American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 346: electric man

The underground space of the Osborne Group is very large, and the corridors are dark and deep.

Goofy and Harry walked in tandem, observing their surroundings.

Gao Fei pricked up his ears and listened carefully, all the bells and whistles could not escape his ears.

The two turned the corner, and Harry's flashlight suddenly shone on a figure.

"Officer Goofy, someone!"

Harry made a reminder and ran to the figure at the same time.

Gao Fei frowned, he didn't hear the person's breathing and heartbeat.

"Harry, be careful, this guy is very likely..." Goofy whispered.

Before he could finish speaking, however, Harry approached the man.

Harry, who saw this guy's facial features, was startled and couldn't help but gasp.

"Aah! Officer Goofy, he's dead!!"

The poor deceased's body was twisted and deformed, and his skin was scorched and black. It seemed that he should have died under a strong current, but he didn't know whether it was an accident or an electric man who killed him.

Harry, the boy, had never seen such a tragic corpse before, and was so frightened that he almost lost his breath.

"Harry, you'd better follow me, be careful." Goofy said, pulling the frightened Harry behind him and patting him on the shoulder.

At the same time, use the Instructor template skill to confiscate Harry's fear.

As soon as Harry stood behind Goofy, he immediately felt calm, an inexplicable sense of security filled his heart, indescribably relaxed.

"Okay, Officer Goofy, I'll never rush forward again..."

Harry nodded obediently and promised.

Goofy asked Reed on the phone: "Reed, give me the location of the superpower."

"In your direction at two o'clock, the distance is about 300 meters..." Reed said, "Be careful, the energy flow in his body is very violent and may be extremely aggressive."

"Understood." Goofy agreed, leading Harry forward.

However, at this moment, an electric light flashed from not far away.

"Officer Goofy? Is that really you?"

A throbbing voice sounded from the direction of two o'clock, and the speaker seemed to be this new superpower.

"Oh, it's such an honor to meet you, I'm your number one fan!!"

Harry was so frightened by the voice that his face turned pale, and he hid behind Goofy and asked in a low voice, "Officer Goofy, this guy... is he a human or a ghost?"

"It should be a human. My fame hasn't spread to the underworld yet." Gao Fei said with a smile.

And in the blink of an eye, there was another person in front of Goofy and Harry.

A strange person covered in blue and wrapped in rolling electric currents.

Electro-Man - Max Dillon.

"Hello, we... know each other?" Gao Fei smiled and looked at the electric man in front of him. He tried his best not to show aggression. He knew that Max was extremely inferior, extremely glass-hearted, and at the same time extremely impatient. This kind of person A disagreement can easily lead to enmity.

Gao Fei planned to calm him down by confiscating his emotions first, but he had to think about which negative emotions would be better to confiscated from him first.

Although the emotional confiscation of the mentor template is a magical skill, it can only confiscate one kind of emotion from one person at a time. There are too many negative emotions in Max, the electric light, which makes Goofy very headache.

Take away the inferiority complex...anxiety will also make him aggressive; take away his anxiety...his anger is another ticking time bomb.

At this time, the electric light man laughed at himself and stammered: "Goofy, Officer Goofy, I know you, but you don't, don't know me... You, you are the hero of the whole New York, a superstar, And I'm just an inconspicuous little person, no one, no one knows me..."

Speaking of this, the electric light man's eyes even flashed a touch of resentment.

"I work diligently every day, I am the most diligent electrical engineer in the Osborne Group, but no one recognizes me, they don't even know my name!"

Max, who had just mutated, was agitated, and he became angry when he spoke. The electric current in his body began to surge, and the whole person was like a living lightning bolt.

In the telephone receiver, Reed reminded in a low voice: "Goofy, be careful, the energy fluctuations of the superpowers have become more intense..."


Gao Fei had no choice but to confiscate the anger of the electric light man first.

The current on Max suddenly weakened, and the whole person calmed down.

"Officer Goofy, you know? You once saved my life..." The calm Max grinned and looked up at Goofy, "I was there when Professor Lizard kidnapped that kid in Queens. In a car not far away, there is only one step away from Professor Lizard..."

"If you were a minute late, and Professor Lizard would stomp me down, I was so frightened, I thought I was going to die..."

"But I didn't, Officer Gao Fei, your magic weapon came from the sky, you came to me, you saved me, you are my unparalleled hero!!"

Speaking of this, Max suddenly excitedly put forward a suggestion: "By the way, Officer Goofy, after I was electrocuted just now, my body mutated, I think I am a superpower now, and I don't want to continue working in Oss. This group is doing a boring electrical engineer, and no one recognizes me anyway, can I join the super patrol team?"

"I know that the policemen of the super patrol team are all superpowers. I am also a superpower now. Should I have this qualification?"

Saying that, Max the Electro-optical man suddenly condensed the electricity in his hand and released the current towards an iron gate not far away.

"You can take a look, Officer Goofy! See if I'm qualified!"


An electric light flashed, and the iron gate in the distance was hit by a strong current, sending out dazzling sparks.

Max looked at Gao Fei nervously, as nervous as a student waiting for his grades.

"Officer Gao Fei, am I qualified?"

Goofy didn't answer immediately, he couldn't ask Max to join the Super Patrol as soon as they met.

Not to mention that Max can't properly control his own abilities, it means that his will quality is not up to standard.

There are too many negative emotions in Max. The long-term marginalization even made him have an anti-social personality. It is not that Goofy does not intend to lead him into the right path. In fact, Goofy is planning to do so, but Max returned to normal after Max. Before, it wasn't a good idea to have him on the Super Patrol.

Goofy can't pose a potential risk to the team.

Seeing that Gao Fei didn't speak for a long time, Max's emotions gradually lost control.

Despite the confiscated anger, a negative emotion called "frustration" flooded his mind.

"I know, I know... I'm not qualified to join the Super Patrol! I'm not worthy of this team! I can't be a superhero!!"

"Officer Gao Fei, I know you look down on me, I know I'm not qualified to join the Super Patrol, I'm just a piece of shit, I can't do anything well!"

When Max was complaining about himself, the current in him became more intense, and Goofy had no choice but to confiscate his "frustrated" negative emotions.

But once he chose to confiscate "Frustrated", "Anger" returned to Max's body.

Although Max was no longer depressed, he felt a faint anger.

But at this moment, Harry whispered behind Goofy: "Officer Goofy, that person just now... was this guy killed?"

When Max heard this sentence, he immediately burst into You suspect me of killing someone? Do you suspect that I am a murderer? ! "

"I see, you've always thought of me this way! Just because I'm black, I must be a thief, a robber, a rogue, and a murderer, right?!"

"Hehe, that's right! I do any bad things! Good things have nothing to do with me! I can only take the blame! This is my life!"

"You not only refused me to join the super patrol team, but also slandered me! You guys, you only know discrimination!!"

"Since you slander me, I can't be slandered by you in vain!"

Speaking of this, Max's body was surging with electric light.

Goofy frowned and pushed Harry back.

"Get out of the way, I'll stop him."

Max roared angrily: "Want to stop me? Officer Goofy, then you have to have this strength!"

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