American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 364: Box of Ice

The ice giants are still afraid of the little green goblin and the little spider. After all, one of these two people is full of black technology weapons, and the other is extremely powerful and agile, but the high flying in front of them really makes them puzzled. What type of fighter?

Normal people should wear equipment before fighting. Armor and battle clothes are indispensable tools in war, but Gao Fei did the opposite and took off before fighting.

The aliens exchanged a strange look with each other, and then came to the conclusion that the guy who ran in the snow was probably insane.


"Kill him!"

"kill him!"

So the seven ice giants besieged Gao Fei with frigid weapons, and everyone showed their hideous fangs.


Only a piercing sound was heard, and the spear of the leading ice giant directly penetrated Gao Fei's chest.

Goofy's body is very tough, and it is not easy to pierce him, but piercing him is just a little more effort, and the ice giant's strength is enough to complete this action.

The ice giant who succeeded looked at Gao Fei in surprise, frowning slightly.

"So weak?"

"Earth people are really vulnerable..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, Gao Fei's body suddenly thrust forward, letting the whole spear pierce through his body, shortening the distance between him and the ice giant.

"You think this is over?" Gao Fei sneered, "The battle has just begun!"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei raised his hand and grabbed the ice giant's head, twisted it with his backhand, only to hear a "click", the huge ice giant's neck was broken, and its head drooped weakly.

Goofy kicked open the ice giant's body with one kick, and pulled out the spear on his chest - the piercing wound the size of the cup's mouth healed instantly, and not even the slightest scar was left.

"Nice job!"

"Officer Goofy is mighty!"

The cheers of Harry and Peter came from behind, along with a wave of adoration.

[Worship from Harry +5]

[Worship from Peter +5]

[Worship from Stan +5]

Gao Fei quickly waved to the two children and the classmates on the school bus.

"This scene is too bloody, you are not allowed to watch it!"

At this moment, the angry ice giants began to besiege Gao Fei, and an ice giant tomahawk swung down and directly cut off one of Gao Fei's arms.

"Opps!" Goofy frowned, "Cut off my arm again? It hurts enough..."

Gao Fei grabbed the severed left arm with his right hand, and threw the grenade at the ice giant's face.

"Show your skills! Show your skills! Show your skills! Show your skills!"

At the beginning, Gao Fei only had one right arm beating people, but after beating and beating his left arm, it grew out, and two fists worked together, constantly beating on the ice giant's head.

It's a pity that Gao Fei's face was darker this time, and he couldn't show his skills after punching more than ten times.

"Is this the so-called 50%? Too much nonsense?"

Gao Fei had a black line, thinking that this skill is really tricky.

However, he looked down - although he didn't have the skills, but under his powerful strength, the ice giant's head had been smashed by him, like a broken watermelon. In this case, it doesn't matter if he can't use the skills. , the enemy is dead anyway.

"Dude, your death is too miserable. It would be great if you used your skills, at least you died decently..."

Gao Fei shook his head and complained.

At the same time, there is worship value coming from the background.

[Worship from Harry +5]

[Worship from Peter +5]


Gao Fei hurriedly turned his head and shouted, "Hey! Didn't you say that R-level pictures are not suitable for children? Why are you guys still watching!"

Before he finished speaking, the remaining five ice giants all rushed forward.



With two muffled sounds, Goofy's shoulders were pierced by two spears.

The ice giant pushed forward vigorously, pushing Gao Fei off the body of the ice giant, and the other three ice giants slashed down with axe, targeting Goo Fei's head.

Goofy dodged two fatal injuries, still laughing with the ice giants despite being wounded.

"Idiots, this is your strength? Come, come, come closer, cut here!"

While talking, Gao Fei stuck his head out, provocatively said,

"Have you seen Lao Tzu's head? Chop here, aim a little, don't hesitate!"

The ice giants were furious, roaring and attacking Gao Fei fiercely. Three battle axes slashed at Gao Fei's head, chest and abdomen respectively.

Although the onlookers knew that Gao Fei was immortal, such a picture still made them take a breath. Gao Fei was right, this is indeed an R-rated picture.

The ice giants roared and launched a final attack on Goofy, followed by a dazzling light.

The desperate virus in Gao Fei's body triggered an explosion, and the powerful impact and extremely high heat suddenly tore the ice giants to pieces!

Boooom! !

The seven ice giants, whether dead or alive, have been wiped out since then, only Gao Fei was reborn in the firelight...

It was not until this moment that everyone understood why Gao Fei had to take off his clothes first, so as to save costs to the greatest extent.

Our hero is also a diligent and thrifty person!

Amidst the screaming and shouting of the students, Gao Fei calmly put his clothes back on his body, picked up the safe mobile phone on the ground, and showed a satisfied smile.

"You don't have to buy a new phone now..."

After finishing speaking, Gao Fei got up and walked towards the school bus.

"Children, you are safe."

Then turned to the school bus driver,

"Old gentleman, please take the children to the nearby basement as soon as possible and hide for a while. It's dangerous outside now, and it's too late to send the children home. Come out when the snow stops."

"Okay, okay." The school bus driver nodded lightly, and then instructed the children, "Everyone heard it? Don't worry, this disaster will pass after the snow stops."

Goofy then turned to Harry and Peter.

"Why did you two get here?"

Peter said: "The aliens have invaded, of course we have to stand up to protect our city."

Gao Fei frowned: "Where's Aunt May? Is she safe at home alone?"

"Safety, I told her not to go out and watch TV series at home..." Peter said.

"Okay, you two protect these children and find a shelter, don't let them be in danger." Goofy arranged.

"What about you, Officer Goofy?" Peter asked. "Where are you going?"

"I have to stop this blizzard..." Goofy said, "Otherwise New York is over."

Now, Goofy realizes that looking for Jessie is like looking for a needle in a haystack—the ice giants have invaded New York by taking advantage of the fusion of celestial bodies, and they must defeat the ice giant's army before they can protect the city.

As long as the ice giant is defeated, then the fusion of celestial bodies will not pose too much threat to New York. Only in this way can the problem be solved once and for all.

Before Gao Fei could set off again, his cell phone suddenly rang.

It's Reid's This guy can keep the signal clear in such a bad situation.

"Hello, Reed?" Goofy answered the phone.

"Goofy, I have located the source of this blizzard..." Reid said.

"Blizzard... is there a source?" Gao Fei expressed his shock, "Is it the entrance to the fusion of the two worlds or something else?"

"It's a weird energy source." Reed said, "This energy source is continuously releasing energy to the outside world - this energy is enough to make New York's temperature plummet, and if this continues, New York will become colder than the poles... "

"Box of Ice!"

Without waiting for Reed to explain further, Goofy instantly realized what this strange energy source was.

The magic weapon of the ice giants is the Ice Box. They also used this magic weapon more than a thousand years ago in an attempt to invade from Norway and bring the earth back to the Ice Age.

But in Gao Fei's impression, the Ice Box has been captured by the Asgardians, and it should be hidden in Asgard's treasury now. Why did it suddenly return to the hands of the ice giants?

At this time, I only heard Reed say: "Goofy, we must destroy this energy source immediately, I have observed that the invading ice giants are more powerful when the temperature is lower... According to the current trend, in another two hours they will The combat power will be doubled…”

"Understood, give me the location of the energy source, and I will destroy this thing now!" Gao Fei said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll send you the location." Reid said, "I also notified Tony and my teammates, and they will provide you with support."

"Great. By the way, can you contact Steve? I couldn't find him just now." Goofy said.

"I can try, don't worry, you won't fight alone. It's time for the alien invaders to see how powerful the heroes of Earth are..."

. vertex

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