American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 139: Show off your skills

Goofy and Carrie stood side by side, calmly facing the siege of S.H.I.E.L.D.

There are a total of eight agents on the opposite side, and each agent is fully armed.

But Gao Fei and Carrie were not afraid, and the father and daughter looked indifferent.

One of the two wanted to die but couldn't, and the other couldn't die at all. When these two went to this pestle, it was like a pair of bugs that affected the balance of the Marvel world.

A mere SHIELD?

Excuse me.

I really don't care.

Gao Fei looked at Garrett, who was full of bitterness and hatred, and asked with a smile, "This agent, you can make up your mind. You two should choose one, should you challenge your father or your daughter first?"

Garrett was dumbfounded.

Your kid is still in the mood to play multiple-choice questions?

But speaking of it, although Gao Fei was the murderer of his apprentice Grant, it is only reasonable for the persimmon to pick up the soft pinch and bully the little loli first.

and many more!

Garrett suddenly slapped his forehead.

I almost forgot that this little loli is a monster, maybe an alien creature.

Almost fell into Gao Fei's trick!

"Since that's the case, I'll choose..." Garrett finally gave an answer and was about to choose Goofy, but halfway through his words, he suddenly reacted.


I'm doing a **** multiple-choice question!

You all have to die!

What is the order of precedence? !

"Kill this policeman and kidnap the monster next to him!" Garrett ordered in a deep voice.

As soon as Carrie heard it, she immediately quit.

"Father Goofy, he said I was a monster!"

"I heard." Gao Fei's face darkened on the spot, "Watch Dad beat him up for you!"

However, before Goofy's words were finished, Carrie had already rushed in front of Garrett like lightning.

Little Loli's movements were so fast that it seemed like she was moving in an instant.

"I'm not a monster!"

Boooom! !

The little girl slammed Garrett's belly with a punch, and the latter flew out like an unloaded cannonball. The fly flew seven or eight meters, and the SHIELD agents next to her were dumbfounded!

This power is so terrifying, isn't it?

Almost sent Garrett back to the SHIELD headquarters!

Isn't this a monster?

You are so humble!

The agents were stunned and shivered.


"It's really a monster..."

"Can't be offended, can't be offended..."

"Cowhide cowhide..."

As a result, Carrie got even more angry when she heard that, and dared to call me a monster?

"Wash you!"

Carrie let out an angry roar, and rushed towards the other agents like lightning. The agents didn't even have time to shoot, and were directly knocked away by Carrie with one punch.

Boom! Boom! Boom! !

From a distance, it looks like hitting someone, but from a distance, I think someone is practicing golf here.

Gao Fei is also peeing - it's only been a few days, and the little girl's combat power has been raised by another level. If this momentum continues, she will be very obedient!

In the blink of an eye, the eight fully-armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were all blasted away by Carrie. Goofy was planning to move his body and bones, but now he doesn't need it anymore.

Carrie looked at the agent who fell to the ground in the distance, waved her small fist dignifiedly, and finally ran back, looking up at Gao Fei proudly: "Father Gao Fei, am I good?"

"Amazing, really awesome."

Gao Fei sincerely praised it.

Carrie smiled sweetly, her heart still a little swollen.

"Now S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't dare to take revenge on us, right?"

"Emmmm..." Goofy pinched his chin, "It's hard to say, but I think they shouldn't dare to ask for trouble in the short term."


After dealing with the agents of SHIELD, Gao Fei took Carrie back to Brooklyn in the severely damaged police car in the Jubu area. The two were hungry, so they went to a convenience store to buy snacks.

It didn't take long before Hank's phone call came. The sub-bureau had already received calls from no less than ten citizens. They claimed that Gao Fei was being chased and killed by criminals during the patrol. The current situation is very dangerous.

"Gao Fei, what's the situation? You were chased by criminals?"

Gao Fei laughed: "Don't worry, I have already dealt with the matter."

"What kind of criminals are they? They dare to openly hunt you down?" Hank asked in a deep voice, "Don't they know that you are the enhanced man who arrested the Green Goblin and Professor Lizard?"

But after asking this question, Hank guessed the answer himself.

"Wait, could it be another homeland strategic defense attack and..."

"Just say S.H.I.E.L.D., every time you say their name again, you have to waste half a minute of phone bills..." Goofy interrupted Hank with a smile.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Did S.H.I.E.L.D. really come to trouble you?" Hank asked nervously, "Are you okay? Is Carrie okay?"

"Don't worry, we're all fine." Goofy said, "Now I'm free from the entanglement of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"That's good..." Hank breathed a sigh of relief, "This **** S.H.I.E.L.D. is really haunted. I will file a complaint with the bureau tomorrow to see if I can stop S.H.I.E.L.D.'s crazy harassment of you."

"Okay, thank you, Hank."

"Don't be so polite, old man, I can't let you be bullied."

Goofy shrugged.

If Hank saw the end of the SHIELD agent, he would not think that his old friend was "bullied".

the next day.

Just after returning home from work with Sam and Anna, Goofy's cell phone rang.

Looking down at, it was actually Sheriff Schneider... No, I should call Deputy Senior Superintendent Schneider now.

Gao Fei was a little surprised, and immediately answered the phone.

"Hello, Superintendent Schneider, do you have any instructions?"

Schneider laughed: "Gao Fei, don't make official comments with me, who didn't know that I was able to sit in this position of police superintendent because of your hard work, but you're better, you refused to be promoted with me. Everyone said that I got your light, but in the end I left you in the 109th precinct."

"Haha, I'm sorry, I took the blame for you." Gao Fei said with a smile, "But compared to the salary of the Deputy Senior Superintendent, this blame is nothing, right?"

"That's right." Schneider made no secret of his joy in his promotion, "The salary of a deputy senior police inspector is much higher than that of a police chief in a sub-bureau, and he can take five more days of annual leave every year, just to relieve it. The conflict between me and my daughter-in-law. Damn, she nearly divorced me last year, and if it wasn't for this promotion, I'd be an honorable bachelor now."

"Ah, being a police officer is really a tough job." Gao Fei sighed sincerely, "So does that guy Hank. He often quarrels with Serena, not to mention Roger. He's a bachelor... "

"You have to hurry up, Goofy." Schneider took the opportunity to persuade, "If you meet a suitable girl, start early."

"Me..." Gao Fei sighed, "Let's take a long-term view. By the way, Superintendent Schneider, isn't calling me to urge me to get married?"

"Of course not." Only then did Schneider realize that he had forgotten his serious business, and then said straight to the point, "Gao Fei, I have a difficult case here, and I want to hire you to help me. I don't know if I can?"

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