America 1982

Chapter 301 May God bless you

Headquarters of the United Nations Forces in Lebanon, Naqoura, southern Lebanon.

U.S. Army Major Robert Mikus sat on the hood of a military off-road vehicle, unconsciously folding the military cap into various shapes with his hands, while his eyes looked at the young Army man in front of him from Warwick, Kent County, Rhode Island. Elite:

"Lieutenant Dennis Herbs, I don't know how many times you sold your ass to get your connections from the United States to a damn place like Lebanon like you gave yourself a fucking gut! But I have to admit, you're like this It worked very well in the army, because I promised the officer who had assaulted me in various ways in West Germany to take care of you just like he took care of me."

Hearing the words from the other party promising to take care of him, Dennis relaxed and whistled frivolously to express his feelings. Tommy and SSD's connections in the military system were as developed as those in Lebanon. Regardless of whether they were bombed by Israel No matter how virtuous they are, those Lebanese can always continue to transport ammunition and terrorists along the roads.

"Close your spare door. Before I finish speaking, I don't want to hear any noise from your butt! No matter the one above or the one below!" Hearing Dennis whistle to express his mood, Robert used his fists in dissatisfaction. He smashed the car hood and made a loud noise to signal the other party to shut up.

"Yes Sir!" Dennis put away his frivolity and laziness, stood up with his head held high and said loudly.

Robert looked at the scenery in the distance and saw ruins: "The U.S. military has three teams in Nacula. One team is a lousy Marine Corps. They are hanging around in the United Nations peacekeeping force behind me. They are responsible for Checkpoints were set up near the city, and the breasts of female refugees were touched openly and openly under the pretext of body searches!”

"There is also a team of dudes from the U.S. Navy who will defend the Lebanese coastline, supervise the movements of the Lebanese Navy, and prevent the weapons and equipment of the Lebanese Navy from falling into the hands of terrorists, on the pretext of establishing a naval department for the United Nations peacekeeping forces, and doing other things on the side. Make a fortune from smuggling.”

"Then we, the great U.S. Army, are always fearless in the most dangerous places on earth. You are lucky to be here. The work here is very easy. We claim to be United Nations staff, but in fact we are responsible for collecting information from both sides. All kinds of intelligence in this area, and then send the obtained information back to the Pentagon for the army bosses to review and decide whether it is valuable, whether to sell it to Israel or Lebanon to make a fortune, or to save it for our future wars. Valuable experience.”

"Your file says that you captured a Soviet spy in Turkey and received a commendation. During your stay in Beirut, you destroyed an enemy secret base and received another commendation. With these two commendations, you successfully earned yourself a You have the opportunity to be promoted to lieutenant. Among the 1988 West Point graduates, you are among the batch who were promoted quickly enough. Now, you actually took the initiative to apply to come to the front line. I like elites. I knew you the first time I saw you. You are a true elite, and your former boss, Major Marshall, also praised you generously. I have rarely seen him praise such a subordinate like this."

When Dennis heard that the other party regarded him as an elite, he immediately felt the need to correct the other party's misconception, and quickly defended:

"Sir, can you please allow me to explain? I think there may be some small errors in the information on my file. That error may be exactly how to define the word voluntary application. I was actually forced by Major Marshall..."

"That's not important! Lieutenant!" Robert knocked on the hood of the car again, interrupting Dennis, and then slowed down:

"The important thing is that you are here. I think the best care for an elite like you is to make you achieve meritorious service faster. When other West Point students are still licking the officer's car clean with their mouths, you have already appeared in Pentagon, so I decided to give you the command of the Hero Platoon, because the file says that you have not really served as the commander of a small unit. Now, your file has been updated, and your military career has ushered in a new page. "

"A platoon of heroes?" Dennis was stunned for a moment: "What is that?"

