American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 303: Puerto Rico

Ten minutes later, Goofy and Reed were dragged by Stark into his private jet, and the plane went straight to Puerto Rico, where the three of them could arrive before dawn.

This was the first mission performed by the Illuminati, the first time the three of them fought side by side. As soon as the plane left the airport, Tony Stark turned the cabin into a nightclub style.

The strong songs and dances resounded through the cabin, and three or four tall flight attendants with hot body and cool clothes showed their dance steps around the pole, and came over from time to time to toast the three of them.

Tony Stark was having a great time, but Reed and Goofy seemed cramped.

Reed was the worst at chatting up girls, and Goofy didn't drink at all. Stark forced himself to be happy for half an hour, and finally invited a few flight attendants down.

The big dog said: I can't take it at all.

The first time I met a man who was completely immune to music, alcohol, and beauty, and two at once.

"You two are too boring, I've never seen a man who is more rigid than you..." Tony Stark complained dissatisfiedly, "The journey is so long, and you don't want to play, what are we going to do next? Do you sit and chat?"

Gao Fei was the first to answer.

"I'm tired, I'll sleep for a while."

After he finished speaking, he asked the flight attendant for a blanket, turned to cover it and went to sleep.

Reed squinted and brainstormed.

"emmm... the plane is too slow, which affects the efficiency too much. I think that since our Illuminati is responsible for the safety of the entire earth, we must be more efficient. Otherwise, every time we perform a mission, we will be delayed for several hours on the plane. But a huge loss..."

"By the way, since the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has the ability to open wormholes, can I use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to build a teleporter and instantly open the wormhole to reach the destination? Wouldn't this save a lot of time?"

"Maybe it can also complete interstellar travel, allowing us to reach any corner of the universe..."

"This shouldn't be difficult. The essence of wormholes is quantum entanglement in macro concepts. As long as you understand how the universe cube captures quantum entanglement, you should be able to build this teleport machine. In this way, building a teleport machine The machine is actually quite simple..."

"Hey Stark, what do you think?"

Stark smiled dismissively.

"What do I think? In my opinion, it doesn't have to be that troublesome at all. You can just join the Illuminati Master directly. With her big aperture, you can go wherever you want."


Reed was speechless.

It's your brain circuit.

Why didn't I think of that?

But he didn't take Stark's advice.

"I'm not familiar with Master Gu Yi, and I don't know her style. I don't think it's a good idea to invite her to join the Illuminati until I trust her completely."

"Let's continue to talk about my inventions..."

"It's better to ask yourself, come on, Stark, use your brains, how is your quantum mechanics? How about space physics?"

Stark yawned, clearly not wanting to join the discussion.

"Please, Reed, we're on a mission soon, are you still in the mood to invent?"

Reed said he was very stable.

"Performing tasks is physical work, and inventing is mental work. The two are not in conflict. Come on, Stark, make your brain active. Has your brain shut down after drinking?"

"Fuck you, Reed, alcohol won't make my brain shut down. In fact, alcohol is the fuel for my genius brain. The more alcohol stimulates my brain, the more active it is." Stark said with a sneer.

"Come on, then, let me see that you're not bragging." Reed continued to use the aggressive method.

Stark just eats this one.

"Well, I hope you don't regret it, because once you see my creativity, then you should understand who is the smartest person in the world..."

At the same time, Gao Fei's steady and deep snoring was heard from the seat next to him.


Reed and Stark glanced at Goofy at the same time.

Stark: "Isn't this kid mentally good? He fell asleep so quickly?"

Reed: "He's comfortable."

Stark: "Let him rush ahead while on a mission later."

Reed: "Must!"


When it was dawn, Stark's private plane came over Puerto Rico. After the crew got in touch with the local side, the plane landed smoothly at Aguadilla Airport.

The Big Three of the Illuminati set off from the airport and went straight to the Temple of Terrigan built by the Kree. S.H.I.E.L.D. had just sent a message to Goofy, and Director Hill had completely lost contact with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had kidnapped the hacker Skye. .

"The Hydra side should have already entered the temple, but they just entered it not long ago." Goofy said.

"It's still too late, but we have to hurry up," Reed said.

Tony Stark can't wait to change into his Iron Man suit, and the Mark series of armor has been developed to the 11th generation.

"Time is life, I'll explore the way first."

Without waiting for Goofy and Reed to agree, Iron Man disappeared at the end of the road. Fortunately, most of the Puerto Rican people were still immersed in sleep and did not wake up during this time. Otherwise, the appearance of Iron Man would definitely cause severe repercussions.

"What a great guy..." Reed said with a headache. "The Illuminati's actions should be covert, but he was afraid that others would not know that Iron Man came to Puerto Rico."

Gao Fei shrugged helplessly: "I'm glad Reed, it's good that he didn't give himself a BGM..."

The voice did not fall.

Grumpy rock music sounded from the Mark11 in mid-air.

Half the island was almost covered by Tony Stark's surround sound.

"Shit... when I didn't say it." Goofy smiled wryly, and Reed even had a black line on his face.

Goofy and Reed advanced steadily and quickly arrived at the target location, which, as expected, had been blocked by an organization.

The scene was covered with cordons, and at the intersection of these cordons, there were also several agents armed with firearms and dressed in black guarding the scene. The black eagle emblems on the agents' shoulders indicated they were from S.H.I.E.L.D., but there was no doubt that they were actually affiliated with Hydra.

Goofy and Reed looked at each other, and the two had to make a decision right away.

"What? Are we trying to sneak in, or just break in?" Reed asked in a low voice.

"We're running out of time." Gao Fei said frankly, "Come here as soon as possible."

Having said that, Goofy took Reed and strode towards the cordon.

"Hey! What are you two doing?"

Two of the agents immediately spotted Goofy and Reed, who charged up with guns in their hands.

Gao Fei smiled: "Traveling."

"Tourism?" The Hydra agent narrowed his eyes, "This is not a tourist attraction, it has been blocked, you all hurry up! Get out!"

The two agents had a bad attitude and raised their guns to scold.

However, Goofy and Reed said that we were hard-headed, and we just wanted to go in and have a look.

"What right do you have to block this place, what organization are you?" Reid asked loudly.

"You can't control this, leave here immediately, or we have the right to kill you on the spot!" the agent said in a deep voice.

Reed smiled lightly and moved on.

The agent's eyes froze, and he shot straight.

Bang bang bang!

The three bullets popped out of the chamber and shot towards the **** stick De, the **** stick De was firm and skinny, and directly stretched his body like a rubber rope.

The body suddenly narrowed bullets slid from both sides of his chest.

Both agents are stupid - what the **** is this?

Another agent actually shot Goofy just as his partner shot Reed, and the two acted almost simultaneously.

While Reed dodged the bullet, Goofy's chest was directly pierced by the bullet.

The other agent breathed a sigh of relief - finally killed one.

Although the other guy is clearly a psychic, but fortunately his companion is finished.

Too bad he was wrong.

Goofy's chest was bleeding profusely in the first second, but the wound healed quickly in the next second.

Gao Fei stood in front of the two agents without incident, and said with a smile: "Friends, we are just here to travel, don't make tourists into killers, OK?"

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