American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 377: Plunder the ether

Under everyone's attention, "Goofy" easily bombarded and killed the strongest warrior of the dark elves, the cursed warrior, and at the same time penetrated the space battleship that the entire Avengers team could not stop!

In the process, Malekith tried to use the power of ether particles to form a protective shield, but it turned out that even the protective shield could not stop the shocking energy of "Goofy".

This earthling who is full of powerful energy and has transformed into a source of terrifying energy can even penetrate the protective cover formed by ether particles. He is simply invincible!

"What kind of monster is this guy?!"

Malekith, who was standing on the battleship, looked desperately at the "Goofy" in front of him, and he asked this question with a trembling voice.

But none of the people present could answer his question, and the entire Avengers didn't know where the power of "Goofy" came from.

Nick Fury on the aerospace carrier looked at the "Goofy" in front of him in shock, and whispered: "Mazefak! This is Goofy's killer? Not to mention a space battleship, I think this kid can punch Destroy the whole earth!"

And after saying this, Nick Fury suddenly realized one thing.

and many more.

The "Gao Fei" in front of me seems to have seen it somewhere...

Why is "Goofy"'s current form very similar to a super soldier he once knew?

It is exactly the same as the superwoman who is invincible and pierced through a space fleet by herself!

"Could this be... a double star form!!"

Fifteen years ago, when Nick Fury was still blind, he met a Kree-transformed Earthman, Carol Danvers.

Carroll merged in an explosion with a "light speed engine" developed with a space gem as an energy source while performing a SHIELD mission named "Pegasus Project".

After the explosion, Carroll became a light-speed engine, and the light-speed engine was integrated into Carroll.

Part of the energy of the space gems was infused into Carol's body through the light speed engine, which turned her into a constant source of energy. When she turned on all the energy, she could turn into a living white hole and continuously release energy. .

Its powerful strength is enough to destroy two planets at the same time, so her state at this time is called "double star form".

(The double star form of the movie version is different from the color setting of the double star form of the comic version. The double star form of Carol Danvers in the comics is named because she can reflect the two forms of the Zerg planet and the Kree planet at the same time. )

Carol Danvers in the double-star state once penetrated a Kree main fleet by himself.

"By what means did Goofy obtain the exact same double star form as Carroll?" Nick Fury frowned for a moment, and then thought of the answer.

Space Gem and Mind Gem - both are currently in the hands of the Illuminati. If Goofy can absorb the energy of these two gems, then his combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a single space gem. Carol Danvers is so powerful!

The powerful double-star state convinced everyone present, and audiences all over the world continued to pay tribute to Goofy. However, at the same time, the real Goofy was a cat in the Kun-style fighter of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quiet bystander.

Of course it wasn't him who started the double star state, but his little girl Carrie.

It's just that Carrie didn't want to be too high-profile, and she didn't want to be the focus of everyone's after-dinner discussion, so she took the initiative to use the transformation skills she learned from Frigg to become Goofy Star.

Carrie was a wise child who learned from Goofy the saying "with great power comes great responsibility".

Although she had fantasized about being a hero, she never wanted to be a hero who saved the world.

It was because she lived with Goofy that she knew how tiring the life of a superhero was.

Every day, Goofy is troubled by various conspiracies and disasters, big or small, and he hardly sleeps well every day. Whenever there are bad people who invade the earth, Goofy can only bear the brunt of it.

Usually not only have to deal with work, but also beware of enemies coming to retaliate. For this reason, Goofy has to move to the sparsely populated Kanarsi to ensure that he does not disturb the neighbors.

Not to mention personal life, how tragic it is.

In the beginning, when Gao Fei was a little policeman, he could still flirt with sister Jie Qian, and even became a boyfriend and girlfriend for a while.

But when Gao Fei's ability, position, and influence improved, he and Jie Qian went further and further. The original meeting every day became a weekly meeting, and then the weekly meeting turned into a random meeting...

Carrie watched as Jessie and Gao Fei drifted away, but there was nothing she could do.

Because she knew that Gao Fei did not belong to Jie Qian alone, but belonged to all New York citizens. Since Gao Fei has reached this level, he must shoulder his responsibilities.

Although Carrie is young, she has a clear mind. She doesn't want to be the second Goofy, she just wants to be an ordinary, invincible superwoman with an ordinary life.

Therefore, she must not show her strength in front of everyone, and she will continue to fight in the name of Gao Fei.

This is not only to protect himself, but also to pay tribute to Gao Fei, and at the same time, it is also a memory of the deceased Frigga.

Looking at Carrie in the sky, Gao Fei's face showed a gratifying smile like an old father.

"Come on, Carrie, let them see how good you are."


far away.

The dark elf battleship crashed down, the attack system malfunctioned, and it was reduced to a pile of scrap metal.

Malekith was furious, jumped off the battleship and walked towards "Goofy".

"Earthman, you impress me, I have to admit that I underestimated your strength..."

"But now I have no way out. I only have one way to go, and that is to fight to the death with you!"

"Kill you, let the world return to darkness forever, and fulfill the lifelong pursuit of our dark elves..."

"Or, if you kill him and die in battle, there will be no dark elves in the universe from now on."

Speaking of this, Malekith released the ether particles in his body, and the whole person floated into the air, and his body was enveloped in a scarlet light.

"Come on! Let me see whether your strength is stronger, or my etheric particles are better!"

Before he finished speaking, the ether particles shot towards "Goofi" in the form of energy radiation, gradually wrapping Goofi in the scarlet energy field.

Seeing this scene, the Avengers all sweated for "Goofy", although "Goofy"'s performance just now was remarkable, but the particles are not covered after all.

But Goofy, Carrie to be exact, was not nervous at all.

She smiled at the emitted ether particles, and smiled lightly: "Alien monster, is this your gift to me?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Carrie used her most primitive ability—devour.

This is her instinctive reaction, and she doesn't need to think much at all.

When she saw the enemy throw a powerful energy source as a weapon, Carrie's choice was of course to **** it away!

In the eyes of Carrie now, Malekith was like a scumbag who picked up a piece of top-level equipment, didn't hurry to hide away, but kept showing off and provoking Carrie with top-level equipment.

As if saying: "Look, although I can't beat you, my equipment is better than yours! Look! I have good equipment!"

This is simply a blatant gift of equipment! !

Malekith originally thought that there would be a big battle between the two of them, and he would have to kill them in a daze, but he didn't expect that he had just used the ether particles, and suddenly felt that the ether particles around his body seemed to be evacuated!

The ether particles passed away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Malekiston felt weak for a while!

"what happened?!"

The leader of the dark elves cried in despair,

"Aether particle, give me back!"

Carrie was about to laugh. "You really think the etheric particle is yours. How can you call it a promise? Tell you, whoever stole this treasure belongs to whoever!"

The voice has not yet The ether particle has been taken over by Carrie, and the red light merges with the two beams of light on Carrie's body, exuding a dazzling brilliance!

At this time, Carrie not only possessed part of the energy of the Space Gem and Mind Gem, but also successfully merged with the ether particles, and gathered the energy of the three Infinity Gems at the same time!

In her eyes, Malekith was not even an ant.

"It was you who killed Frigga?"

Carrie stared into Malekith's eyes and asked coldly.

"I..." Just as Malekith was about to answer, his entire body vanished into ashes in a super-strong energy beam.

"I'm just asking for a symbolic question, I didn't intend for you to answer." Carrie sneered.

Boooooom! !

The battle is over, the dark elf remains dead! Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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