American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 326: Return of Black Bolt

That night.

Goofy, who had just returned home from patrol, received a call from Reed.

The Inhumans of Atlan appeared, and they pinpointed the location of Stark's factory, where a large number of Terrigen excavated from the temples of Puerto Rico were being stored.

Reed observed the arrival of these "friends" through his "compound eyes", but these "friends" obviously had no intention of saying hello to Goofy. They were quietly lurking near the Stark factory with an unknown purpose.

Considering the safety of the whole of New York, Reed had to speculate on their intentions from the worst angle, and it was for this reason that he notified Goofy and Tony in advance.

"Goofy, the aliens are already in place. At present, there are not too many of them, there are six people in total." Reed said.

"Six people? That means there are two other aliens besides Atlan's four aliens? Maybe the aliens from the other side..." Goofy judged.

One of them must be Gordon, the transportation vehicle of the "other shore". His ability is teleportation, and he is responsible for sending everyone from the "other shore" to New York.

The other person is most likely Jiaying, the leader of "The Other Shore". She is obviously the mastermind of all this. Of course, Jiaying may not intend to come forward in person, but let Mr. Hyde be responsible for all this.

"Whoever comes, they're out of Stark's factory now, and Terrigan is inside, and they could take action at any time." Reed said, "Goofy, we'd better act now. "

"I'll go right now." Goofy said, "You inform Tony and let him come along too."

"I will," Reed agreed, then hung up.

Goofy put down the phone and was about to get up to leave. Skye and Carrie in pajamas upstairs walked down the stairs, looking at Goofy nervously.

"Officer Goofy, did Atlan's aliens invade?" Skye asked worriedly.

Gao Fei smiled and shook his head: "The word 'invasion' is a bit serious. They just made a sudden visit to New York. Relax, I will handle this matter."

"I'll go with you." Skye asked proactively, "I'm also a member of the super patrol team, and I can't be without me when I'm on a mission."

Gao Fei thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes."

Carrie didn't plan to go out at night, she just wanted to sit on the sofa and watch cartoons for a while, but since Skye had asked for a mission, Carrie also joined in the fun.

"Then I'll go too, it's the responsibility of everyone in New York to protect them!"

Gao Fei smiled and pierced through her thoughts: "You don't dare to be at home alone, do you?"

Carrie refused to admit it: "Who said that? Of course I dare to be at home alone, I'm just worried that you won't be able to deal with Atlan's aliens!"

Gao Fei stopped arguing with her and waved his hands at the two sisters with a smile: "Then go change your clothes, I'll give you three minutes, and we'll act on time after three minutes, understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Skye and Carrie said in unison, then turned and ran upstairs.


Half an hour later, Goofy took Skye and Carrie to the outside of the Stark factory.

Six people, Tony Stark, Fantastic Four and Steve Rogers, are already there, waiting for Goofy to appear.

Seeing the appearance of Skye on the left of Goofy and Carrie on the right, Tony Stark couldn't help complaining: "Please, did no one bring you children? How did you bring your family to carry out the mission?"

Gao Fei shrugged with a smile: "Who made my family of three fight against the table?"

Then he asked, "Where are the aliens?"

"At the east gate." Stark pointed to the east, "There is no action yet, they seem to be waiting for us."

Reed also nodded and said: "Yes, it has been an hour and fifteen minutes since they appeared. If they really came to capture Terrigan, they should be quick and quick - using Gordon's strangeness. A sudden attack and a quick transfer of Terrigan - no need to wait more than an hour to do it."

"So, they are waiting for us." Goofy said.

Tony Stark sneered and said: "It is still considered that Black Bolt has a conscience. After all, we protected his royal family members and helped them reunite. Now if he comes over to attack us, he is too inauthentic, right? "

"He's not doing much better now, is he?" Susan Storm said, hugging her chest. "Even if they didn't raid us, this time they suddenly appeared in New York came to Terrigan, right? This is obviously still with us. for the enemy..."

