American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 145: I beat death...

"I am death..."

The **** girl proudly said her name, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed before she finished speaking. The originally barren surface of the planet suddenly turned into a snow-covered ice field, and the sky also lit up with a strange aurora, which was dazzling. fan.

Gao Fei was stunned, this special effect is a bit silly.

Think again, death?

The death of one of the five creator gods of the Marvel Universe?

Why did she suddenly jump out?

"Are you really dead?" Gao Fei asked with squinted eyes, "or are you a character I imagined in a coma? No, I remember that I seem to be dead... Dead people can't think wildly."

Death smiled and said, "Yes, of course you are dead, otherwise how could you get my reception?"

Gao Fei was not happy when he heard it.

"What the hell?! After you died, you didn't travel back home, but saw you instead? Get out of the dog system! How dare you play with me!"

Death looked at Gao Fei suspiciously, tilted his head and asked, "Why are you angry?"

Gao Fei's face turned dark: "Am I not dead? Why am I still conscious? Can I still talk to you? This is unscientific! Does everyone have such a procedure after death?"

Gao Fei didn't want to be met by death, he just wanted to go home!

At this time, Death said with a smile: "Of course not. Ordinary creatures die or die, and their consciousness will dissipate. Their death is equivalent to complete destruction. The creatures that I have the honor to meet are different, they just die. , but not destruction, their consciousness will continue to exist, just like you are now..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei understood.

This pot should not be carried by the system, but by death!

Gao Fei can only travel back to the original world after he dies and is completely destroyed, but now because of the death of one of the five gods, he has just died, but he has not been completely destroyed.

"Okay, you beautiful girl in a bikini is really a pest..." Gao Fei said angrily, "Why do you say you have time to meet me!"

Seeing Goofy pointing his finger at himself, Death immediately frowned.

"It is your lifetime honor to be received by me. You should feel flattered. How dare you be angry with me?"

Gao Fei was fascinated: "You feel too good about yourself, don't you? Who cares about being received by you? It's a lifetime honor, don't talk nonsense, I don't feel honored at all! You kill me quickly, I'm still in a hurry go home!"

Death only felt a surge of anger rushing up. She is one of the five creation gods in the dignified multiverse. No one in the universe has ever dared to offend her like this.

She squinted at Gao Fei, the green light in her eyes flickered.

"Are you trying to use this method to get my attention? You think that no one has ever dared to provoke the five gods, so you deliberately treated me badly and wanted to arouse my interest, right? You have to admit that your routine is very novel. "

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing and crying: "Eldest sister, why do you think I have to get your attention and arouse your interest? You feel so good about yourself? Don't be too affectionate!"

"It's ridiculous!" Death sneered, "It's clear that you tried every means to get close to me, and now you finally got my interview, yet you say that I'm being self-indulgent? How dare you dare to act like a fellow?"

"Who did everything possible to get close to you?" Gao Fei was speechless for a while, "How do you say I'm like a dog?"

Death snorted coldly and raised his right hand slightly.

Then the space on her right hand collapsed and deformed, showing a clear picture.

The picture shows the scene when Goofy just crossed into the Marvel world, squatting on the streets of Brooklyn and waiting to die.

"Since November 23 last year, you have been committing suicide frequently. Do you admit it?" Death asked in a deep voice.

Speaking of which, the picture on Death's hand changed, and it switched to the scene of Gao Fei fighting robbers in Aunt Wang's supermarket.

Without waiting for Goofy to answer, the picture on Death's hand changed again, and switched to the scene of Goofy's tough gunman, old Taylor.

Gao Fei was speechless.

This eldest sister, let's just argue a few words, don't take the evidence at every turn!

You make it hard for me to be a human being!

" die frequently." Gao Fei said in a low voice.

Death sneered: "Finally admit it? Very good. You want to see me so desperately, yet you still don't admit that you are my suitor?"

"I see..." Gao Fei finally understood, "You have such an idea. No, you misunderstood, Lady Death, I just want to die, I don't want to see you, and I'm not your suitor. "

"You're still stubborn!" Death's face sank, "What a man who dares to act!"

"I'm not being tough!" Gao Fei spread his hands, "I really want to kill myself, and why am I pursuing you! Although you are really pretty, wearing a black bikini is quite sexy, but You're not the type I like, I don't dare to ask for your type, I'm afraid I can't keep up with nutrition... But if you insist, we can also have an in-depth exchange and try not to call each other..."

Death's face became more and more ugly: "Shut up! You duplicitous hypocrite! It's clearly that you pursued me with all your heart and deceived me to meet you, but now you don't admit it? Hehe, if you really have no idea about me, Why would you adopt Carrie with ulterior motives? If it wasn't for her own sake, do you think I would meet your humble little character?"

"Carrie?" Gao Fei looked bewildered, "Why does this involve Carrie? Do you know my daughter?"

"Bah! Just because you want to be Carrie's father?" Death laughed Gao Fei was angry on the spot: "Why can't I be Carrie's father? Others Carrie gave me It's good to be a daughter! Besides, it's our grandfather's business, can you manage it?"

Death is about to explode with anger. The little policemen from Nima are too arrogant, right? As soon as I came up, I was stunned. Not only did I play with the feelings of death, but now I forcibly occupy the girl who swallowed the star, which is totally against the sky!

"I'll give you one last chance, will you admit that you are my suitor?" Death asked sharply.

"I admit it! I'm not your suitor in the first place, okay?" Gao Fei said calmly, "I didn't lie to you, you're really not my type."

After hearing this, Death's face finally turned gloomy.

"Hehe, since you don't admit to being my suitor, then I'll let you never see me..."

Having said that, Death waved his hand.

The surrounding space disappeared instantly, and Goofy only felt that he was suddenly spinning.

At the same time, he began to ponder the words of death.

"I'll let you never see me..."

What does this mean?

"Wait! Sister, make it clear before you leave! What do you mean I'll never see you again?!"

Goofy shouted hoarsely.

But soon, he got the answer.


[The host has obtained one of the five creation gods—the curse of death: immortality. 】

Gao Fei's eyes went dark.


(It will be released tomorrow, and the big guys must come to support it! Kowtow to the big guys! Bang bang bang...Or2)

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