American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 470: Thor and the students make one piece

During Steve's absence, Thor became a substitute instructor for the fighting class and ideological and moral class of the Super Power Academy. At the beginning, this noble Asgardian could not fully adapt to the rhythm of being a teacher, but he was very happy. Soon he found the feeling.

After all, Thor is a pushy person, and standing on a three-foot podium to brag about dozens of star-eyed teenagers is a vain thing.

After just three days, the students had forgotten their old love, Steve Rogers, and threw themselves into the sturdy embrace of their new love, Thor.

And Thor was also completely infatuated with the feeling of being a lecturer. He just happened to be able to share with the children on earth his illustrious military exploits in the Nine Realms over the years.

"When I was in Niflheim, the country of fog, I once challenged the warriors of the seven fogs there alone. At that time, I didn't have any support. I only had a Mjolnir in my hand. I clashed left and right. , to defeat them all..."

"Once I was in Jotunheim, and a person broke through their ice giant team. I carried Thor's hammer in the ice giant's army seven in and seven out, killing them in a dark and **** river..."

"There was another time when our Asa Protoss and Huaner Protoss clashed, and the two sides fought fiercely for three days and three nights. Three days later, when I just arrived, the Warner Protoss and our Asa Protoss shook hands and made peace. This is the deterrence from Thor, Ha ha ha ha…"

In the fighting class, Thor still taught the students some real fighting skills, but when he got to the ideological and moral class, Thor patronized and told the children his brilliant stories before, which made the final ideological and moral class become Thor worship. class.

And Gao Fei was right. After Thor became a lecturer for three days, the pain of his lovelorn with Jane Foster was really forgotten by him, and the quality of sleep at night became better.

On the evening of the fourth day, Thor, who had finished a day's work, took Carrie home from school with a hammer and happened to have dinner in the restaurant with Goofy and Skye, who had come home from get off work with dinner.

Thor's appetite became better and better, and he swallowed two pizzas in one mouthful.

Skye was taken aback by Thor's heroic appetite, and whispered, "It seems that someone is in a good mood today."

"Yes, I'm in a good mood today." Thor nodded with a smile, "Life at school is very happy."

After speaking, Thor patted Gao Fei on the shoulder and said, "Gao Fei, you are right, I really underestimated the strength of the Earthlings before. I think that when the children of the Super Academy are mature, the combat power of the Earth will be greatly improved. Jumped to the forefront of the Nine Realms..."

"Indeed." Gao Fei was not humble, nodded and said, "The development of the earth is already very fast."

Thor also nodded, and then suddenly changed the conversation: "By the way, Goofy, I received a notice from Heimdall at noon today, saying that Surter of Muspelheim has begun to fight hard, and may attack other people at any time. The Eight Realms launched an invasion...I think I have to stop him as soon as possible."

"Really?" Gao Fei, who heard the news, also became nervous, "This matter is indeed more important, you can leave at any time, don't worry about the situation at the academy, I will find someone else to take your courses on your behalf. ."

"Also, I can form a temporary team for you on Earth - the Avengers can regroup at any time, and the Fantastic Four will also come forward..."

"By the way, during this time, I have met a lot of mature aliens and mutants. They can all accompany you to Muspelheim to fight Surtur."

But Thor shook his head, as if he had other ideas.

"Don't worry about your helper, Gao Fei, I have already selected the helper."

Gao Fei was startled when he heard the words: "What? When did you choose your helper?"

Thor smiled and said: "When I was at school, I had a good relationship with several students of the Super Academy, such as Charles, Eric, Pietro, Wanda... I think their combat effectiveness is also very strong. , and their abilities need practical training..."

"Instead of letting them hide in ivory towers to learn theoretical knowledge, it is better to let them go to the real battlefield to sharpen them. I think the battle with Surtur is a perfect opportunity, and I can just give them in actual combat. guide…"

"In this way, I also have a helper, and the students also have the opportunity to improve, so let them participate in a practical training. Isn't this a thing that kills two birds with one stone?"

"What do you think, Goofy?"

Thor said with a smile.

However, Gao Fei became anxious when he heard it, and said in a deep voice, "What? Thor, are you crazy? You want to drag my students to the battlefield to join you to deal with stabbing Odin in one eye and killing Odin. Ding’s two younger brothers, the great devil Surtur?”