"A small unit that can give everyone a headache, Second Lieutenant Marvin, brought our new Lieutenant Dennis Herbs with him..." Robert waved to his driver and adjutant, and turned the page again. The transfer order file next to it: "Second Lieutenant Glenn Davis went to meet their subordinates. Wow, the file shows that Second Lieutenant Glenn Davis is only one commendation away from being promoted. You two did a really good job." .”

In fact, according to regulations, majors cannot be equipped with adjutants, but who in the army cares about this? Dennis himself still takes his loyal black adjutant Glenn with him wherever he goes.

"Follow me, Lieutenant." Robert's adjutant, Marvin, motioned to Dennis.

Dennis looked at Robert, who waved to him: "Say hello to your subordinates today, and I will talk to you about the specific arrangements tomorrow."

"Sir, I have a question. Where did the last commander of the heroic platoon you talk about go?" Dennis asked warily.

Hearing Dennis ask about the previous commander of the Hero Platoon, Robert paused sadly for a moment, and then sighed and said: "Lieutenant Harry shot himself because of shame. He is a model of American soldiers."

Hearing the other party's answer, Dennis breathed a sigh of relief, followed Marvin's footsteps, and said to Marvin with a relieved smile: "Then I'm relieved. I'll commit suicide in shame. Fortunately, I don't know what shame means."

Watching Dennis and his adjutant get into the car and leave, Robert jumped off the front of the car, put on his hat, looked at the direction the car was driving away and said with a smirk:

"May God bless you, West Point elite, it's time for you to see the true combat effectiveness of the U.S. military."

Naqoura was once the largest city in southern Lebanon. However, after Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978, it was included in its own territory. Although due to the reaction of the United Nations and the United States, this territory was not clearly marked on the world map. It is only declared to be a peace buffer zone, but it is a fact that there are more and more Israelis in this area and fewer and fewer Lebanese.

The United Nations peacekeeping force has its headquarters here to ensure that if there is a conflict between the two war parties, it can intervene as soon as possible.

At present, Naqurah is still nominally owned by Lebanon, but the regime is not a pro-Syrian government, but the Lahad armed organization in southern Lebanon supported by Israel. Then the Lahad regime issued a request to Israel for troops to be stationed. The Israeli government is justified in its name. Let the army be stationed at Nakula.

So when you walk on the road and see Lebanese soldiers and Israeli soldiers standing close together, don’t think that peace has really come between Lebanon and Israel. That is an illusion, just like South Korean soldiers and American soldiers on the Korean Peninsula. Like father and son.

The Lahad regime is the Lebanese armed forces supported by Israel. It is the most authentic and legitimate Lebanese regime in the eyes of Israel.

Adjutant Marvin introduced Dennis to the intricate environment of Nacula while driving.

Here, we have the Lahad Armed Forces, the Israel Defense Forces, the Lebanese Hezbollah, which is defined as a terrorist, several small pro-Syrian local armed forces in the south, the Lebanese National Defense Force and other militarized forces, as well as those who may actively become terrorists at any time. Lebanese civilians or UN peacekeeping force soldiers who passively become terrorists at any time.

"Wait a minute, I can understand civilians in the country who actively or passively become terrorists, but what the hell is it like for peacekeeping troops to passively become terrorists? The IRA and the British army live in the same base, and then blame each other in life, on the battlefield Go to England and take the opportunity to open fire and kill the Irish, and frame them as terrorists at the same time?" Dennis suddenly interrupted in confusion when he heard Marvin's introduction.

Marvin motioned Dennis to look at the ruins surrounding the road that was barely repaired and could be walked on: "This is the peacekeeping blue zone. Under normal circumstances, shelling of this intensity cannot occur, but look around? Shells exploded. There are more potholes than the moon. When peacekeepers become terrorists depends on the mood of Israel and Lahad. Two months ago, Lahad directly bombarded the peacekeepers’ strongholds with mortars. Eight The Nepalese peacekeepers were blown into rag dolls, two died on the spot, six had their arms and legs severed, and scars on their faces were scarier than Freddy's. After the incident, the Israel Defense Forces and Lahad stated that they After receiving intelligence that Hezbollah terrorists were hiding in that area, they also blamed the peacekeepers for running around and building strongholds everywhere, why can't they just hide at the peacekeepers headquarters in Naqula."

