American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 542: life foundation

San Francisco.

The Life Foundation Research Institute in the center of the city.

This building is one of the most prestigious and iconic buildings in San Francisco, and it is also a symbol of the city's bustling and avant-garde. The most advanced scientific force in the American West.

With a press card on his chest, Eddie went to the front desk to register, exchanged for a temporary access card, and took the elevator to the interior of the Life Foundation.

He made an appointment with Mr. Carlton Drake, the founder of the Life Foundation, to meet today. He claimed to interview the Life Foundation's research on cancer treatment in recent years, but in fact he came for the disappearance of the homeless. .

After leaving the elevator, Eddie first heard the laughter of the children.

He doesn't like children. He always feels that those naughty little smart ghosts are difficult to control. If they are not careful, they will cause some troublesome incidents. They are the source of disaster...

So he frowned slightly, subconsciously trying to avoid these children.

But suddenly he heard Drake's voice coming from the direction of the laughter of the children, who the Life Foundation founder was clearly with.

"It's amazing to see what I've achieved now, but I'm going to tell you that I'm in the past... You are the ones who will truly change the future, you are the hope of the world..."

Drake gave the children love encouragement in an official tone, and gave them high fives one by one.

Eddie squinted and saw that the children were volunteers from the local elementary school who had come to visit the Life Foundation.

Using children as a show is a common tactic for entrepreneurs. They can use this behavior to get more support from the citizens. Drake obviously knows this well, otherwise he would not "accidentally" organize when Eddie came to interview. Local students visit the Life Foundation.

"Mr. Drake, Mr. Drake."

Eddie went up and greeted,

"Sorry to interrupt your speech, but I didn't expect you to organize a student visit here today."

Carlton Drake heard Eddie's greeting, and pretended to look back and said, "Oh... this friend, who are you..."

"I'm Eddie, the host of Eddie's broadcast. I called before." Eddie smiled, but secretly slandered that Eddie's broadcast has been broadcast in San Francisco for almost a month. I don't believe you don't know me. !

Then Drake smiled and nodded and said, "It turned out to be you, Mr. Eddie Brock, yes, we made an appointment for an interview today, but I'm sorry, I was entangled by this group of children who came to visit..."

Drake deliberately emphasized "temporary" to show that this visit was not deliberately arranged by him.

But then he deliberately directed the topic to the children.

"I like children very much. I think children are our future, so I am always keen to do some charity related to children... For example, the schools that these children are in are sponsored by me..."

"In addition, our Life Foundation is committed to paying attention to the health of mothers and babies. We have a special fund to help some babies with congenital disabilities. I think that only by allowing the next generation to grow up healthily and smoothly, our human civilization can be better continued. "

Mr. Drake was very excited about what he said, but when he turned around, he found that Eddie hadn't recorded his words seriously, which made him feel very uncomfortable, and had a feeling of playing the piano to a cow.

What's the matter with this reporter? Are you here to interview me?

Drake frowned and asked in a low voice, "That... Mr. Bullock, why don't you remember it? Don't you need to remember what I said?"

Eddie smiled softly and said bluntly, "Oh, Mr. Drake, I know you're a great person. You developed a new gene therapy when you were 19 years old, and a few years later, you founded the Life Foundation.'re a standout."

"In addition, I am also very grateful for your contribution to the society. I know that you are a person who is passionate about public welfare. I believe that the general public also understands this trait of yours..."

"But I'm not here to interview you today to pay attention to public welfare, nor to report on your relationship with these children. Believe me, such a show must have no ratings..."

"I'm here to interview something that other people don't know, or don't know that well."

Hearing this, Carlton Drake was a little unhappy.

He tilted his head to look at Eddie, and began to complain.

You are just a little reporter, you just came to San Francisco for a few days, and you have a small column of your own that is not well-known. Do you really regard yourself as a media conscience that discloses the truth?

Keep saying that you want to interview things that others don't know, haven't you heard that curiosity killed the cat?

Don't say it's you, even if the boss of your TV station sees me, he doesn't dare to ask questions I don't want to say...

But Drake's city was very deep, and even if he was dissatisfied with Eddie, he didn't show it so quickly. He smiled and asked politely, "Then... May I ask what you want to inquire about?"

"Oh, it's easy to say." Eddie said, "I heard that a few months ago, the Life Foundation had a rocket in the sky, trying to explore the mysteries of space, but when it returned, it seemed that something went wrong. It deviated from the expected orbit and crashed in South Asia. now, isn't it?"

Drake's smile gradually solidified, and Eddie really didn't lift the pot.

"I don't want to say more about this matter. I can only tell you that everything is under the control of our Life Foundation. In addition, our exploration of space will not stop. We will continue to explore space after adjusting for a period of time. Project research…”

Eddie shook his head and said, "But space exploration is not that simple. The last time the Life Foundation explored space, the United States had not entered the Age of Ultron. Now that the entire United States has entered the Age of Ultron, I think if the Life Foundation wants to continue Research in this area must be approved by Ultron, right?"

"I said I don't want to talk about this anymore," Drake said. "Let's change the subject."

Drake had tried to switch the conversation to children's charities, but Eddie didn't intend to.

"Well, since we won't talk about space exploration, let's talk about the life foundation's research on drugs... As we all know, the Life Foundation has been working on developing new drugs, but may I ask if the Life Foundation is using homeless people as medicines? What about human experiments?" Eddie asked sharply, this question made Drake black face on the spot!

"Where did you hear this rumor? I can sue you for slander!" Drake said in a deep, angry voice.

Eddie didn't panic at all, and responded with a smile, "Of course, Mr. Drake, if you're willing to sue me, of course you can. But if I have evidence, my actions won't constitute defamation, and Is it stating the't it?"

"I think if you're willing to sue me, this lawsuit will be the best promo for my show, The Eddie Broadcasting."


Drake looked at Eddie sullenly, he wasn't sure if Eddie was bluffing.

Eddie seemed to see what Drake was thinking and said with a smile, "I can name a few first, Sarah Chambers, Robert MacDonald, Enrique..."

"All right!"

Before Eddie could finish speaking, Derek raised his hand to interrupt him.

"The interview is over, my dear reporter, that's the end of our meeting today."

"Oh? So soon? Mr. Drake?" Eddie asked back with a smile.

Drake reached out and patted Eddie's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Bullock, those people you just said... they are all dead. But please believe that I have nothing to do with their deaths. ."

"I don't know where you got that dead list from, but Mr. Bullock, I'm sure you don't want your name on it, do you?"

After Eddie heard this, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Drake.

"Are you threatening me? Mr. Drake?"

Drake smiled dismissively and shrugged, "Okay, Mr. Bullock, it's time for you to go."

Eddie waved at Drake, and then said slyly, "If you want to threaten me, then I advise you to improve your skills and investigate my resume in New York, otherwise you will not know what you are threatening. people."

Drake sneered and said, "I hope you can be so confident in the future, Mr. Bullock."

Then he stretched out his palm to Eddie and said, "I wish you a safe life."

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