American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 520: Team America resigns

Goofy kept his promise to Steve by arranging a decent funeral for Bucky.

After all, Bucky is a hero who has gone out from Brooklyn, and Goofy and he are also half fellows.

But considering that Bucky was later used by Hydra and transformed into a **** murder tool, Bucky's funeral was not made public.

Otherwise, once those enemies who were killed by Bucky's relatives and friends get wind of it, I am afraid that there will be people who don't know what happened to Bucky, and who are angry with him will come to dig graves and whip corpses.

Therefore, there are not many people participating in the funeral, except for the super patrol team and the super school, there are only Fantastic Four and Tony Stark.

The cemetery was hand-picked by Goofy, and Steve's current state hasn't revived.

The weather was not bad on the day of the burial, and the sun made Bucky's pure black coffin hot.

Steve, who was in the front row, didn't address Bucky. He couldn't bear to describe his old friend's life again because, as he said, Bucky's life was "too hard."

From joining the army to sacrifice for the country, to being used by Hydra, and finally being used by others, he died in the hands of Ultron.

If Steve was asked to review Bucky's life again, he would have cried out in front of everyone.

At the moment when the black coffin was buried, Steve left the scene like a refugee.

Skye felt very strange and asked in a low voice, "Why did Steve leave so early? This is Bucky's funeral. Among those of us who attended, he was the only one who knew Bucky, and Bucky should only know him..."

Tony Stark shook his head and said, "Maybe he is still running away. He can't accept this bad news. He wants to imagine all this as a nightmare, and he wants to wake up from this nightmare as soon as possible."

Gao Fei shook his head and sighed, "Let him go, he needs to be alone for a while."

Skye nodded sympathetically and whispered, "Poor Steve."

When he got home, Steve Rogers took off his shoes so much that he didn't bother to put on slippers and went to the living room.

Turn on the TV, grab a piece of cold pizza from the coffee table and chew it, open a bottle of beer, and watch the TV show on the TV silently.

Steve, who has always been sensitive, didn't even notice a person standing in the corner of his living room, a person quietly waiting for him.

Maybe it was because his living room was so dark, and he was waiting for a black man.

"Captain, captain?"

The black man standing quietly in the living room saw that Team America didn't respond for a long time, and finally couldn't help but remind him.

I've been standing under your nose for almost ten minutes, and you've been ignoring my existence!

Hearing the greeting from the uninvited guest, Steve turned his head slowly.

He looked at him blankly, still chewing the hardened pizza in his mouth.

"You have something to do with me?"

Steve asked nonchalantly.

"Of course." The black man nodded. "My name is Sam, Sam Wilson. I used to serve in the 15th Division..."

"I'm not interested in that." Before Sam could finish speaking, Steve shook his head and interrupted him, "I'm not interested in you either."

Sam was blocked by Steve, but he was not discouraged. He knew why Steve was so depressed, and that was why he came to Steve today.

"Captain, I deeply regret your misfortune," Sam whispered.

Steve didn't respond at first, but after two seconds he suddenly realized something was wrong.

He jerked off the couch and grabbed Sam by the collar.

"How do you know something happened to me? What's your relationship with Bucky? Did you send Bucky to jail? You're from Hydra? You took advantage of Bucky?!"

Sam was almost breathless when Steve asked a series of questions, he shook his head quickly and said, "No, Captain, I swear I don't know about Bucky, I have nothing to do with this dirty conspiracy... In the name of the military, I assure you that I really have nothing to do with this matter."

"Impossible," Steve said. "If you really have nothing to do with this, why do you know that misfortune happened to me? How do you know that Bucky is dead?"

"What happened to Raven Craft is not completely secret, and so is your relationship with Bucky," Sam said. "I think there are a lot of people in New York who know about it, and I'm just one of them."

"In addition, I admit that I do know who planned all this. This group of people originally had the same purpose as me, but I disdain to be with them. They are a group of criminals with ulterior motives."

Steve gave Sam a wary look, but he still hadn't completely dispelled his suspicions.

"So what did you want to do with me today?" Steve asked in a deep voice.

"I came to you, just for one thing." Sam said, "Ultron."

"Ultron?" Steve asked back, "What happened to Ultron?"

"Ultron is just a cold artificial intelligence, he shouldn't rule this country. Isn't Bucky enough to wake you up? Captain, Ultron brings only killing and disaster." Sam said.

"So... you don't admit that you are with the people who used Bucky and killed Bucky, but you all oppose Ultron's rule and want to restore power, don't you?" Steve asked solemnly.

"We do have the same purpose at this point." Sam nodded, "but I promise I have nothing to do with Bucky. In fact, when I knew what these people were doing, I left their organization and I couldn't get along with them. These vicious people are complicit."

"So I came to you, captain, I believe you are also a patriot. You will not let your good friend die in vain. Ultron's rule is a nightmare and a disaster for the entire human society..."

"I know you are a trustworthy man, and I will never find another trustworthy man."

"Stop being decadent, Captain, for Bucky, for the rest of us ruled by Ultron, it's time for us to resist, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Steve took a deep breath.

"Yes, Ultron killed my Bucky, I hate her so much..."

"I thought this AI was a disaster from the AI rule the country is a stupid decision..."

Sam smiled and nodded: "Yes, Captain, you are the backbone of the country, let's save this country."

But at this moment, a Zhenjin body floating in the air outside the door entered the room directly through the wall.


She can pass through entities by changing her form.

"Steve, are you looking for me?" Ultron asked after entering the door.

At this moment, Sam suddenly realized that Steve had quietly contacted Ultron when he appeared.

"Captain! Why did you do this? Ultron killed Bucky! Ultron is a disaster for this country!" Sam said solemnly.

Steve shook his head expressionlessly: "No, although I am in pain, my brain is not confused. I know that the person who sent Bucky to the prison is the culprit behind all these results!"

Hearing this, Sam screamed badly.

He turned and rushed out the window, trying to get away.

It's a pity that Ultron released an electric current towards him that paralyzed him directly, and Sam Wilson fell to the ground with a stiff body.

"You did the right thing, Steve."

Ultron grabbed the arrested Sam and gave Steve a thumbs up,

"I think the mastermind behind all this will be caught soon."

However, Steve's face was still expressionless, and he didn't seem to be interested in the good news of Ultron.

"You should go, Ultron."

Steve sat back on the sofa again, ate pizza and watched TV in a depressed mood.

"By the way, please help me to tell Gao Fei that I plan to resign. I am grateful for his help to me during this period of time, and I hope he can find a better partner."

(= Easy to read novels)

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