American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 353: With great power comes great responsibility

After Gao Fei blew up the ice giant, the Long Island neighborhood finally returned to peace. However, the ice giant destroyed many buildings in the previous rampage, and the community had to face the problem of renovation and reconstruction.

These projects are no longer under the responsibility of the super patrol team. Soon, there will naturally be the municipal engineering department to deal with it. The frequent presence of super powers in New York has invisibly stimulated the development of the construction team. Now there are several excellent business capabilities emerging in New York. construction team.

One of them is the "post-disaster relief team" under the transformed Osborn Company, and Osborn's creation of such a team is the brainchild of Harry Osborn.

Now that the Osborne Group can make a comeback, the "Osborne Disaster Rescue Team" has contributed greatly.

Although the Ford Taurus of the Super Patrol was overturned by the ice behemoth, the car did not fall seriously.

Steve straightened the car, Gao Fei checked that the oil and gasoline were not leaking, got in the car and started the car, and the car could start normally.

"Let's go, the mission is over, go home after get off work."

Goofy shouted at the little spider who was traveling through the block to help the citizens.

This child is immersed in the joy of helping others, unable to extricate himself. He helps people to help the beams of the house, and kicks the door frame with two feet...

The encouragement of the citizens made him find the feeling of being a superhero, which is the life he pursues.

Hearing Gao Fei's call, Little Spider reluctantly left the block.

He flew back to the front of the police car with a not-so-skilled but still dashing spider silk, which attracted bursts of cheers from the citizens.

"Goodbye, everyone, I'll be back!" said the little spider loudly.

In order to hide his identity, he also deliberately changed his voice, which sounded a bit like deliberately imitating Gao Fei's voice.

"Let's go Peter, Aunt May will be worried when you get home too late." Goofy urged Little Spider in a low voice, opened the car door and pushed him in.

After getting into the car, Peter asked Gao Fei with a look of longing: "Officer Gao Fei, did someone just take a video of me flying to save people? I'll be on YouTube, trending searches, and become an Internet celebrity, right?"

Speaking of which, the child couldn't help but worry.

"Oops, does this mask really cover my face? Will I be recognized?"

Saying that, Peter took out his phone and checked his disguise with the front camera.

"Emmm... The average person certainly won't recognize me, but friends I know very well may recognize me, not to mention Aunt May, I think Harry can recognize me..."

"Officer Goofy, can you recognize me when I'm wearing a mask?"

Before Gao Fei could answer, Little Spider suddenly saw the flashing cursor on the phone.

"Oops! It's Aunt Mei's phone number... Seven missed calls? It's over, I'll be narrated to death by Aunt Mei tonight... Officer Gao Fei, you have to ask for mercy for me..."

"That's right! My classmates saw me getting into the super patrol car after school. If today's video is exposed, then everyone will be able to guess that I am a little spider when you think about it!"

"Or... I'll just admit who I am? Like Mr. Stark did two years ago?"

Speaking of which, the little spider deliberately imitated Stark's tone and reproduced the last classic scene of "Iron Man 1".

"I am Iron Man."

Then modify it into a new version that belongs to him.

"I'm Spider-Man."

He also used his mobile phone to record the image of his own identity, and watched it by himself after the recording.

"emmm...the effect is good! Cool enough, shocking enough! It will definitely be in the headlines!"

Then he looked up and asked Goofy: "Officer Goofy, do you think I should confess my identity as Spider-Man? Like Mr. Stark?"

Gao Fei shook his head: "Do you think Aunt Mei will allow you to fly around like just now after your identity is exposed?"

"This..." Little Spider's smile gradually solidified, and Aunt Mei would definitely not agree.

Gao Fei continued: "In addition, the reason why Tony dared to expose his identity is because he has enough strength to do so. He is Iron Man himself, and has a strong ability to protect himself. At the same time, he is also a star entrepreneur in the United States, even in Politics are all celebrities... In addition, he was alone and unconcerned (the relationship with Pepper was not established at the time), and he was not afraid of the enemy's revenge on his family..."

"For these reasons, he dared to admit that he is Iron Man, Peter, if you admit that you are Spider-Man, you will have to be secretly caught by the bad guys and do a slicing experiment tomorrow, believe it or not?"

Peter Parker was terrified by Goofy and broke into a cold sweat.

