American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 184: Sao operation

Harry Osborn dealt with the injury on his body, and immediately went to the bathroom to cool down to calm down. He thought that he must be too excited, so he could hear Goofy's voice constantly.

Too bad he's still too naive.

After the shower, Goofy's voice still echoed in his mind from time to time, Harry was about to collapse, and was forced to run to Norman Osborn's room to find sleeping pills.

After taking the medicine, Goofy's voice really disappeared, Harry calmed down and ran to the bed to cover his head and sleep.

And Brooklyn.

Gao Fei in the office finished his coffee and glanced at the time.

It was past one o'clock in the morning, and Harry Osborn was almost asleep.

So Gao Fei showed a wicked smile on his face and started his sleazy operation.

First, use the imitation skills acquired from the upgrade to imitate Norman Osborn's voice, and then use the sand sculpture skill "Follow good guidance, sound into the heart" to remotely persuade Harry Osborn to be a good person.

"Harry, Harry... Good boy, don't be impulsive, don't become a slave to hatred, I know you're confused and full of anger right now, but please calm down and don't go astray..."

"Officer Goofy is a trustworthy man, go talk to him, he'll help you guide you in the direction of your life and keep you on the right track... Trust me, boy."

Osborn House.

Harry, who had taken the sleeping pills, fell into a drowsy sleep, and the sound of his even breathing echoed in the bedroom.

At this moment, he vaguely heard a familiar voice in his sleep.

"Harry, Harry...good boy..."

"Don't be impulsive, don't become a slave to hatred..."

Harry shuddered, his consciousness gradually becoming clearer.


"Is that you? Dad, are you back?"

Harry lost his mother since he was a child, and he lived with his father. Norman's death almost broke his whole body. Now that he heard his father's voice again, Harry only felt his throat choked.

And the voice of "Norman Osborn" continues.

"Officer Goofy is a trustworthy man, go talk to him..."

Harry's consciousness became clearer and he sat up abruptly from the bed.

"Dad, do you want me to talk to that policeman?"

But when he sat up straight, Norman Osborn's voice had completely disappeared, everything seemed like a dream, and the voice of the deceased father was more like a ghostly voice from another world.

Harry Osborn rubbed his red eyes, then let out a low sob.

"Dad, why did you leave me? Now I'm the only one left in this world, what should I do?"

"Am I really going to find that cop?"

"That's your order, right, Dad?"

But Norman Osborn's voice never came out, he just disappeared, looking at the huge empty dark bedroom, Harry felt like he was about to be swallowed by emptiness.

A child who is only twelve years old is simply unable to bear everything in front of him.

Harry felt that he really should talk to someone.


the next day.

Goofy had just sent Carrie to school, and when he got home, he saw a suspicious figure downstairs in the apartment.

The figure is thin and small, a minor child, wearing a loose hoodie and wrapping his entire head in a fat hat.

Goofy immediately guessed his identity - "Little Green Goblin" Harry Osborn.

So Gao Fei parked the car, got out of the car and walked towards him.

"Hey boy, you're here for me, aren't you?"

Harry Osborn was startled, then turned to look timidly at Goofy, Harry was very handsome, with piercing eyes.

"Officer Goofy..." Harry introduced himself in a low voice, "My name is..."

"I know who you are, Harry." Goofy patted him on the shoulder. "Come upstairs with me, we should talk."

Harry hesitated for a moment, and finally followed Goofy's footsteps upstairs. Since Dad asked him to come to Goofy, it should be the right decision to follow him upstairs.

The two came to the apartment, and Goofy took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator.

"Drink some milk?"

Because there is a growing little loli at home, milk is the most common drink in the refrigerator.

Harry Osborn glanced at the bottled milk in Goofy's hand with disgust, and shook his head decisively: "No, thank you."

Goofy poured himself a glass and asked, "Harry, did you turn yourself in? According to my investigation last night, there have been frequent assaults and injuries in Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn recently. , the most serious one was beaten to a broken rib, these are all your masterpieces, right?"

Hearing this, Harry Osborn suddenly became nervous, the young man just wanted to turn around and ran away, didn't Nima himself throw himself into the net?

Daddy, daddy, look what bad idea you gave me!

Goofy saw Harry's face turning white with fright, and quickly said with a smile: "I'm joking, don't worry, I won't arrest you today at least."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered: "Those fortified people deserve what they deserve, they are all criminals!"

"I know." Gao Fei said, "I have investigated their backgrounds and know that they rob, steal, and commit all kinds of evil in the community. You are preventing them from breaking the law if you don't for this reason. Arrested."

Having said this, Goofy suddenly asked: "Tell me the truth, Harry, why are you constantly targeting Enhancers? What's your purpose for doing this?"

"I...I just wanted to do something nice," Harry whispered.

Goofy smiled: "Why don't you tell me the truth? The reason why you frequently target the Fortifieds is to find out who killed Norman Osborn, right?"

Harry was He was caught in Goofy's mind.

Goofy said: "Since you have mastered Mr. Osborn's black technology weapon, you have been playing the role of the little green goblin, you are wandering the streets of New York at night, constantly attacking and strengthening people, you are not trying to stop They are breaking the law and they are tracking down the killer of Mr Norman Osborn."

"Although the Fortifieds you are attacking are some criminals, it's just a coincidence, if you met a Fortified person who was law-abiding, you would still attack him and lynch him to try to find out from his mouth. Norman Osborn's cause of death, right?"

"So what you are doing now is deliberately hurting people and abusing lynching. You are just doing your own private affairs under the guise of fighting criminals." Gao Fei said seriously.

When Harry Osborn was told by Goofy, he immediately became angry.

"But what can I do? It's not that your NYPD is mediocre and incompetent! If you had protected my father, he would not have died at the hands of the Enhanced Man! If your NYPD could find out the murderer in time, you wouldn't need me. Go everywhere to investigate the whereabouts of the murderer! Everything is caused by your incompetence, NYPD, why do you accuse me!"

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