American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 170: Experience Card: Terminator

During the previous battle with the Hulk, the military hadn't fully arrived at the scene, and the surrounding people were all just escaping for their lives, so Gao Fei and Carrie could play a subtle cooperation and send Carrie, a loli trainer, without anyone noticing. shot.

But now Gao Fei has become the focus of attention, and the military is paying close attention to him, so it is difficult for him to use his tricks to ask Carrie to take action, and he has to deal with hatred himself.

Although Abomination's combat power is slightly inferior to the Hulk, it has far surpassed the previous Green Goblin and Lizard Professor. Goofy can only use the system to defeat Abomination.

It just so happened that he just got three experience cards from the system. This time, he will try whether the "Terminator" is as crazy and cool as the system describes!

far away.

Seeing Gao Fei resolutely walk towards the back of Gu Yong who hates him, the citizens offered their worship values ​​one after another.

General Ross was apprehensive, because he was not sure about the combat power of the Abomination, nor whether Goofy could kill this new monster.

"General, can Officer Goofy beat this monster?" a soldier next to him asked in a low voice.

General Ross shook his head: "I don't know if he can beat him, but we can't beat him anyway."

At this time, Gao Fei was close to hatred, and the experience card in the system was officially launched.

In the small video, the mannequin with red flames all over his body strode out and instantly merged with Gao Fei.

Gao Fei suddenly felt a surge of energy all over his body, and at the same time, a bright red glow lit up all over his body.

"Yo hoo! I'm glowing!"

Gao Fei suddenly felt like a hero, is this the halo of the legendary protagonist?

"This visual is so cool!"

The citizens also saw the change of Gao Fei.

Everyone exclaimed.

"Look at Officer Goofy!"

"Officer Goofy is on!"

"Is it my delusion or did everyone see it? Officer Goofy seems to be... he seems to be glowing!"

"God! It's our hero who moved God, this is God's blessing!"

Backstage Worship soars, and Goofy takes a stride toward Abomination.

"Come on, hate, help me try this experience card!"

Goofy's cannonball rushed towards Abomination, and Abomination also sensed the threat from Goofy and roared towards Goofy.

The strong hind paws trampled on the ground, and the roads on the campus shattered.

Under the onlookers of the crowd, Goofy and Abomination collided head-on.

boom! !

Between the lightning and flint, Goofy's fist slammed heavily on the head of Abomination, and before the sharp minions of Abomination could show their edge, they had already lost their brain's control over it.

Immediately afterwards, the body of hatred turned abruptly and fell heavily towards the ground.

Boooom! !

The behemoth smashed the ground, and then smashed a huge deep pit down on the hard ground!

The whole campus seemed to have experienced an earthquake, and the buildings not far away shook.

Citizens are unmoved!

This is the strength of the high-flying police officer?

The military was even more stunned, and General Ross's jaw dropped.

"My merciful God..." General Thunderbolt's pupils shrank, "Fortunately, I made the wisest decision in my life, not fighting against this Brooklyn policeman..."

And Gao Fei held back his fists and slowly landed on the ground like a triumphant king.

Looking at the terrifying pit that was bombarded under his feet, and listening to the excited shouts of Brooklyn citizens behind him, Gao Fei was not happy at all.

"Why didn't I choose this model just now?!"

"I'm afraid I was kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"I'm tangled in wool!"

"And that dog system, why did you choose a mentor for me! I will guide your brother-in-law!!"

"If I choose this model, wouldn't the Marvel Universe be able to walk sideways?"

Gao Fei regretted that his bowels were green, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

He could only watch helplessly as the "Terminator" experience card gradually became invalid, and he turned back into the hard-pressed little policeman who first chose the "Instructor" template.

At this time, colleagues from the military and NYPD were already running towards him, and everyone shouted Gao Fei's name excitedly.


"Officer Goofy!"


"Gao Fei, you were like a **** just now!"

Gao Fei's heart hurts...

You are so naive!

Say it so you don't believe it.

It wasn't me at all, it was just an experience card...


When the military people dragged Abomination out of the ground, the guy was completely unconscious, and according to several soldiers who witnessed the transformation of Abomination, this guy was Bronski who sneaked into the laboratory.

As for the other party in the laboratory at that time, "Mr. Lan" Samuel Stern, whose whereabouts are unknown, no one has seen him, and this guy just disappeared out of thin air.

Goofy also arrested Goofy, considering that the abhorrence had severely damaged the public property of Greyburn College, and General Ross had no objection and fully supported Goofy's decision.

So "Hulk" Bruce Banner, "Abomination" Bronsky, and General Ross's favorite Elizabeth Ross were temporarily detained by the NYPD, waiting for the military and NYPD to complete the handover procedures before handing over to them.

Sheriff Hank, who arrived later, has never seen the military with such low eyebrows and pleasing eyes in front of the NYPD, especially General Thunderbolt, who is known for his strong personality.

After the suspect was transferred away, General Ross came over to say hello to Gao Fei.

"Officer Goofy." General Ross smiled and took Goofy's arm cordially, "Thank you for your contribution just now. There is no doubt that you are a hero in Brooklyn and even the whole of New York."


[Admiration from Ross +5]

Seeing this news, Gao Fei understood that he had really conquered the military boss.

"You're welcome, this is my duty."

General Ross smiled and said again: "But don't you think that with your ability, it's a little underpowered to be a small policeman? A hero like you can do great things."

Goofy smiled and pointed around.

"General Ross, please look at the crowd at the scene, look at the dimly lit campus... If the Hulk and the abomination were not controlled just now, how many innocent citizens would have died?"

"Well... there will be many, and the casualties are likely to be hundreds." General Ross said bluntly.

" Goofy nodded," but because Brooklyn has a little policeman like me, these citizens were not harmed. I saved hundreds of lives and restored hundreds of broken families. . Is this not a great achievement? "

"This..." Ross muttered.

"So, do you still think that I'm a little policeman, am I just a talent?" Gao Fei asked with a smile.

General Ross was speechless.

Goofy smiled and said, "Let me answer you, I'm not a talent, I'm serving the position that suits me best. The citizens of Brooklyn can't lose me, and I can't lose them. So, General Ross, don't Try to get me out of here, or the citizens of Brooklyn won't agree."

General Ross gave a wry smile and patted Goofy on the shoulder.

"Okay, Brooklyn hero, it's nice to meet you, even though we don't seem to have fate."

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