"Really? So scary?"

"Of course it's true." Gao Fei said, "I'll give you another example. For example, you offend a bad guy for the sake of being a hero. Although you are very powerful, you are strong and strong, and the bad guy can't retaliate against you, but In order to vent their anger, what if they take revenge on Aunt Mei? Aunt Mei is just a weak woman and has no ability to protect herself. "

"That's right!" Little Spider nodded again and again when he heard this, "I can't implicate Aunt Mei..."

At this time, Steve, who was driving, also joined the ranks of guiding the little spider.

"Peter, you have to become more cautious after you acquire the power, so as to protect yourself and the people around you. Your ability will be improved, and your responsibility will be improved accordingly..."

"In short, with great power comes great responsibility," Gao Fei concluded.

"Yes, Goofy summed it up well." Steve nodded, "In addition, your superpowers will bring you more attention, some of which come from citizens and ordinary people, and some from ulterior motives. The bad guy, you have to use your brain to distinguish the difference between the two..."

Peter nodded obediently: "I will, Officer Steve."

Steve continued: "Also, enjoy the process of being a hero, but don't get lost in vanity, don't act bravely to show off your superpowers, don't overuse your superpowers..."

"Excessive use of superpowers, like Thor did before?" Peter immediately understood what Steve meant.

There are obviously more secure ways to stop the Hulk, but Thor chose to fight him hand-to-hand, and his bravery turned into a show of strength, and the citizens and buildings paid for this unnecessary farce.

"It seems that Thor's behavior is not completely undesirable, at least it has set up a typical negative teaching material for the younger generation." Steve laughed and joked, "Yes, Peter, you have to remember, don't put the cart before the horse, super power. It's a tool you use to be brave, not the other way around, making bravery a means of showing off your superpowers."

"I see, Officer Steve, and I'll keep that in mind."

Peter nodded earnestly.

Then he looked at Gao Fei again and asked in a low voice, "Officer Gao Fei, then my uniform..."

"Don't worry, what I promised you will definitely be done. I will go to Reed tomorrow and ask him to make you a uniform, or you can go to Stark. He is also good at making these little inventions."

"Let's find Mr. Stark. His suits are very cool. I'm not saying that the suits designed by Mr. Richards are not good, but... the suits of the Fantastic Four look a bit plain," said the little spider frankly.

"Really? Why do I still think the Fantastic Four's suits are quite stylish, not as exaggerated as Iron Man's suits." Steve expressed his opinion.

The little spider smiled and said to Goofy: "Look at it? Mr. Richards' battle uniform can only match the aesthetics of Officer Steve's era..."

"Hahaha..." Goofy couldn't help laughing, and then agreed, "Okay, I'll let Stark design your suit, but Stark is obsessed with red, and the suit he designed must be red."

"Red is fine, but I don't like his red and yellow color scheme. I hope to use the classic red and black color scheme, which is more beautiful and can distinguish it from Iron Man..." said the little spider.

"Okay, no problem, you have the final say in your battle uniform." Goofy said.

"That's great!" The little spider had already begun to look forward to his battle suit. After a while, the child asked excitedly, "Officer Gao Fei, Officer Gao Fei, when will we go on a mission next time?"

"The next mission?" Gao Fei looked back at Little Spider and shook his head regretfully, "Peter, you may have misunderstood something, this time I'm taking you on a mission mainly to let you experience being a superhero. Feeling, rather than officially joining the Super Patrol team..."

"You are only a child after all, your main task now is to study..."

"As for when the next mission will be released? I want to wait until after you officially join the super patrol team..."

"Don't worry about being a chivalrous person, the most important thing for you now is to complete your studies and be a qualified student, understand?"

After listening to Gao Fei's words, Peter was stunned.


"Am I not happy for nothing?"

"Officer Gao Fei, so you didn't plan to let me join the super patrol team now?"

"Then what am I doing with the suits..."

Goofy said with a smile: "I just didn't plan to let you join the Super Patrol, I didn't stop you from being a superhero. Peter, New York is getting more and more dangerous these days, and everyone wants to live next door to someone who is happy to Helping superheroes, you know?"

"I understand!" Peter Parker suddenly realized, nodded again and again.

From now on, New York will be the stage for Spider-Man!

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