American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 336: Manchu appeared

Happy's promotion party was definitely the most successful party Stark had thrown in recent years, and the atmosphere at the party was especially good.

On the one hand, everyone was sincerely happy for Happy's promotion. On the other hand, many new friends joined the party this time, and these freshly injected blood added vitality to the party.

Among them, Skye is undoubtedly the red star at the party, and she has won the attention of many people. In addition to Johnny and Tom, who have been thinking about her in the Super Patrol, the engineers at Stark Industries seem to have a good impression of Skye.

And just as the party was halfway through, Steve, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly pointed at the TV and yelled.

"Friends, I think you should come and see this..."

Tony Stark looked disgusted: "Sir, watching TV is a unique hobby in your era, people in our era don't like watching TV, please don't impose your personal preferences on us, okay? "

Steve ignored Stark's lame ridicule and emphasized again: "Come and see, I'm not joking."

Everyone knows Steve Rogers' character, and he rarely jokes even at parties, so after Steve shouted twice, everyone went to the living room.

Following Steve's gaze, everyone focused their attention on the TV in the middle of the living room, only to see that what was playing on the screen was not a TV station's program, but a very strange sign.

This logo consists of ten rings that are linked to each other, and it looks like ten rings connected end to end. In the center of the ten rings is a double knife that overlaps, which looks full of horror.

"What's this... what?" Tony Stark was puzzled, "Steve, what weird shows are you watching?"

Steve expressed his innocence: "You think I picked this myself? One second I was watching the news, and the next second this sign popped up... Does anyone know what this sign is?"

Reed squinted at the white and green color scheme behind the logo, turned his head and asked Stark, "Tony, you should know more about the logo of this style, right?"

Tony Stark shrugged: "It's not as good as the organization I've dealt with a few years ago, and I haven't seen the logo..."

Before he finished speaking, the TV screen switched instantly, and the logo consisting of ten rings disappeared, replaced by a man with a beard, gold-rimmed sunglasses, bald head, and a hooked nose. Every appearance of this man The features seem to say: I am a terrorist.

"Damn, who is this?" Stark squinted at him and asked curiously.

Reed deduced: "Since he is on TV, 80% will introduce himself..."

Sure enough, Reed was right.

The bearded man on the TV looked up at the camera and opened his mouth slowly.

"Hello my friends in America, I think you should have received the gift I carefully prepared for you - nine carefully cooked bombs..."

"It's him!" Steve suddenly realized, looking back at Gao Fei, "He's the terrorist who created the serial bombings!"

Goofy nodded, in fact he had long recognized the beard.

full of adults.

Just a fake "Manchurian".

His real identity is just an unknown little actor who was hired by the real man behind the scenes to shoot this threatening video with the purpose of setting off smoke bombs on America and confusing the police investigation.

As for the existence of the Manchurian in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Goofy is still uncertain.

At this time, the full man continued: "I know, you will definitely think that I am a terrorist. You Americans like to call people such a nickname. Anyone who does not obey your hegemonic ideology is a terrorist, isn't it?"

"But what I want to say is that I'm not a terrorist, I'm more of a teacher than a terrorist..."

"America, I'm going to teach you a lesson on what true freedom and equality are..."

"Especially you, my beloved President Ellis (the current President of the United States), you are always reluctant to accept my education, you are such a stubborn student..."

"But don't worry, no matter how naughty students are, they can't beat the teacher's pointer, lovely America, are you ready for another class?"

Having said that, the picture on the TV ends, and after a noisy snowflake, the news that was broadcasted before reappears on the TV.

The carnival crowd in the living room suddenly fell silent, Pepper turned off the loud rock music, everyone looked solemn, and looked at the TV screen without speaking.

After a few minutes, Stark broke the silence.

"Friends, don't be so downcast, now we at least know who is behind this series of bombings, don't we?"

Reed nodded in agreement: "Tony is right, we at least know who the enemy is."

"But what does this guy mean when he says he's going to teach America another lesson soon? Is he going to explode again?" Steve asked nervously.

"It should be like this." Gao Fei was familiar with this episode and knew that the next explosion site would be the Oriental Theater in Flushing, Queens. "I have to inform my NYPD colleagues first and let them get ready for work immediately."

"Who are we responsible for catching this bearded man? Reed, it shouldn't be difficult to locate him, right?" Johnny asked excitedly, he couldn't wait to make a contribution.

Unfortunately, Reed shook his head: "It's not that simple. I'm not ready at all. How can I locate him? But if I encounter him next time and black out the TV signal, I think I can try to locate him."

While everyone was discussing, Goofy silently walked to the restaurant to call Sheriff George Stacy in Queens. After a few blind tones, Sheriff George answered the call.

"Hey, Goofy, what's the matter?" The background voice on George's side was very noisy, and it sounded like he was on the field again.

"George, did you watch TV just now? Someone came forward to be responsible for the serial bombings in America..." Goofy said.

"You mean that big beard?" George obviously heard the news, "Look, the face of this **** guy was all over the street just now, how could I have missed it? This arrogant beast dares to openly provoke America, I will meet sooner or later. Arrest him!"

"Listen, don't rush to think about how to catch him first, this guy may be planning to do it again recently." Goofy said, "I have an informant who told me that the next explosion is very likely to happen at the Oriental Theater in Flushing. Can you send someone to investigate?"

"Really?" George said gloomily, "This guy wants to blow up the Oriental Theater? Damn, our family even bought tickets for tomorrow and went there to watch a stage play. Gwen has been looking forward to it for a long time. Can arrange work to accompany her to watch, if the theater is bombed, we will watch a woolen thread..."

"I advise you not to watch it. A small life is more important than a stage play." Gao Fei advised, "Go to Flushing and see, Sheriff, to avoid a tragedy."

"Don't worry, I will," George promised. "Actually, I'm not far from Flushing, and it's two blocks'm now…"

However, in the middle of George's words, there was a sudden explosion on the phone.

Boooom! !

Goofy's eardrums were buzzing, and he almost threw away the phone subconsciously.

Then the complexion changed - bad! Still a step too late.

"Sergeant George, Sergeant George?" Goofy asked, taking the phone.

George's irritable voice immediately came from the telephone receiver: "Damn it! It seems that the bearded man has already started! The explosion came from the direction of the Oriental Grand Theater, Gao Fei, I hang up first, I have to hurry to the scene !"

"Got it, George." Goofy said, "Be careful."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Fei returned to the living room with a solemn expression.

"Friends, I have unfortunate news to tell you that the bearded man on TV has acted, and the new explosion is at the Eastern Theater in Flushing..."

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