"Uh... That's right, is there any problem with this?" Thor asked blankly, he didn't think there was any problem.

"But they are still students, they are still children, their abilities are still in their infancy, and they still need protection!" Gao Fei said in a deep voice, "You are putting my students in danger!"

Thor spread out his hands: "Hey, Gao Fei, didn't you say you wanted someone to help me?"

"But I'm not looking for students either! The people I'm looking for are adults who can already master their own abilities. You bring the students to the battlefield, which is literally killing them!" Gao Fei said worriedly.

"Oh, Goofy, I know you're a good and responsible principal, but I think you're a little overprotective of your students, I think good warriors are trained in battle, not in school. , learned from the theory..."

Thor said solemnly,

"We Asgardians will be thrown into the wilderness by our parents when we are young to survive, to compete with wolves, vipers and other beasts. We Asgardians believe that only when we face the test of life and death can we truly inspire a person human potential."

"So I think it's the best experience for your students to fight Surter."

However, Goofy couldn't agree with Thor's opinion.

"Thor, my original intention of opening this super academy is to protect these children, not to send them to the battlefield impatiently, or more seriously, to use them as weapons in war..."

Thor shook his head: "Take them as weapons? Gao Fei, you are serious, defending the Nine Realms is everyone's responsibility, and this is also the responsibility of these children."

"By the way, we've been discussing our ideas, why don't you listen to these children's own ideas? Then again, it's they who have indicated to me that they intend to fight Surter."

Thor's words surprised Gao Fei.

"What? You mean, these children volunteered to fight Surtur?"

"Of course!" Thor said with a smile. "Otherwise, what do you think? Am I coercing and enticing them to make these children cannon fodder for me? Goofy, do you think I am such a person?"

"Who knows what kind of person you are... I'm not familiar with you." Gao Fei said with disgust.

"I..." Thor was almost helpless, "I am also the Crown Prince of Asgard, the **** of thunder!"

After speaking, Thor quickly gave Carrie a wink and said in a low voice, "Mr. Student Council President, you're going to say a few words of justice for me..."

Carrie had actually noticed the arguing between the two from the very beginning, but she had just been eating.

Thor's appetite became very big today. Carrie was worried that he would eat the pizza that belonged to her. Finished servings of pizza.

And the foodie didn't have time to speak during the meal, so she didn't express her opinion.

Now mentioned by Thor, Carrie had to put down the pizza in her hand and start speaking.

"Father Goofy, Thor is right, it is indeed our students who want to go to Muspelheim to fight Surtur. Everyone wants to change their environment to cultivate their abilities, and at the same time, they want to improve their abilities. own experience..."

Hearing Carrie tell the truth, Goofy finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"So everyone wants to fight?"

"Yeah." Carrie nodded, "After everyone obtained supernatural powers, a superhero dream sprouted in their hearts. All the classmates wanted to be like you, like Thor, to be heroes who protect the earth and the world..."

"Now I really have such an opportunity to fight side by side with Thor and improve my strength, why not go?"

"But you don't have to worry, because there are not too many students who signed up. There are only eight people, so not all students want to take risks."

Gao Fei smiled: "I think I can guess who these eight people are."

Carrie hurriedly raised her hands and said, "Let me state first, I'm not among these eight people!"

Gao Fei rubbed Carrie's little and asked with a smile, "Why don't you go with them? Don't you want me to worry?"

Carrie pouted a little depressedly and said, "No, it was my classmates who begged me not to let me go... They said that if I go, they probably won't even have a chance to make a move..."

"Haha... So it is." Gao Fei suddenly realized.

At this time Thor asked, "Then, Principal Goofy, will you stop this operation?"

Gao Fei hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said, "I won't stop it, I will respect the opinions of the students."

"Although they are students, they have the right to make up their own minds. As the principal, I can only guide them and help them, but I should not restrict or restrain them..."

"Thor, the students will be left to you."

Thor smiled, stretched out his big hand and patted Goofy's shoulder.

"You're a good principal, Goofy, I mean it."

"Your students are lucky to have such an enlightened principal like you..."

"But don't try to throw the students to me, because you have to come with me too..."

"I may not be able to beat Surter alone. I need your help, Goofy."


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