American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 342: The Power of the 10 Rings

The Manchu man who came out of the explosion was an efficient man, and he started work as soon as he disagreed. Before Goofy and Tony Stark could exchange names with him, they had already taken action.

The green ring on the left **** summoned an extremely strong electric current, which instantly rolled towards Gao Fei and Iron Man. Before the two could dodge, they were directly hit by the electric current and flew out backwards.

"Fuck..." It was the first time that Gao Fei met a villain who didn't speak his lines. This was a bit of a surprise!

Tony Stark fell down, got up and shouted depressed: "Hey! You do what you want to do, you don't even have a process? What are you in a hurry to eliminate other superheroes in a hurry? ?"

Master Manchu smiled coldly, but still didn't speak. He raised his right hand, and the black tail ring on his little finger sent out an energy beam, hitting Gao Fei's chest directly.

"Goofy, be careful!" Tony Stark hurriedly reminded him, but unfortunately he was still one step late.

Gao Fei's agility is more than ten times that of ordinary people, and his reaction ability is enough to dodge bullets, but Manchu's movements are equally fast, and his body seems to be blessed by some mysterious power.

In addition, the energy beam of the black ring is instant, and Goo Fei couldn't dodge this time, only to hear a barbecue-like sound, and Goo Fei's chest was hit by the energy beam.

However, Gao Fei's physique is also different from ordinary people. It is not so easy to penetrate his skin. At first, the energy beam just cut a hole in Gao Fei's body, but failed to penetrate his body.

Seeing this, Lord Manchu frowned slightly, as if he didn't expect Gao Fei to be quite resistant to grass, he sneered, and the energy beam on the black tail ring suddenly increased.


With a piercing sound, Goofy's chest was directly pierced by the energy beam. Tony Stark was shocked and shouted: "Goofy!!"

Goofy fell on his back, spitting blood, but under the curse of death, he was immortal and could recover instantly after any fatal injury.

So under the shocked gaze of Lord Manchu, Gao Fei stood up again. After standing up, there were no scars on his chest. It seemed that the damage to him by the energy beam of Lord Manchu had never happened.

At this time, Master Man can't stop talking. After all, Gao Fei's skills are too buggy. For such buggy skills, players said they must give feedback.

"Do you have an immortal body?" Master Man nodded with interest, "Interesting."

When Gao Fei heard this, he immediately looked at him with admiration.

There are no hysterical complaints about balance issues. This friend looks like a high-end player who has seen great winds and waves.

At the same time, Goofy turned around and greeted Tony Stark: "Tony, don't just be stupid, come and help!"

It's said that I only play support in this game, how come I'm still playing as a carry, not to mention I've taken so much damage, but you follow up the output! !

Tony Stark woke up like a dream, and hurriedly manipulated his battle suit to get up and attack the Manchus.

Unexpectedly, Lord Manchu was not interested in Iron Man at all, and with a flick of his finger, he was ready to dismiss him.

The sky blue tail ring on the left little finger released extremely cold energy, and the surface of Iron Man's suit was immediately covered with frost, but Tony solved this problem as early as "Iron Man 1" and did not pay attention to it at all.

"Is this trying to stop me? You are too naive!" Tony Stark sneered, starting the heating system of the suit to break free from the ice.

The Manchurian was not surprised by Iron Man's performance, and he immediately launched the second round of offensive.

The red ring on the index finger of the left hand sprayed flames, instantly engulfing the Iron Man suit into the sea of ​​flames - since you want to heat the suit, I'll let you heat it up.

Tony Stark collapsed on the spot, and Nima's ring is too buggy!

Ten different rings on ten fingers with ten different functions? And let no one play!

Although the gold-titanium alloy material of Iron Man's suit can withstand high temperatures, Tony Stark's mortal body does not have this ability. Under the fire of the adults, Iron Man can only choose to retreat.