Dennis looked around according to Marvin's reminder: "When you make a mistake, the first time you make a mistake is not to admit it, but to quickly blame the mistake on the other party. I thought this was an undisclosed secret of West Point Military Academy, so the Israeli commander Did you study abroad at West Point and secretly learn the methods taught to us by the instructor?"

"Last year, more than a hundred Lebanese refugees, mainly women and children, ran to a peacekeeping force stronghold to seek asylum. The peacekeeping force temporarily accommodated them in the outpost in accordance with regulations. Then Israel shelled the stronghold. Four peacekeepers Soldiers were injured and more than 40 refugees were killed. After the incident, Israel insisted that the stronghold was hiding terrorists and accused the peacekeeping forces of providing shelter to terrorists." Marvin spoke while turning the steering wheel with both hands and heading towards the road. A blue and white building drives away:

"In the Naqula area, it should be noted that Israelis hate UN staff and foreigners the most. They believe that the UN prevents them from fighting Lebanese terrorists. They believe that the UN will allow Israel to hand over occupied lands. Some radical Israelis, they Peacekeepers or United Nations staff who get in the way will be killed. On the contrary, the Lebanese people like United Nations staff because they believe that the United Nations has provided Naqula with the most basic order, minimized the threat of all-out war, and brought Medical, food and other assistance, but the Lebanese people do not like people from the United States and France. They believe that Israel’s invasion was supported by the United States, and they hate the French because the foreign legions are very rough in the vicinity and have no sense of honor as soldiers. , behaves rudely, and sometimes kills civilians to achieve his goals, just like Israel, Lahad."

The off-road vehicle stopped in front of this building. Marvin opened the door and jumped out: "We are here. This is where the Hero Platoon is stationed. It is also located in the peacekeeping blue zone. It is basically very safe."

Dennis and Glenn, who were carrying two large camping bags, got out of the car and looked up at the two-story building. Various banners and signs were hung on almost all the walls of the second floor: "United Nations Organization Veterinary Care Facility" , the United Nations Child Survival Observatory, a dental clinic in Germany, a yoga training center in Ireland, Chinese takeaway in the Netherlands.”

"It's really good. Adding an American brothel will make it complete." Dennis said after reading these signature words, he asked Marvin:

"So, are my subordinates going to open restaurants or be dentists?"

"These are all, about seven or eight organizations, or more. There are thirty soldiers in the Hero Platoon now. They use these identities when they go out to collect intelligence."

"Collecting intelligence? Secret agents? Spies? What do these people do? Marvin, to be honest, I am definitely not the elite in Robert Mikus's mind. I can't do the work that an elite should do." Dennis said frankly : "Don't make me let Glenn knock you unconscious and then steal your car back to America."

"Why were you sent to a ghost place like Nakula?" Seeing Dennis's reaction, Marvin hesitated for two seconds and asked Dennis a question.

Dennis responded almost without thinking: "Because I suck."

"The answer is correct, and so are your subordinates who are about to meet." Marvin smiled and walked towards the building first:

"So don't worry, if you want to become an elite, the United States will not agree to it for its own safety."

Dennis waited for Marvin to take a few steps away, then turned to Glenn behind him and asked, "Have you brought the things I specifically told you to bring?"

"Of course, but there are only ten sets." Glenn said calmly.

Dennis nodded and looked at Marvin who was waiting at the gate: "Then let the three of us share one set. Times are difficult. In addition to being grateful for my thoughtfulness, the soldiers must also learn to understand the difficulties of my commander. "

"But we still have more than two thousand US dollars." Glenn said.

Dennis patted the other party's shoulder and walked towards the main entrance: "I said, Glenn, that's your money."

