America 1982

Chapter 309 Convert her

It was indeed as Microsoft expected. Although the AmigaOS launch conference seemed to be a perfect blend of art, entertainment, and business, and was well received in newspapers, the sales volume was not very good. Only in the first week of its release, it was listed as the best-selling business software. It topped the list, but then fell rapidly. On the contrary, it was followed by the release of Windows 3.0, which received numerous praises. Although the price was as high as US$149.95, sales exceeded 120,000 units in the first week.

Both sides are rushing to release new products at this point. In fact, it is all because of Gorbachev. The other party arrived in the United States on June 1 for a visit. Many American entrepreneurs hope that this pro-Western Soviet friend will return to China. , one's own products can be used as gifts by the president, and they can be packaged and given to the president to take back.

Microsoft launched a strong public relations campaign for this Soviet friend, using almost all its connections. When Gorbachev visited cities such as New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and Boston, Microsoft executives or pro-Microsoft politicians were present, waiting for opportunities to talk to him. court.

On the other hand, Tommy had almost no positive moves in the country. Apart from asking Ted to publish the Microsoft scandal on the front page of his newspaper every day to push Gorbachev down, there were almost no measures, except when the other party visited Stanford University. Tommy, Jason and a bunch of Stanford alumni went to a dinner party and bought high-priced tickets to listen to a speech delivered by the other party.

Then there was the Guns N’ Roses concert in Boston, where a Soviet rock band who came to the United States with Gorbachev at the same time was a guest. Americans who were originally not optimistic about AmigaOS suddenly remembered that this band appeared because it seemed to be helped by AmigaOS. The invitation sent by Guns N’ Roses helped revive the popularity of AmigaOS a little bit.

"People think you might want to talk to them." Stephen Penn was sitting in the headquarters office of Vox News Network. Although he looked at Tommy with a smile, his face was actually a little ugly: "I told them, you came to Washington. , definitely not to escape, but they obviously prefer to hear you tell them face to face.”

The United States is such a reality. Tommy can bring them endless wealth, and all shareholders can respond to his warmest and brightest smile. But once Tommy makes them feel that the gain is not worth the loss, that is what it is now. They have to listen to what Tommy has to say. They have an explanation.

There were four phones on Tommy's desk. At this time, he didn't even raise his head to look at Stephen. He was looking through various information and said, "Because the sales of AmigaOS suffered a waterloo?"

"It cost a lot of money to develop it, and the accounts show that you are still continuing to burn money like crazy." Stephen sat on Tommy's desk and sighed.

He actually doesn't want to come, but business is business. If it were just his own investment, he wouldn't be here. But the problem is, there are a bunch of shareholders behind him.

"How long can you keep those shareholders silent? Or you can't do it for a day. If you can't do it, I will personally call Mr. Sargent Shriver or Uncle Pete and let them deal with it. Give me a week Time, a week later, I might be interested in *those shareholders' butts." Tommy took off the cigarette in his mouth and flicked the ashes, took the time to look up at Stephen and asked, and then continued to work with his head down.

"Windows 3.0 sold 270,000 units in two weeks, Tommy, no one can sit still." Stephen looked at Tommy's busy appearance and finally said: "Forget it, I believe you, in one week, I’ll deal with them, but I’ll be sad if you miss your appointment in a week.”

"Zoe, are you safe now? Have you rejoined the rest of our film crew?" Tommy asked into one of the phones without even noticing when Stephen left.

On the other side of the phone, Zoe Winters, a well-known reporter from VOX News Network in Germany, said with excitement in her voice: "Of course, it's very safe. I can't believe that other TV reporters are still paying attention to the West German people's spontaneous demolition of the Berlin Wall. I was already standing on Bernauer Strasse in East Germany.”

"Keep in touch." After Tommy finished speaking, he shouted to another phone: "Susie! How are the venues and products you prepared? I asked you to go to Germany not to travel. If you mess up, I will It doesn’t matter, our president’s wife will also send you and Jason to Africa to help niggas grow cassava!”

"It's ready. We have rented high-speed broadband networks from two universities, as well as conference rooms on the two floors of the Bowen Building, which can accommodate hundreds of people. What you should worry about is that the actors will not have any problems." Susie said on the phone.

Tommy turned to the next phone and continued shouting: "Mr. Bullock! Mr. Bullock! Are the most expensive actors ready?"

