American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 579: prince of wakanda

After listening to Eric's new self-introduction, Tony Stark fell silent again.

After a full minute, he nodded and said, "Oh, so... are you the prince of Wakanda?"

"That's it," Eric admitted.

"So you lied when you said your name was Eric and you're from Oakland, California?" Tony asked again.

Eric, however, shook his head.

"It's not a lie, it's a truth..."

"My father used to be an undercover agent sent by Wakanda to the United States. He was investigating the case of Zhenjin being stolen and (Harmony) smuggled out of Wakanda. At that time, he was completely integrated into the life of Oakland. An Auckland woman married and gave birth to me."

Tony suddenly realized: "So it is..."

Afterwards, he couldn't help but complain: "To actually send a member of the royal family to take up such a high-risk occupation, you Wakanda really made a lot of money to investigate (harmony) privately."

Eric shook his head sadly.

"No, actually, things are more complicated than you think..."

"My father and his older brother, the current king of Wakanda, Black Panther T'Chaka, have political differences. My father believes that Wakanda should stop hiding its strength, but should stand up to change The world, liberate the suffering black people all over the world, and even lead the progress of human civilization..."

"But T'Chaka insists on the old-fashioned way, and wants to continue to hide the strength of Wakanda and hide the existence of Zhenjin..."

"Because of this incident, the conflict between the brothers has become increasingly intensified. My father did not want to continue working with him, so he took the initiative to ask to leave Wakanda and go to the United States to investigate the outflow of vibranium."

Tony Stark listened to his narration quietly, and roughly guessed the truth of the matter in his heart.

The two brothers have different political views, one wants to be vulgar and the other wants to lead the times.

Later, Eric's father simply left Wakanda and went to the vast world outside to display his ambitions.

But such contradictions are often irreconcilable, and will continue to intensify over time, coupled with the fact that Tchaka is the king of a country, generally speaking, this situation will lead to extreme results.

"So where is your father now?" Tony asked knowingly.

"He's dead." Eric's expression became somewhat resentful and sad.

"Sure enough..." - Tony whispered in his heart.

Eric immediately gave an explanation: "Tchaka framed my father for the outflow of vibrating gold, and he executed my father for treason... But I know that he only killed my father with a grudge because of his political disagreement with him. Drop him!"

Tony doesn't comment much on this matter, because all he hears now is Eric's side.

If it was T'Chaka's narration, it must be another story.

In any case, the unchangeable fact is that Tchaka executed his younger brother, Njob, and the two brothers had fierce political differences.

This also fully explains Eric's motivation for coming to see Tony Stark.

"So the cooperation between us can be roughly described like this..." Tony Stark said, "I help you avenge your father's murder, and help you sit on the throne of Wakanda; in return, after you come to power, put Wakanda's vibranium resources are shared, right?"

Eric smiled. "It could be said, but it's not entirely accurate."

"Mr. Stark, I know you are a person with a sense of justice. The deeds of you and your friend Goofy are well known in America, and I am no exception..."

"I will not make you a killer to kill the current king of Wakanda, I know you will never do such a thing, it is against your principles..."

"I will solve my father-killing revenge myself, I just need you to give me a chance, take me into Wakanda, and get close to Tchaka... I will do the rest myself, I will rely on myself ability to ascend to the throne."

"As for Zhenjin, I am willing to share it, because I know that the earth is very dangerous now, and it will be attacked by cosmic invaders at any time..."

"I'm a reasonable person and I know that vibranium is not just a resource for us in Wakanda, it belongs to all of humanity."

After listening to Eric's narration, Tony Stark was silent for a long time.

I have to admit that Eric's words are very sincere, and Tony can hear his sincerity. He knows that this kid is not playing any tricks.

From the current point of view, let Eric assassinate T'Challa, then defeat T'Challa, the first-in-line heir, to win the throne, and open up the vibrating gold resources - this is what Tony wants to see most, and it is also the most beneficial result for the earth.

But even if Eric promises to assassinate T'Chaka himself, Tony doesn't need to shoot, since Tony has been informed of this matter, Tony is considered an accomplice.

To assassinate the king of a country, before he committed any heinous crime, it made Tony's conscience very uncomfortable, and it was difficult for him not to hesitate.

"How is it? Mr. Stark, this is your only choice at present. For the future of the earth, you must do it!" Eric said in a deep voice.

"Well..." Tony Stark pondered, "I can't make a decision on this matter, I have to discuss it with my friends. In addition, this matter is related to the relationship between Ultron and Wakanda, so you You must ask Ultron for instructions."

"It's no problem." Eric agreed, "Please help me arrange a meeting with Ultron, and I will inform her of the proposal in person."

"Okay, then I will arrange a meeting with everyone tomorrow, and let's discuss this matter again." Tony said.

Eric nodded, then turned around and left Tony's office.

After Eric was far away, Tony hurriedly called Goofy.

"Hey, Goofy, things seem to have taken a… turn? Should I use that word?"


The next morning.

Goofy, Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and Ultron meet Eric in Tony's office together.

Although the lineup on Gao Fei's side is already huge, Eric's psychological quality is obviously very strong.

"Do you need me to tell you my plan again? About my plan to gain the throne of Wakanda and share the Zhenjin resources?"

Eric asked straight to the point.

"No need, Tony has explained your plan to us in detail." Goofy said bluntly.

"That's saves a lot of time." Eric said, "So...what's your thinking?"

Goofy didn't speak, and Tony Stark didn't make a statement, because Ultron is currently governing the country, so the final decision is still in Ultron's hands.

Eric also understood this, and he looked up at Ultron who was standing... to be exact, Ultron was floating not far away.

Next, Ultron made her decision succinctly and clearly.

"I'm not going to take your offer, Eric, I'm so sorry..."

"I don't think it was an appropriate decision to assassinate the King of Wakanda, even though the King of Wakanda made an extremely low-level mistake in the handling of Vibranium resources..."

"At present, Zhenjin is Wakanda's resource after all, and the right to dispose of it is still in Wakanda's hands..."

"Interfering in other countries' internal affairs is an extremely stupid move, and I would not make such a mistake."

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