "I want to learn magic as soon as possible."

"Well, you are very motivated..." Master Gu Yi nodded with satisfaction, "I also want you to learn magic as soon as possible."

After all, Master Gu Yi's time is running out, and her body is dying at an extremely fast rate every day.

"But is it because my talent is not enough? I am very efficient when I study medicine. One night's study can give me an epiphany in a certain technology, and it is even possible to master this technology directly..."

Strange said reluctantly,

"But learning magic is not enough. Mordo once told me that the hanging ring is the easiest magic weapon. The female administrator of the library, Jasmine, also said the same, but I spent a night and could only make a few. Inconspicuous little spark..."

"Is it because I don't have any talent for this?"

"Or am I getting older and my learning ability has declined?"

Strange kept questioning himself, and the setbacks in Suspension's study made him feel depressed.

However, at this time, Master Gu Yi smiled softly: "No, Stephen, I said, you just study in a very comfortable environment. I want to change the environment for you, and you can learn this magic very soon."

Having said that, Master Gu Yi raised his right hand and stroked lightly in front of him.


Immediately after the ring glowed, the space magic was activated, and the ancient master drew a circle of light, and took herself and Strange directly from the temple of Kama Taj to the mountains of the Himalayas.

"Oh, I see, your use of the ring is perfect..." Strange nodded and said.

Master Gu Yi had a black line on his face.

"I'm not letting you see this, I'm letting you see the environment here..."

Saying that, she pointed to the surroundings of the two of them.

The altitude here is at least 6000 meters above sea level, the air is thin and the temperature is extremely low.

The wind was howling, and the snow on the ground was lifted high Strange, who was wearing only a robe, was so cold that his bladder was about to burst, and he curled up into a ball and shivered.

"It's... it's cold here! It's so cold!" Strange said in horror.

Master Gu Yi nodded calmly.

"Yes, Stephen, it's cold here. In fact, if you stay here in your current state, you'll freeze to death within ten minutes."

"Huh?!" Strange was shocked, "What, what did you say?"

Master Gu Yi smiled lightly, pointed to the ring on Strange's finger and said, "Stephen, whether you can survive next time is up to you, remember, you only have ten minutes, and after ten minutes, you will be frozen. into an ice sculpture."

After speaking, Master Gu Yi used the ring to open the aperture and left the icy world by himself.

Strange, on the other hand, watched Gu Yi disappear in despair, and at the same time realized that he had been beaten badly this time.

"Damn it! Mage! I know my learning progress is a little slower, but your teaching method is... too crazy?!"



"Are you really leaving?"

"Are you really leaving?!"

"Ah ah ah... ah sneeze!"

After only half a minute, Strange felt that his consciousness was beginning to be in a trance. The temperature here was too low, and it would undoubtedly be fatal to continue to stay here.

"Oh, damn... Kama Taj's way of teaching is so inhumane..."

While complaining, Strange quickly put on the ring and drew a circle toward the space in front of him.

"Come out! Come out! Come out for me!"


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