However, Tony did not show weakness in the process of retreating. The miniature missile on the battle suit slammed towards the man, and the white ring on the thumb of Manchu's left hand shook lightly, changing the gravitational field in the space and changing the trajectory of the missile. The missile that was originally aimed at the adult flew towards Iron Man himself.


Tony was dumbfounded, and he was actually blown up by his own missile!

With an explosion, Iron Man disappeared into the flames.

At this time, Master Man looked back at Gao Fei and sneered, "Now it's time to study your immortality, young man."

Gao Fei hurriedly rushed forward, trying to hit the Manchus with an "unremarkable punch".

But Manchurian's defense is very meticulous. The ring on the **** of his right hand generates a spiral airflow that protects Manchurian's body. When Goofi approaches Manchurian's body, the spiral airflow automatically forms a protective barrier to shake Gao Fei out.

Before Gao Fei could get close, the Master Man used the ring to summon the electric current to slash towards Gao Fei. Gao Fei successfully escaped the first three attacks, but was hit by the electric current during the fourth attack and fell to the ground.


Gao Fei, who fell to the ground, complained silently in his heart,

"You are too unreliable for the dog system. The powerful villain of Manchu is only rewarded with 15,000 worship points... If Black Bolt rewards 15,000 points, Manchu must at least double it!"

Before he finished complaining, Lord Manchu had already launched an offensive again, taking advantage of Gao Fei's electric anesthesia and firing an energy beam again, this time targeting Gao Fei's head.

"I have to study the mechanism of your immortality... Can any fatal injury be recovered?"

A powerful beam of energy swept across Goofy's head and successfully shot through his temple, but in the blink of an eye, Goofy stood up vigorously.

"It can really restore all fatal wounds..." Master Man murmured to himself, and at the same time released the current again to control Gao Fei.

"But it's just a fatal injury. You can't be immune to all ordinary injuries, right?"

Thinking of this, Master Manchu released the extreme cold energy from the tail ring in his left hand, freezing Gao Fei's body, and at the same time releasing a cutting light in his right hand, cutting towards Gao Fei's right arm.

"Try to cut off one of your arms first..."

Gao Fei was startled and took a deep breath.

His own flaws were actually seen through by the adults!

The setting of the immortal body is to restore the body to the state before the fatal injury after encountering the fatal injury, so this setting can only be used to be immune to the fatal injury. For some non-fatal injuries, the curse of death does not work. of!

In other words, death only cares about whether you fly high or not. As for whether you fly high or not, whether you lack arms or legs, this is not what she cares about.

When fighting other enemies before, the automatic avoidance setting of the superhero system was enough to protect Gao Fei from harm, but now the enemy that Gao Fei encountered was too powerful, and the system automatically avoided in front of the Manchurian who wore the ten precepts. The risk could not let Gao Fei retreat.

The automatic avoidance setting can only force Gao Fei to exert the limit of his body, but the current situation is that even if he exerts his physical limit, he still cannot escape from the master of Manchu...

"Shit, Lord Manchu isn't really going to cut off one of my arms, right?"

Gao Fei looked up at Lord Manchu and shouted with a smile: "Hey! Don't be so impulsive, Master Manchu, we are all fellow Can you show mercy?"

"In theory, we don't have Liangzi. It's Killian and Pioneer Technology who stole your name. You have killed Killian. We are also Killian's enemies. The enemy of the enemy is a friend..."

It's a pity that Lord Manchu obviously didn't intend to ignore Gao Fei, and he wasn't going to let him go.

This grumpy old man is really a grumpy old man, he will cut off one of Gao Fei's arms no matter what.

Seeing the cutting light getting closer and closer, Gao Fei burst into sweat.

"I don't want to be the second generation of the Winter Soldier!!"

At the critical moment, Tony Stark's voice came from a distance.

"Don't panic! I'll save you!"

Gao Fei's heart ignited hope, Iron Man came just in time!

However, Tony Stark's voice did not fall, only a click - Goofy's right arm was cut off neatly.

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