"Ready." Sandra Bullock's father said with the same tone. He was in East Germany at the moment. Although ordinary people could not enter East Berlin at will, and Bullock was an American retired soldier, and the two countries were in the Cold War, Fortunately, East Berlin was not affected by the Cold War. East Germany firmly fulfilled the post-war four-nation agreement. Allied military personnel and civilian personnel could enter and exit East German checkpoints without diplomatic and passport controls. So Bullock held an Allied With his civilian status, he has been selecting actors in East Germany during this period. Even Zoe and the others can enter East Germany at will because of his operation.

"Very good, only the last one left." Tommy picked up the receiver of the last phone and dialed a number:

"Charles, are your actors and crew ready?"

On the other side of the phone, Charles said neatly: "Of course."

After receiving Charles' reply, Tommy exhaled heavily: "OK, next, let the world witness AmigaOS."

It was June 13, 1990, and he turned his attention to the TV set in his office. On the screen, VOX News Network was reporting a news that people around the world were paying attention to.

East German border guards put down their weapons and picked up various demolition tools to officially dismantle the 168-kilometer-long Berlin Wall.

Although the world had witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall as early as November 1989, it was not a formal demolition. It was just because Günter Schapowski, the first secretary of the East Berlin Municipal Party Committee, mistakenly announced at a press conference that the East Berlin Wall had collapsed. German people could cross the border between the two Germanys unconditionally, which eventually led to the temporary opening of several border checkpoints in the city center, allowing a large number of East Germans living in urban Berlin to take the opportunity to enter West Germany.

West German citizens then used tools to destroy the Berlin Wall and create multiple holes, allowing East German citizens to drill holes directly into West Germany without being inspected.

This mistake led to tens of thousands of East Germans illegally entering West Germany. Günther Schapowski, who made the big mistake, was also expelled from the Socialist Unity Party. After that, the checkpoint was closed again. Although some holes were not repaired, because More than 20,000 border guards guard this section of the Berlin Wall, which is more than 100 kilometers long. Therefore, except for the people who initially crossed the border and some young people who chose to take risks and seek freedom, a large number of ordinary people chose to stay and watch, and no large-scale drilling took place. In the cross-border incident, firstly, they were afraid of being shot by the border guards; secondly, West Berlin was caught off guard by the sudden influx of a large number of people. A large number of daily necessities in West Berlin were purchased out, and some people even lived on the streets. The West German government even Call East Germany and ask them to control the population movement problem first, as they are not yet mentally prepared for complete development.

The previous fall of the Berlin Wall had already allowed Zoe, who was guarding under the Berlin Wall, to win a journalism award, but for her, that was obviously not enough. This time she led the VOX reporter team to pass the checkpoint during the live broadcast. After entering East Germany, other media reporters without military status could only look at her figure and spread their hands in despair.

Reporters from the VOX News Network's London, Paris, East Berlin, and West Berlin bureaus appeared almost in turn on the live broadcast.

Subscribers to VOX News all over the world were watching East Germany demolishing the Berlin Wall on their TV sets, while watching British Prime Minister Thatcher hold a press conference. Why should we show the British people this scene? Of course it was because of Mrs. Thatcher. He once said privately that East Germany's demolition of the Berlin Wall would be irresponsible. The demolition of the Berlin Wall would completely change the situation in Europe after World War II, which may have a serious impact on international peace and the security of the United Kingdom. However, at this moment, he is hypocritical in Taiwan. He expressed his welcome to East Germany for making the right choice.

The attitude of the French government is similar to that of the United Kingdom. A spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry regretted that Germany's attempt to dismantle the Berlin Wall and attempt to unify was as historically significant as when Adolf came to power. The whole of Europe will have a series of consequences for German reunification. Reactions have consequences.

VOX even obtained a clip of Gorbachev's internal speech at a dinner in Boston during his previous visit to the United States, which was played directly on the news network. It was Gorbachev saying at the dinner that Mrs. Thatcher had made a special phone call. Give it to him, hoping that as the leader of the Soviet Union, he will play a leading role and directly intervene in the issue of the merger of the two Germanys, so that East Germany will always be in the Soviet camp. This will be beneficial to both the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. A defeated country like Germany should not enjoy freedom and peace. independent.

People in the VOX News Studio didn’t know why they focused on instilling the British and French attitudes to the public when they were paying attention to the demolition of the Berlin Wall. Only Jason, who took the time to watch the news, said:

"After being exposed to the world's attention by an American news network and causing all the peace-loving people in the world to scold her, if she can still make Microsoft in the United States feel at ease and go to the UK to expand its market, I will not believe in Jesus in the future. If you don’t believe in Tommy, believe in her instead.”

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