Having said this, Gao Fei frowned.

"The aliens are here."

He heard the movement, and the aliens from the east gate were moving towards this direction.

as predicted.

A few minutes later, six figures gradually emerged from the darkness in the distance. They were Black Bolt, Medusa, Gorgon, Karnak, Gordon, and Jiaying.

The Inhumans of Moon Atlan and the Inhumans of the "other side" of the earth appeared at the same time, and the leaders of the two organizations, Black Bolt and Jia Ying, also appeared at the same time.

Reed and Tony had solemn expressions, and Steve didn't look good either.

Gao Fei smiled - the presence of the two alien leaders at the same time, which just happened to solve the problem together.

Rather than appearing one by one to give him problems, Goofy likes to go together like this.

If nothing else, at least not so sloppy.

The two sides met outside the Stark factory, and the atmosphere was tense. The last time the Inhumans left New York, they were grateful to Goofy, but after just a few days, the situation between the two sides changed.

After the awkward silence, Gao Fei spoke first.

"I thought everyone had returned to the moon and fought to retake Atlan, but I didn't expect that we were so destined to meet again so soon..."

Before Gao Fei finished speaking, Jia Ying, the leader of "The Other Shore", said rudely: "Gao Fei, you know why we are here, we are here to get something back, something that originally belonged to us, but was taken by you. Something taken by force..."

Speaking of this, Jia Ying involuntarily looked at Sky who was standing behind Gao Fei.

What she said was not only Terrigan, but Skye.

Skye saw Jiaying early in the morning, and saw this alien with scars. She recognized Jiaying as her mother at first sight. Skye's emotions were complicated at this moment.

On the one hand, Skye really wanted to get to know his mother and be reunited with his mother, but on the other hand, Skye rejected his mother and did not dare to contact her.

According to Carrie's mind-reading skills, Skye knew that she was not only being used by her father, Mr. Hyde, but also her mother, Jiaying, who was the mastermind behind all this—she became a tool for her parents to take revenge on society, which made Skye very painful.

Thinking of this, Skye even collapsed.


An uncontrolled shock wave spread out from her body and gradually spread around.

Johnny was taken aback. He didn't know the relationship between Skye and Jiaying. He looked back at Skye and joked with a smile: "Sister paper, you are very irritable. already?"

On the other side, Karnak saw Skye using his ability, and he coughed to remind his companions. Gorgon lifted his donkey's hoof and was about to release a shock wave. Black Bolt hurriedly winked at him to stop him from impulsively Behavior.

Skye didn't actually want to start a war here. The shock wave was unintentionally released by her emotional instability. Gao Fei could understand her current mood, and turned back and quietly confiscated her current negative emotions.

Skye, who was on the verge of collapse, met Gao Fei's eyes, and then suddenly felt his heart calm down.

The previous anger, pain, resentment and grievance disappeared in an instant, replaced by a calm heart.

At the same time, Gao Fei's voice sounded in his mind.

"Skye, you are not a helpless little girl anymore, you are now a police officer in the Super Patrol, you are now performing tasks at your own job, don't let this job down, don't let down your shoulders Responsibility."

Skye suddenly realized.


I'm not a little girl anymore!

I can't be capricious anymore!

I came to New and found a job. I am a police officer who shoulders the responsibility of protecting New York.

I can't crash!

If I crash, who will protect New York? Who will protect the citizens of New York?

At this moment, Skye suddenly understood, and the whole person calmed down.

The shock wave she released also disappeared, and the anxious tension in the air also disappeared.

"It's just… amazing."

Skye looked at Goofy in shock, but at this time Goofy had already turned his back.

He looked up at Black Bolt, and said slowly, "Black Bolt, last time I reunited you with your family, prepared travel expenses for you, and sent you out of New York. I think I have done enough to be benevolent and righteous, right? Why do you give me such a big problem when we meet again? Your behavior is really outrageous..."

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