American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 509: 2nd Generation Ant-Man Appears (3/5)

It took no more than three minutes from General Ross's action to Goofy's defeat of his Red Giants.

Not only that, but Goofy also saw through the conspiracy he and Pioneer Murdoch jointly planned and knew that he was stalling for time.

The old general thought that everything was going well, and Goofy didn't notice his plan, but as long as Goofy could be held back, Darren Krause and his army of wasps could capture the Internet and destroy Ultron, then Even if he died under Goofy's fist, it was worth it.

But now it seems that he really underestimated Gao Fei.

He understood that even if he really died today, it would not be a sacrifice, but a meaningless death.


The annoyed old general hammered the ground and moaned, and the wood chips from the rotten floor he hammered flew.

Gao Fei shook his head at him and whispered: "General Ross, you don't need to be so sad, I know you are a soldier loyal to the country, but you are likely to be used."

"Do you really think that the people of Pioneer Technology will cooperate with you sincerely? When the country was peaceful, they were opportunistic criminals who violated the law and discipline. Now that the country is in chaos, they have no principle to speak of..."

"They seem to help you regain power, but they are actually planning for their own purposes."

General Ross looked up at Gao Fei, gritted his teeth and said, "But I'm desperate! I can only rely on their help!"

Gao Fei shrugged: "But why can't you accept the progress and changes in this country? Give Ultron three years, I think three years is enough, after three years, you will see a more prosperous and powerful country, a more harmonious society..."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding space suddenly flashed a blue light.

Goofy knew that this was the effect of Reed's teleportation machine, and it seemed that someone was rushing to the scene.

"Oh, we have guests." Goofy said.

Before he finished speaking, a figure appeared in the blue light. It was a **** female figure. Gao Fei knew at a glance that it was the crystallization of his wisdom.

"Ultron." Goofy said, "What are you doing here?"

"I already know why General Ross is procrastinating, Dad." The elegant Aomei said with a smile, with a smug smile on her face that looked exactly like Helen Zhao.

And General Ross, who was kneeling next to him, shook his head again and again, and said solemnly: "This is impossible. How could you see through our plan in just a few minutes? You must be bluffing!"

Ultron smiled and shook his head: "Don't talk too much, old general, not everyone is hostile to me, there are still many people in this country who support my rule."

This is Gao Fei suddenly seeing a gadget the size of an ant lying on Ao Chuang's shoulder, squinting his eyes and taking a closer look, it seems to be a person.

"Oh, we have new friends?" Goofy asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ultron said with a smile, "Come on, Ant-Man, it's time for you to play."

Saying that, Ultron stretched out his slender fingers and flicked his shoulders, and Ant-Man flew out immediately.

Immediately after that, he suddenly became bigger and bigger and bigger, and returned to the size of a normal person during the process of flying in the air.

General Ross was dumbfounded, but he was not surprised.

"This is... the suit that Darren Krause said can control the size of the body? It's amazing..."

The Ant-Man, who became a normal size, lifted the mask of the battle suit, revealing the face inside.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Ant-Man, ahem, exactly, I should be the second-generation Ant-Man, the first-generation Ant-Man is Dr. Hank Pym, I'm not Hank Pym, I'm another person ...well, I mean, my name is Scott Lang, you can call me Scott or you can call me Lang, I'm the second generation of Ant-Man."

The second generation of Ant-Man seems to be a little deranged after going through the big and small changes. What he said is simply out of line. Gao Fei knows his style very well, and nodded with a smile: "Hello, Scott, I am Goofy."

"Oh! Goofy! Goofy! Of course I know you, you're so famous! I've only seen you on TV before, and this is the first time I've seen you live... uh, no, you in real life..."

"Thank you for saving the world, without you we might all be dead now or ruled by aliens. I also have a daughter, she's a huge fan of yours, and you have a daughter too? Officer Goofy, I remember seeing it on TV..."

Scott Lang is also a super chatter, and he can't stop talking. He was too excited to see Gao Fei and kept babbling,

"By the way, Officer Goofy, I have to say that Ultron is really a genius idea. When I was in prison... Oh, I hope you don't discriminate against me because I was in prison. I'm not a bad person, I just committed some crimes. It's just a small mistake, in short, I have paid the price, I have reflected on myself in prison..."

"Where is it? By the way, I said Ultron is a genius idea, and I had the same idea before when I was in prison - what would happen if our world was ruled by artificial intelligence? Isn't it true? corrupt?"

Scott Lang had obviously just opened the conversation, and there was still plenty of tirade to talk about.

Gao Fei was a little sleepy because of what he said. After all, he had not had a good rest for four days and nights, and Ultron hurriedly interrupted the second-generation Ant-Man's speech and said, "Scott, you seem to have forgotten Dr. Pym. The purpose of calling you here."

"Oh! I said that I seem to have forgotten something, so I forgot the business!"

Scott woke up like a dream, patted his forehead,

"Officer Gao Fei, the situation is not very good, it is like this, I will explain it to you."

"Dr. Hank Pym, the original Ant-Man, and the inventor of my suit, he has a technology that allows people who wear this suit to freely change their size and get bigger. getting smaller..."

"This kind of technology is very powerful. Under normal circumstances, he would not tell others."

"But a few days ago, his student, a big bald guy named Darren Krause, kidnapped Dr. Pym's daughter and used it to coerce Dr. Pym into handing over this technology..."

"In order to prevent his daughter from being hurt, Dr. Pym handed over this technique. After all, every father knows that a daughter is the lifeblood... Officer Goofy, you have a daughter too, you can feel this feeling right? Because I also have a daughter, I can feel this feeling. Huh? We are so fateful! You, me, and Dr. Pym, all three of us have daughters, isn't that fate? What a wonderful coincidence! "

Gao Fei is almost helpless, where is this going?

Ultron reminded again: "Mr. Lang, we are running out of time, please pay attention to this."

"Oh, sorry sorry...I can't control my emotions when I mention my daughter, my daughter is so cute." Scott smiled awkwardly and said, "Let's continue, we'll continue... By the way, where did we say? "

"Speaking of Dr. Pym handing over his technology for his daughter." Ultron reminded helplessly.

"That's right! That's it!" Scott Lang said, "Let's continue..."

"That's right, Darren Krause, the big bald head, is actually an inventive genius. He used Dr. Pym's technology to invent a new battle suit that can also shrink a person to the size of an insect... "

"But Darren's suit is different from Dr. Pym's Pym's suit is an ant-man suit, and when we put it on, we'll be the size of an ant, just like I just That way..."

"But Darren's battle suit also turned people into the size of an ant, but his chicken thief added a pair of wings to the battle suit, so the reduced man can still fly like a wasp, so put on his battle suit. Then I can't call it Ant-Man, I should call it Wasp-Man..."

"Well, I don't know what Dr. Pym thinks. Is it so troublesome to add a pair of wings to my suit? Why not update this first-generation suit, so that I can fly..."

"My suit doesn't have the ability to fly now, but Darren's suit can fly... If we fight head-to-head in the future, I won't have much chance of winning..."

Seeing that Scott Lang took the topic off track again, Ultron simply didn't bother to remind.

Goofy shook his shoulders and said, "Scott! Scott! Be awake! Speaking of which, you haven't explained the conspiracy of the Belarusian general and Pioneer Technology! Is it good to say the point! Say the point!"


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