When he stepped into the hall, Marvin was already standing in the hall and yelled at a dozen people who looked like the products of the intercourse between male prisoners and female refugees: "F*ck************, military regulations. I didn’t tell you maggots! When the officer shows up in front of you, you’re supposed to fucking stand up!”

Following this roar, a dozen lazy soldiers discovered that there were three more people in the hall. At this time, they stood up lazily or nervously.

"My seventy-nine-year-old grandma in West Virginia looks more like a soldier in a military uniform than you do!" Marvin scolded loudly, and then looked around at everyone in the hall: "Where are the others? Raymond German Sergeant Major!”

He wanted to call out the first sergeant major of the platoon to say hello to Dennis. Sergeant Major Raymond was the only one in this pile of garbage who still looked like a soldier.

A little man with messy hair and surprisingly big eyes turned around and looked at the three of them, and said loudly: "Report, sir, Sergeant Major Raymond suffered a sudden illness about ninety minutes ago and was sent to the hospital. He went to the peacekeeping force hospital for medical treatment, and others went to take care of him."

"I guess those nurses in the hospital can get the enthusiastic escorts of those dozen rubbish people, so why are you still here? Why didn't you go to the hospital together?" Marvin asked.

The other party's answer was quite straightforward: "Report, because two cars cannot hold thirty people, and the money that thirty of us put together is only enough for the nurse to give six people an abortion."

"Let me introduce, this is Lieutenant Dennis Herbers who came to serve as the new commander of the Hero Platoon, replacing Lieutenant Harry who committed suicide and died in his country. Next to him is the new deputy commander of the Hero Platoon, Second Lieutenant Glenn Davis. "Marvin took a step to the side, and Dennis stepped forward and stood in front of everyone.

Marvin, who was next to him, winked at the soldiers who were not very smart, and finally someone reacted. Everyone raised their arms to salute Dennis, followed by a rare voice: "Hello, sir."

"Dennis... Herbs?" an untimely voice sounded among a dozen soldiers: "From Kent County, Rhode Island... Warwick City?"

Dennis had a sullen face, raised his hand and returned the military salute. He ignored the questioning voice, but turned to look at Marvin, and took the initiative to extend his hand: "Second Lieutenant, thank you for the car. They will go there when I finish sorting them out." Major reports, forgive me for not preparing a banquet for you today."

Marvin shook hands with the other person, turned around and left. His mission was to deliver Dennis. Now that the mission was completed, he had no interest in staying in this cesspool, even for a second.

"Glenn, the sergeant major is lying in the hospital. I can only help you conduct an investigation for me." Dennis sent Marvin away, turned back to look at the dozen or so people in the room, and said without any emotion.

Glenn, the black man next to him, put down his two military bags and walked twice in front of a dozen soldiers: "Do you still remember the military regulations? Is anyone willing to stand up and recite them loudly?"

A group of soldiers shook their heads blankly. Glenn turned to look at Dennis and mouthed: "These are a bunch of idiots."

"Then I'm relieved." Dennis nodded with satisfaction, then pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at the old chandelier above his head and pulled the trigger! Three bangs, bangs, and debris flew everywhere:

"Gather in the hospital within thirty seconds. The latecomer will be deemed to have outstanding performance. His application for retirement will be rejected indefinitely during my term of office, and I will recommend to my superiors that the soldier's service period be extended for ten years due to his outstanding performance."

Originally, the sound of the gunshot scared a dozen people so much that they held their heads and screamed to hide. But after hearing Dennis' words, they immediately ignored the risk of being injured by ricochet and rushed towards the door behind Dennis like crazy.

"What does a commander who is greedy for life and afraid of death like most? Of course, his subordinates who are even more afraid of life and death. I can tell at a glance that I will shine like gold in this pile of yellow shit. This is definitely a good care." Dennis turned around , looking at the men swarming out:

"May God bless you, Nakula."

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