Seeing Goofy pushing the door in, Kristen Palmer's expression was a little embarrassed, because Strange had been yelling at her just now, and it was not an exaggeration to even reprimand her.

Strange is such an arrogant, arrogant, irritable person, plus he has always been Kristin's predecessor, and now Strange is out of control after the car accident, and he vents all his negative emotions in on Christine.

Even when he saw Gao Fei come in, Strange didn't put away his stinky face, he just glanced at Gao Fei, and continued to say to Christine angrily: "Go and tell the doctors who operated on me. , they are a disgrace to the medical community!"

"They not only ruined me, they ruined the reputation I worked so hard to build for this hospital!!"

Christine desperately gave Strange a wink to make him notice that Goofy had come in. After all, in front of outsiders, Strange was too disrespectful to her.

But Strange didn't feel embarrassed at all, he sneered: "What? Am I right? Look at my hands, look at me now, I was ruined by you! My whole life is ruined It's gone!"

"No, Stephen..." Christine whispered, "It's not that your hand is useless. Didn't I invite Gao Fei? He must have a way to save you."

Hearing this, Dr. Strange's expression changed slightly, he knew that Christine was right, and Goofy did have a way to save him.

In fact, Goofy itself has an immortal body, and can recover to its original state every time he is fatally attacked. In addition to his immortal body, Goofy also has the ability to heal quickly.

Although Dr. Strange did not know about the existence of the Extremis virus, he also saw Goofy's live combat - he keenly observed that after Goofy's trauma, his body always recovered in an instant.

Not to mention, there is also Dr. Zhao Hailun's black technology - the cradle of life that can recreate human organs.

In short, Goofy has countless ways to restore Strange's hands, as long as he is willing to help.

At the thought that his hands, which were more precise than the instrument, could return to normal, and that he could resume his career after this tragic car accident, Dr. Strange finally showed a short smile on his face. Attitude has also eased.

"It's a good thing for you to do."

Christine didn't care about him. She knew that Strange was in an abnormal mood at this time. She turned to Goofy and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, Goofy, I made you laugh."

Gao Fei shook his head slightly, indicating that it was okay.

Christine continued: " must have a way to restore Dr. Strange's hands, right? You must be able to restore his hands to be as stable as before, unaffected by the car accident, right?"

When Kristin asked, Dr. Strange also looked at Goofy seriously. Now Goofy is his only hope for recovery, the life-saving straw before he collapsed.

Under the close attention of the two, Gao Fei nodded calmly.

"Yes, I can indeed restore Dr. Strange's hands. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that I can make Dr. Strange's hands look like they had never been in this car accident."

"That's great!" Kristin exclaimed excitedly, turned to Strange and said, "I just said it's fine, don't thank Goofy quickly!"

Doctor Strange was still holding an air, but his eyes couldn't hide the joyful look in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Gao Fei shook his head.

"But I'm not going to do that, and while I can restore Strange's hands, I'm not going to do that."

"What?" - Christine's smile froze, and her excitement fell to the bottom.

Strange was even more shocked and asked loudly, "What is this? Goofy, what do you mean?"

Before Goofy could answer, Christine guessed on her own: "Is it because of Strange's attitude just now? Is it because he yelled at me? Sorry, Goofy, it's because he was in the car accident. Emotionally collapsed, he was not such a manic person..."

Strange said solemnly: "Hey, Goofy, I know what you're thinking about. You want me to beg you, right? You just want to feel the pleasure of being begged, right?"

Goofy smiled indifferently at Strange, then shook his head at Christine and said, "No, Christine, although I am really disgusted with his attitude towards you just now, this is not the reason why I refuse to help him. ."

Kristin couldn't understand Goofy's decision. She grabbed Goofy's arm in pain and said, "Goofy, please, please help Strange. He is a good doctor. He has saved a lot of people."

Goofy didn't speak, but turned to Strange and said: "Doctor Strange, I know you are an excellent doctor, but I have to correct you, the reason why you end up like this is the same as anyone else. It doesn't matter..."

"It's not that other doctors are not skilled enough to cause your hands to be out of control, but because you are driving dangerously and causing a car accident, which ruins your career."

"Dr. Strange, don't pass the buck to others. The reason why you became what you are now is all because of you, isn't it?"

Goofy's remarks hit Strange's sore spot, which made Strange furious.

He struggled to sit up from the hospital bed, facing Gao Fei with a shaggy beard, his eyes were red with anger, and he shouted loudly: "Damn! Did you come to the hospital to humiliate me? You came to see my jokes. ?"

"You don't want to help me, even if you don't want to save me, I don't care!"

"But what qualifications do you have to judge me? I'm just speeding... Is there any driver who hasn't speeded in his life?"

Facing Strange's Gao Fei sneered: "Is it just speeding? Doctor Strange? Are you sure you have no other violations?"

"I..." Strange was speechless by Goofy's questioning, because in addition to speeding, he was still checking his mobile phone and communicating with colleagues about the patient's situation while driving.

Two very dangerous violations led to the tragedy that nearly killed him and seriously threatened other pedestrians on the road.

At this time, Gao Fei smiled, shook his head and said, "Doctor Strange, you made a mistake yourself, and you should pay the price yourself."

"If I disregard your illegal behavior, pardon your price, and let you return to normal just because you are an excellent surgeon, will you make bigger mistakes in the future?"

"You brought it all on yourself, and you shouldn't take your anger on anyone."

"Yes, I admit that my decision will make the world lose a top surgical expert, but at least, the world can reduce one illegal driver who is speeding and looking at his phone while driving. This is also a virtue, no Is it?"

After that, Goofy nodded to Christine in apology.

"Sorry, Kristin, I gave you a little fun."

"But I've made a decision that I'm not going to save Strange."

Kristin couldn't question Goofy's choice, because Goofy's choice did have his reasons. She could only watch Goofy leave in pain, and then look back at Stellan, who was destroyed by the car accident. Doctor Chi.

"I'm sorry, I tried my best..." Kristin couldn't hide her tears, and followed Goofy and left Strange's ward.

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