Amago no Miko

Episode 120 Where is Okayama?Map 11.

Yonglu Year 4 (1561) Early December, Mount Mustard, Otaro Village, Kamigawa-gun

"Do you know how deep the water is?

If the average of the landfills was about three feet by the full tide.

"So, at the time of the high tide, it's a place where the tide is completely pulling down and becoming a dry lagoon."

It's on the left. Even the mid-time tide turns into a dry lagoon. "

Hmm, three feet at full tide, about 90 cm deep.It's a shallow sea.It's not convincing that landfills have progressed either in historical reality or in man-sea tactics.Depending on the location and topography, the tide level varies between 150 cm and 200 cm due to the high tide.Is it about 30 cm to 50 cm at the time of the tide?

As for the Ariake Sea, I remember hearing that there is a big difference between 400 cm and 500 cm in dry weather.Ah, but in this case of landfilling, was it okay to think only about when the tide was full and not when the tide was dry?

Hmm. Even if Princess Hanasaki gave her strength, she wasn't smart enough.I'm sorry....

"What is the height of the landfill, based on the sea level at high tides?

About a foot and a half.

No, it's 4,50 cm above sea level, which is no different from the zero-metre zone.If you have an orgasm, there is likely to be human damage, and farmland is likely to become unusable for several years due to salt damage.

I've worked so hard to cultivate it, but I'm sorry to be hit by an orgasm!

It's a little low.

"Is it low?

"Yeah. One and a half feet, three feet altogether, or you'll get a high tide."

"Can I surround myself with a dike?

If I overbelieve the embankment, I feel like I'm going to get hurt.

This means that in the unlikely event of a high tide, the height of the land to be landfilled should be set higher than the current situation, in case of a typhoon striking directly.

And finally, you can't think of any other way to protect yourself from the tide than to surround it with a dike, or if you can't make it a spacious beach that makes it redundant at the end of the ocean.But history has proved that the dike will also be destroyed.

That's why we need to bury the drylands with more dirt and sand and raise them.If you keep the altitude from minus to plus by raising it, you will be able to prevent some of the damage that you will suffer.

Man-made things, after all, cannot beat the scourge of nature.Even in the future of science, we can't beat the threat of nature altogether.In my previous life, news of a typhoon and heavy rain destroying the dike came out of TV every few years.

It is premature in this age when civil engineering technology is immature.How do you mitigate typhoon-surge disasters?The answer is to raise the land.Because even if the levee breaks, the land that has been raised will not break.Except for seismic liquefaction.

"I'm sure the princess was right."

"Well, the land that was buried and raised has a weakness in the ground."

"It's originally a sea, so I know it's no use."

"That's right. If you say luxury, you won't be able to kill yourself."

330,000 man-made to fill 400,000 square meters. 1.2 square meters per man-made. Because the depth of the ocean is involved in landfilling, the amount of dirt and sand used per square meter increases as we go offshore.

Water depth is 90cm. It's troublesome, so I'll calculate it in a meter.The ground to be landfilled is also 90 cm above sea level.This is also cumbersome, so it's calculated at 1 m. You need 2 m3 of dirt and sand to fill 1 m2.

No, including the sinking portion, I think it would be better to calculate it with a 50% increase of 3 cubic meters.Landfills are supposed to be heavily subsided, so it would be easier to estimate a little more.

Lifting of the sinking ground without falling canes.I think this is very important.

3 m ² × 400,000 m ² = 1.2 m ². Is the amount of dirt and sand required to fill 40 town steps the same as in the Tokyo Dome?However, is the cost per cubic metre better than the cost per cubic metre at the time of the river replacement work on the Fiji River?

Kojima Bay has a landfill of 1.2 million cubic metres and 4950 pieces.The Fiji River was three times more expensive than the Fiji River, as it was 3.2 million cubic metres and about 40,000 pieces.

Well, aside from the cost per cubic metre, the problem is how much the total cost of continuing to fill the landfill will be.

"To the south is Kanda or Kanaoka, I would like to spread it to the same line as the mouth of the Yoshii River, but is the distance there about a mile?

