Amago no Miko

Episode 146 Waka!

Yonglu 6 (March 1563) Izumo Sword Shrine


Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

How are you, sir?

The harmony of the harmonica and kagura flute will calm your mind, right?

Masaraku and Kagura may be described as a refreshing agent in this warring country's turmoil.

So, why are you hearing the whistle?

Something like this happened two years ago, but if you care, you lose.If you worry too much, you may get bald.

So, why are you hearing the whistle?

Holy shit! Today is Brother Gengoro's wedding!

Um, I said, "Japanese-chan, please!After pressing it to Yoshida County Mountain, it took three years.Brother Gengoro, spring has finally arrived!

Brother Gengoro was born in Astronomical Year 15 (1546) and will be counted as 18 this year.Even in this age, is it a little early for a man to get married?

However, since Tarasa, who is the same age as Gengoro's brother, married me two years ago and put me in a stomach, I may not be able to say that Gengoro's brother's marriage was premature.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is also a father at the age of 15 or 16.


Oh, good, good.Today is truly a rare day.Now you've lost the heart of Mr. Peach.

No, Peach's soul has become a Buddha a long time ago.

Not only Mr. Peach, but I also feel that the load on my shoulders has fallen.Even though I was Gengoro's brother's sister, I was in a position like Gengoro's brother's guardian.

But this is because I am the owner of the Neko family, so I had no choice.

Previous day

"Dr. Maori Daisen is in the Japanese song, my daughter.

In order to deepen the bond between the Maori and the Neko families, I came to take care of Neko Izumo Morihisa.

Thank you, Neko family. "

Mm-hmm. There was a legal Lori.In this era, it is legal for everyone to say anything.

The eldest daughter of Takashi Maori is probably the Tsuwano Bureau.I should have married Hiroyoshi Yoshimi, the son of Masayoshi Yoshimi, but what will happen to Hiroyoshimi Yoshimi's wife in this world?

Well, since I've scratched through the history of historical reality, was it a bright question to think about?

Hideya Ukita was also born in a world where she didn't know if she was coming or not...

So, Waka was born in 1550 on the 19th anniversary of Astronomy, so she will be 14 on the count.In essence, you could say that in the 21st century, you have just reached the age of thirteen and become a second year of secondary school.

Hmm. For Lolicon, the Sengoku Period may be heaven to come to his daughter-in-law at the same age as a future real girl junior high school student.

It's only natural in this age to get married at the age of 14.I counted, and I got married at 14.I mean, I was actually 12 years old!

If you think so, how dare you put Tarasa's fart in there....

"That's right, but it's Ryuku Neko Gengoro.It was a long way from Aki. "

"Thank you for the Japanese song.Yoshinaga-sama. "

"Waka, thank you for coming to Izumo!

"Well, you're welcome...?

"Hi, I forgot to introduce myself to Princess Waka."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!I am Hisako Neko Izumo, Imperial Prince of Saigon.Japanese-style, please call me a balls. "

You were my sister-in-law!I apologize for this. "

"Don't worry about it.From now on, Japanese-style songs will become Neko's family. "

"Thank you for saying that."

I've been to Yoshida County Mountain several times, but this is the first time I've seen Waka properly.Takashi put me on suspicion of being a lesbian, so when I go to Yoshida County mountain, Takashi hides Waka.

Isn't that strange? I even have a husband named Tarota, right?

Well, homosexuals are a bit of a batch!

But what happens to my relationship with Waka?Waka is Gengoro's brother and fiancée's wife, so from Waka's point of view, I really think my stepsister is the right one.

However, Tarosa is also Waka's uncle and Tarosa's wife, and I am also Tarosa's stepmother.In addition, Gengoro's brother is not my brother, but he is also my subordinate.

Besides, Waka herself is younger than me.

Ah, that's confusing!

I'm already in trouble, so why don't you make it your sister-in-law, like Waka said the first time?

Yeah, let's believe in Waka's instincts.

I'll give my cheeks to Takasago's Urabu ~ ~!

Performance by a crowd of Takasago dancers?It was.

Hmm... apparently I didn't have an aesthetic that seemed beautiful in the world of power and madness.Well, that's why I don't deny your powers or your madness.Please don't make a mistake there.

In other words, I am not just a powerful or crazy person, but I am also the guardian of traditional Japanese performing arts.I mean, it's like a patron thing.

Well, Noh should let Misuke Oda do it, right?Even if the Oda family were destroyed, Misuke would probably survive, right?You did it, Tea Boy! Exactly, Geisha helps himself!

I'm enjoying Japanese singing enough.The Harmony of Five Seven Five Seven is supreme!There is no objection to this!

The next night, the Neko Hall of Taisha Shrine

"So, why are the balls in this room?


Imagine what's going to happen, and it's an endless smile.If you look in the mirror at my face now, maybe it's burning through the smile.

Heh heh heh. Jurli....

Oops, didn't you salivate with your balls?What do you call ladies' tastes? This raises questions about a lady's character.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm just practicing a lady's taste, but for some reason, Gengoro's brother is asking me a lot of compliments right now.

I can't solve it....

That's why I'm telling Brother Gengoro why I'm here.

I'm the witness.


"Princess Yu...."



I kind of feel cold when you look at me.What is it?I am the master of Neko's million stones.

Hmm? You don't have to worry about me, just get started. "

"Yes, yes, sir, I'm leaving."

"Haru-don's right.If the princess were here, neither Gengoro nor anything would happen. "

Cheeky cheeky cheeky cheeky...

Ahhn, it's everybody's fault!They took me to the next room....

From a biological point of view, I'm supposed to observe things called reproduction activities!In other words, I'm not a jerk, a tooth tortoise, but this is academic.

This will prove my innocence.

"Please leave Yoshikawa's uncle too!

"No, because I have to report to Takayuki.

Yoshikawa Motochun, were you a tooth turtle too....

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