American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 243: Supreme Mage

Hearing Reed's voice in the receiver, Goofy didn't know what to say.

The Nima people have all arrived at the scene and showed off a wave of showmanship. As a result, you only now tell me that there are new superpowers appearing? Your news is too late, isn't it?

"Cough, thank you, Reed, just leave it to me here, don't worry."

But out of politeness, Gao Fei was polite with God Gunde.

Shen Gude is still chattering: "The signal should have been artificially blocked just now, but there is no such problem now, by the way, how is the situation at the scene? Is the new superpower an enemy or a friend? I guess it must be a friendly army, Otherwise the signal shield won't recover, right..."

Gao Fei pressed mute, and the world was instantly clean.

Then he looked up at the female monk—she was the Supreme Master Gu Yi.

Master Gu Yi also looked back at Gao Fei with a gentle smile on his face.

"Officer Goofy, nice to meet you."

Although Gao Fei knew Master Gu Yi well, he had to pretend he didn't know him in order not to arouse suspicion.

"you are…"

"You can call me Gu Yi." Master Gu Yi said without pretense.

The ebony throat was broken by Gu Yi, and he was suddenly furious.

He chanted the incantation in a low voice, and Gu Yi's feet immediately ignited a raging fire!

Master Gu Yi shook the folding fan, the space began to tear, and the fire of the ebony throat was separated into another space, which could not hurt Gu Yi at all.

Ebony Mow finally realized that the female monk in front of him had amazing combat power, and changed the spell again. He tried to establish a contract with a more powerful ancient **** and dealt a fatal blow to the ancient one!

I saw a dark gap suddenly cracked in the sky, and a giant ferocious hand stretched out from the gap. Master Gu Yi quickly raised his hand to resist, and the bright light illuminated half of the night sky!

Steve, who was locked in the stone pillar, whispered BB: "Goofy, this noseless monster didn't play so many tricks when fighting you. Does he think you're not worth his shot?"

Gao Fei was very unconvinced: "What do you know? The more masters compete, the simpler the tricks... There is a saying in the East - the great way is simple, do you understand?"

Steve shook his head: "I don't really understand, but it looks like this lady is struggling..."

After saying that, he pointed to the front, and the confrontation between Ebony Maw and Master Gu Yi had reached a fever pitch.

Ebony Mow did not know which **** he had established a contract with, and the big hand in the dark crack was getting bigger and bigger. Master Gu Yi tried his best to fight against the giant hand, but he would not have the upper hand for a while.

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "It's up to me to subdue this noseless monster."

"By you?" Steve was a little disbelieving, "You know magic too?"

Although Gao Fei doesn't understand spells, he knows that when a mage is establishing a contract, he must be highly concentrated. This is the same whether it is an ancient mage or an ebony throat. As long as you are a mage, you cannot be distracted.

But Goofy's whispers can ignore any shields and directly penetrate the heart, which means that no matter how concentrated the mage is, Goofy's whispers can tear your psychological defense.

So Gao Fei looked at Ebony Maw and started his earnest teaching.

This time, Gao Fei picked up a domestic traditional jingle that was most commonly seen before crossing the road - "Don't Get Angry".

I will translate it into a new English version for you.

"Cough, irritable ebony-throated friend... Life is like a drama, we only meet because of fate, it's not easy to help each other until we grow old, should we cherish it more..."

"If you lose your temper for trivial matters, why do you think about it when you look back? I'm not angry when others are angry, and no one will take care of you when you get angry..."

Ebony-throated, who was busy establishing a contract with the ancient **** over there, went crazy on the spot.

Nima, what's that sound?

What is all this babbling about?

Why can't I block it?

And the sound continued.

"If I'm mad at anyone who wants to, and it hurts and takes effort, don't compare the neighbors, relatives and friends, and let him take care of the trivial matters of the children and grandchildren..."

Ebony throat full of question marks.

? ? ?

"Who's angry?"

"Who is he angry?"

"But if you continue to read it, I will really be angry!!"

The ebony throat, interrupted by the whispers in his mind, can no longer continue to concentrate on establishing the contract, and the big hand in the dark crack gradually loses its strength...

Ebony Throat is just crazy.

"Who is it?! Shut me up!"

However, Goofy didn't intend to shut up.

"I'm not angry when others are angry, and no one will take care of me when I get sick..."

"It makes no sense to freak out for insignificant issues…"

"Ah!!!" Ebony throat screamed, and the big hand in the dark crack quickly retracted.

Master Gu Yi was quick-witted, and took this opportunity to wave his folding fan and throw out a golden beam!


With a sound, the big hand in the dark crack was directly cut off by the ancient master. The broken big hand turned into smoke and drifted away in an instant, and the dark crack closed with a bang.

Ebony Throat was completely desperate.

He didn't expect that when he first came to earth, he had a gray nose.

A quick judgment was made in his mind—he didn’t seem to be a match for the Earthlings.

Before being captured by the earthlings, it is better to step back and get out!

The last time he cast the spell, the entire turf in Sunset Park was lifted up and rolled towards the Ancient One Mage.

Master Gu Yi waved a folding fan and broke this move easily, but when the turf fell, the ebony throat disappeared.

Gao Fei canceled the mute and asked God Gunde who was monitoring the scene.

"Reed, Reed, is the first superpower still in Sunset Park?"

"He disappeared, and the 'compound eye' couldn't locate him..."

Gao Fei nodded and said to Master Gu Yi: "It looks like this guy has run away."

Master Gu Yi also sensed the departure of Ebony Maw and agreed: "Yes, he should have used space magic to leave New York..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a flash of fire from the sky, and Johnny Storm from the "Human Torch" came to support and landed heavily beside Gao Fei.

"I'm here, Officer Goofy! It's time for the bad guys to plead guilty!"

Saying that, he waved his fist at Master Gu Yi, and then stunned: "Huh? This bad guy is quite elegant..."

Gao Fei hurriedly coughed: "Cough Don't talk nonsense, this is Master Gu Yi, she just helped us deal with the bad guys."

Master Gu Yi smiled modestly: "Thanks to the police officer Gao Fei disturbing that person's mind, we were able to win."

Johnny was a little confused, scratched the back of his head and said, "What the **** is going on? Who can explain it to me?"

Before Gao Fei could explain, another aperture lit up next to him—a male monk stepped out of the aperture and asked Gu Yi nervously, "Master, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Gu Yi smiled lightly, and then introduced to everyone, "This is my apprentice, Casillas."

The male monk saluted Goofy and Johnny with a blank expression: "Hello."

Behind Goofy, Steve Rogers, who had been locked in the stone pillar, collapsed.

"Hey! You guys, can you get me out of here before we chat?"

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