American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 540: Gao Fei resigns

one week later.

Bucky's injury has basically stabilized, and some minor injuries on his body have healed, but his broken arm is very difficult, mainly because the best treatment time is delayed, so the situation worsens.

If he hadn't insisted on getting rid of the Red Skull and clearing the way for Steve, his arm wouldn't have ended up like this.

But fortunately, Helen Zhao's Regeneration Cradle No. 2 is powerful, and it shouldn't be a big problem to restore Bucky's broken arm.

After rescuing his good friend Bucky, Steve finally got out of the haze completely. He was no longer emotional, and he reapplied to return to the Super Patrol, and he was very sincere to Gao Fei and the Super Patrol. The teammates did a self-examination.

After all, his two behaviors have caused a bad influence on everyone - one is because of Ultron and hastily asked for leave, and the other is because of Bucky's death and resigned directly...

After calming down, Steve regretted his actions very much, and wanted to slap his fat face twice.

Everyone understands Steve's feeling of losing his best friend, and they all accept his decision to return to the Super Patrol, so the fat man finally gave up the sofa and TV at home and returned to work.

Of course, like many of his slightly plumper friends, a cheered Steve vowed to lose weight.

But losing weight is a daunting task, and soon Steve realizes how difficult it is to get rid of the fat that has been accidentally attached to his body...

At least from the first week of losing weight, his efforts have had little effect, and it is not so easy to return to the handsome boy with a fit body.

Weekend evening.

Carnasse, Brooklyn.

After the patrol, Steve happened to pass by Goofy's house and parked the police car outside Goofy's house to visit his partner.

There was a knock on the door, and it was Carrie who came out to greet him.

"Steve..." Carrie looked worriedly at Steve's double chin, "Are you really trying to lose weight?"

"Of course, Carrie!" Steve said earnestly, "I only had two burgers for dinner!"

"But why do I think you're fat?" said Carrie, squinting.

"This is your illusion! Illusion!" Steve coughed. "Cough, okay, where's your dad? Is he at home?"

"Oh, he's in his own room." Carrie pointed to Goofy's bedroom. "Ultron is there too."

"Okay." Steve nodded, then walked to Goofy's room.

Knocking on the door, I saw Goofy and Ultron staring at the computer. Seeing Steve come in, Goofy asked with a smile, "How was the patrol today? Steve."

"Everything is going well." Steve said, "The law and order in New York has been very good recently, and there have been no demonstrations... It seems that everyone has gradually adapted to Ultron's rule."

Ao Mei shook her head gently: "Don't be too optimistic, Steve, some dangers will only breed in corners that no one notices."

"Even if no one can notice, isn't there still you?" Steve said with a smile, "You are a pervasive artificial intelligence, and you exist wherever there is an Internet."

"I'm not omnipotent, Steve." Ultron said with a smile.

Then Steve turned to Goofy and asked, "By the way, Goofy, what have you been up to lately? It seems like you haven't been to work for two days."

Gao Fei smiled: "I'm thinking about one thing."

"What's the matter?" Steve said. "What about it?"

Goofy said: "I want to... resign, like you."

"What?" Steve's jaw dropped, "You want to resign? You don't want to work in the Super Patrol? What about the Super Patrol? Goofy, I can resign, I'm just a police officer anyway, But you are our leader, you can't resign..."

Goofy held Steve's shoulders and said with a smile, "Don't get excited, my old buddy, the Super Patrol will not be in chaos after I resign. I plan to let you take my place..."

"Me?" Steve shook his head, "I think it's better for you to stay."

"But I have too many tasks now, and it is impossible to patrol New York every day." Goofy said, "I manage Ravencraft Prison, and there is a super school to worry about. Ultron's side There are often problems that require me to contact Reed, Tony, and Dr. Banner to solve them together..."

Ultron also nodded and said: "Yes, Steve, Dad's work is too busy, and the work of the Super Patrol has delayed him a little... You also know that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The improvement of his responsibilities should also increase accordingly, and the responsibilities of the super patrol team, for him, are already somewhat mismatched."

"Okay, Gao Fei, if both you and Ultron think you should resign, then you should resign..." Steve said helplessly, "After all, as a person who just resigned arbitrarily, I am the least qualified. The person who advised you to stay... but, are you sure you want me to be your successor?"

"Of course, Steve, of course you."

Goofy Road,

"Johnny is too flamboyant, Skye is too young. You're a natural leader, just like when you were leading the Howling Commando, and you'll do well."

"Hopefully." Steve nodded.

After chatting a few more words, Steve got up and said, "Okay, I have to go see Bucky. I wonder how he slept in Dr. Zhao's coffin."

"Why do you call the rebirth cradle a coffin?" Goofy said, dumbfounded, "Tony took you down."

"Haha... I just think this name is very vivid." Steve said.

Gao Fei reminded: "Don't say that in front of Dr. Zhao, she doesn't care if you are Captain America or not, she will pick up your shield and hit you."

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid!"

Steve smiled and turned to leave Goofy's house.

After sending Steve away, Ultron asked Gao Fei: "Dad, what are your plans next? Do you need to give yourself a vacation?"

"It's really time to give myself a vacation..." Goofy stretched out tiredly, "I'm exhausted this time, dealing with General Ross and saving Bucky... I feel like I've never been like this in my life. tired..."

"Yes, Dad, you've worked too hard." Ultron said softly, and at the same time stretched out a pair of small Zhenjin hands to squeeze Gao Fei's shoulders.

Goofy sat in his seat and closed his eyes, thinking about his plans for the next few days.

Ultron asked in a low voice, "Dad, are you planning a vacation?"

"Let's put it this Goofy Road.

"So where do you plan to start your vacation?" Ultron asked.

"Well..." Gao Fei said, "Start by finding someone."

"Looking for someone? Who?" Ultron was a little curious.

"A man I owe a favor, an old friend." Gao Fei said, "When the media in New York slandered me, he stood up and spoke up for me. If it wasn't for the help he provided me, I might not have been able to. If you defeat the military at that time, you will not be born..."

"Really?" Ultron said, "So we should really thank him."

"Yes," Goofy said, "but he has left New York. I need to know where he is now."

"Ultron, help me search for this person."

"Eddie Bullock."

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