It's Kanaoka Village.The distance to the coastline of Kanaoka Village is, as I said, about a mile. "

One mile, four kilometers.It took a year to bury 200 meters south.Twenty times this... that means it costs about 100,000 pounds to fill 800 town steps, 4 km x 2 km of land, 800 hectares?Even me 100,000 pieces fall into the category of big money.

12,500 pieces per square kilometer.Thinking so, I don't think it's a lot of money.This seems to be more problematic in terms of the number of days.

If we proceed with the same number of people now, it will take 20 years for the landfill to be completed. Speaking of which, 20 years from now, I will become Obasan, and the Honnoji Temple is still strange!

Well, I don't know if something strange will happen to Honnoji Temple in this world.

"Hmm... can you gather more people?

"If the princess gives me the money I deserve, I can collect more from the neighborhood."

Oh, I see. Speaking of which, the Naoki Ukita family was working from the limited budget allocated in advance to raise the budget for this landfill work.It seems that what you did with me was a loss of focus.

"With the same progress as this year, it will take 20 years to reach the Kanaoka Village line, so it's too late."

It's on the left.

"I want to gather three times as many people and finish it by the end of seven years."

"It's passed on to the neighboring villages that they pay for their work, so if they recruit, they'll gather their feet."

Because farmers have low cash incomes, it's also convincing that public works carried out by Neko households that receive cash are becoming popular.Mm-hmm. That means the power of money is great!

Well, I'm going to add 10,000 pieces of budget, so I asked for it.


"Carefully chop this mountain of mustard seeds."

"I understand.If this happens, such as a landslide, you can't even see it. "

I don't want to say that, but I think it's a good idea to prioritize the construction and spoil the safety of the fool.Human resources are important, so I would like to carry out Neko's utilities with safety first as the slogan.

That's right.

"After a few years of understanding the guidelines, I'll cut Mt. Kasai and Mt. Mochiyama and spread the land south!

"Princess Yu, do you want to proceed with the work in parallel with this scene?

"Tarosa, if only Kamido County is being explored, people in Ono, Kojima, and Asakuchi counties may be dissatisfied, right?

"You're right, Princess."

"I see...."

It's cheating that all the land in Kamichi County is going to spread!I want you to bury the village sea!I feel like this.It's tough because politicians have to follow a path to deal with it ahead of time before the people are dissatisfied.

The only thing I could say was third-class, and it seemed like a great man's adage that second-class people could do what they were told well.So, what about the best?is called

Best-in-class, it moves before you say it!I mean, I'm top-notch.

Aiam, top notch!

"Besides, we will rebuild Ishiyama Castle in the Asahi River's continental plains with stones that will be used to cut Mt. Mustard, Mt. Kasai, and Mt. Fusayama to build a castle of Neko's strongholds in Bezen and Bezen!

"It was a bit inconvenient at Tenjinshan Castle, so I think it's a good idea."

"Tenjinshan Castle is too skewed to the grinding side east of Beeme."

"That's right. There was no land to expand the castle town.If you bury the continental plains, you'll get quite a lot of land, so it's a perfect location. "

In this era, there is still no place name called Okayama.Where is Okayama?So when the renovated castle is complete, shall we rename it Okayama Castle again?

Metropolitan Okayama.

Hmm. I guess I've added another page of history.I'm scared of my talents!

"So, I don't know if it's 50 or 100 years from now, but it's possible to make 100,000 pieces of rice, perhaps 200,000 pieces of cotton, and so on in this area where Yoshibi's Hole Sea has been dredged."

Considering this, Okayama Plain, which is remembered in the previous life, was mostly a land created by dredging and landfilling.

Dreams are spreading.

"That's right!

It's also Han's romance to accomplish big things!

Let the Naokita family concentrate on cultivating Kojima Bay so that they don't have extra ambition.In that way, in the future, they might be called "masterpieces, Ukita Naoka", right?

Now, this is all for the inspection in front of Izumo, and there are some on the way back to Izumo, so let's go back to Izumo while we travel!

"Princess, may I have one?

Hmm? I wonder what it is.

"Even if you land south of Mt. Jodo, it will be east of the Asahi River, so it will be Kamido County."

What the fuck!?

Come on, come on!

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