Goofy's question inevitably led Steve to question himself - was it subjective?

But Steve knew that whether or not it was subjective factors that made him reject Ultron, he couldn't continue arguing with Gao Fei. After all, Ultron had ruled the country, and everything was irreversible.

"Okay, Goofy, let's skip this one," Steve said. "Even if I'm against Ultron, it won't help, will it?"

Goofy nodded and said, "Yes, Ultron has taken over the country, and changes have occurred."

Having said that, Gao Fei walked to the window, pointed to the brightly lit office building and said, "Look, Manhattan is still peaceful, and the whole country is still peaceful. That's enough, isn't it?"

Steve nodded lightly, and he had to admit the benefits brought by Ultron.

"If there is no Ultron, the military will definitely go to war with you, and of course we will not let the resources of the Dark Star and Super Academy fall into the hands of those true careerists, we will definitely fight back." Steve said.

Gao Fei said: "Yes, once a counterattack, then this war will be enough to destroy this prosperous city, thousands of families will be torn apart, and countless husbands, sons, and fathers will die on the battlefield."

Steve sighed and finally began to accept Ultron.

"I understand what you mean, Gao Fei, don't worry, I will try to focus on the benefits brought by Ultron."

Goofy nodded in relief: "Thank you for your understanding, Steve. I should go back to sleep, I'm really exhausted these days."

It's true that Gao Fei hasn't rested for a long time. It's time for him to go back and have a good sleep.


the other side.

Located in a secret military base in the middle of America.

Murdoch, the head of Pioneer Technology, finally met the former President Ellis, and the two people who were originally in different camps actually came together wonderfully.

You must know that a year ago, the people of Pioneer Technology were busy making explosions all over the country. President Ellis was furious because of this, and he wanted to cut down the roots of this evil organization.

But just one year later, Pioneer Technology has become President Ellis' life-saving straw, and the future of the entire country may be in the hands of this originally evil organization.

"President Ellis, it's a pity that the loyal patriots General Ross and Darren Krause really failed. They are not the opponents of Goofy and Ultron." Murdoch shook his big head and said.

"How are"

President Ellis asked in a low voice.

Because he did not dare to show his face, President Ellis even had difficulty obtaining information. All his sources of information came from Pioneer Technology.

"They're all still alive, imprisoned by Goofy at Ravencraft Prison in New York," Murdoch said, "but I think they're in a situation where life is better than death, as useless losers. Being imprisoned in prison is not as comfortable as dying..."

"Don't say that, they don't deserve to die," said President Ellis. "They are loyal patriots, they are the backbone of this country! Even if they fail in their mission, they cannot deny their achievements!"

"Sorry, President, I don't think useless guys are worthy of being called the backbone of the country. If the entire country is these rubbish, then it's no wonder that this country will be taken over by Ultron." Murdoch said sneeringly.

"Murdoch!" President Ellis was very upset, he wanted to get angry.

But just after calling Murdoch's name, Ellis realized that he had no right to be angry at all.

He is no longer the president, he is just a fugitive hiding everywhere, and Pioneer Technology is the only organization that can guarantee his safety and is willing to take him in.

"What? What do you want to say?"

Murdoch was still sitting in his floating chair, looking at Ellis indifferently.

The current Ellis is not even a puppet to him.

"Then... what do we do next? If General Ross fails, I really don't know what hope we have left to save the country..."

President Ellis whispered,

"Maybe the only one we can rely on is the falcon."

"Falcon?" Murdoch couldn't help laughing. "You want to throw our only communication tool out as cannon fodder? Tell you, if you use Falcon's strength to provoke Gao Fei, maybe Gao Fei will be able to clean him up without even taking a shot. But for us, our only communication system is going to be completely broken... You've got a really good idea!"

"Then what can we do? What other plans do you have?" President Ellis was very upset by Murdoch's scolding, he had never been scolded like this before.

Murdoch grinned and said: "I have planned an alternative plan for a long time. After all, the strength of General Ross and Darren Krause is very reassuring to me. I didn't think they could defeat Ultron and Ultron at first. Fly high..."

"Oh?" Ellis couldn't help frowning. "Since you didn't think they could succeed at first, why did you let them die?! Didn't you kill General Ross and the others by doing this?"

"What do you know? This is my plan, and the failure of their plan A is the beginning of my plan B!"

Murdoch said impatiently that he was about to lose interest in talking to this idiot president.

"Without Plan A, Plan B cannot be carried out, and General Ross is the key for me to disintegrate Goofy and Ultron from within!"

After all, Murdoch snapped his fingers toward the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, two members of Pioneer Technology walked in from the door with a long-haired strong man wearing a mask and a robotic arm.

Murdoch looked at the strong man with a smile as if he was examining a funny toy.

"Who is this guy?"

President Ellis asked, pointing to the strong man.

"Oh, he's a super killer, originally Hydra's secret weapon!" Murdoch said excitedly.

"Super killer?"

Ellis shook his head disapprovingly.

"Sorry, I don't think he can be called a super killer, because you know Goofy's combat power, I believe that any killer on earth is naive like a baby in front of him. And Ultron, she herself is an artificial intelligence , the killer poses no threat to her..."

Murdoch rolled his eyes.

"My respected president, I just said that he is a super killer. Who said I planned to let him assassinate Goo Fei? Of course I know that his combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning in front of Goo Fei, and Goo Fei may be able to move his fingers. Kill him, but trust me, he will be the key to breaking Goofy..."

"This time I will let Goofy and his friends disintegrate from the inside. This is the fatal injury to Goofy!"

"Goofy is strong so strong that his enemies can't hurt him. But when his enemies can't hurt him, we let his friends hurt him!"

President Ellis can't understand, but he still doesn't understand what Murdoch is planning.

At this time, Murdoch turned around and said a series of strange and inexplicable words to the strong man:

"Desire, Rust, Seventeen, Dawn, Furnace, Nine, Kindness, Homecoming, Wagon, One..."

Every word was Russian, and Ellis was horrified.

Just when the last word was finished, the strong man with a mechanical arm suddenly raised his head and looked at Murdoch, his eyes that were originally empty and lacking in spirit lit up with a sharp light!

"Are you ready to obey? My warrior." Murdoch said with a sneer, his eyes flashing sinister and triumphant.

"I'm ready." The strong man with the robotic arm replied in a deep voice, his voice was as cold as the cold wind in winter!

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