"You have completed daily check-in and get random rewards: Task exemption volume."

Another task waiver, Xu Qian Shun has saved it and continues to look at the computer screen.

Then there is a plan for Yu Min spent three days. No matter how much is a place where the new winter is in the future, Yu Min is still pure in the educational industry.

"Plan I have seen it, do it very well, if you finish doing people to find people, you also organize people to help."

"Well, yes, I will inform you in advance."

When Xu Qian decided to make a force in the education of his hometown, Wen Hui will retreat to retreat in the middle.

Her attitude has changed the decision of Xu Qian, and it is more impossible to affect the results of things.

Whether Wen Hui is staying in Beiping, but it is a firm to go back to be a rural teacher, and Xu Qian should do it.

Hanging off the phone, ending the call with Yu Min, Xu Yung stared at the computer screen.

Yu Min's eyes were not Wenhui. The latter stared at the four-five lines of the hometown. It also made a few villages in ten miles. The former is a good blow, what to do Strive to be bigger, you must be more far, you can't just look at a city, you must look at the province, overview, etc., have a big game.

It's not a founder of the first shares listed in the domestic education industry, and Yu Min, this landscape, Xu Yun can only say - you think too much.

"Old Yu will not really think that all the city is like Beiping, there is so many leaders, the more remote small cities, the more you can shock your eye, otherwise how can there be a mountain high emperor far away "

Yu Min's plan is very beautiful in Xu Yun, and a single viewing book is a world famous painting that makes you generosity, it is impossible to practice.

Don't think that you can build your own school, others will thank you, so you don't want to be too stupid, and you will think too beautiful.

For Yu Min's plan, Xu Yun will only interceptions he think of feasible, and there is no attention.

Perhaps, only the video of the village Netcom, a large number of famous teachers' teaching occurs on the Internet, and the children in different cities can be partially fair to some extent.

"I don't know how long I have to wait."

Anyway, Xu Qian estimates that it is impossible for at least twenth years.

Turn off the computer, Xu'an walked to the bed, Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai were sleeping.

I aimed at the wall clock on the wall, Xu Zhong first took Xiao Xiao, and took her to the washing room in this little sister who didn't open her eyes, gave this little sister to wash the face. wear clothes.

Xiaoxiao was put on his brother. She didn't open her eyes. When she was careful, she thought that she would sleep more.

Children are always asleep.

Let them sleep, let them get up.

Especially in winter.

No forced this little sister must wake up, Xu Zhong just took Xiaoxiao to the door, letting this fascinating Xiaoyang standing on the walkway, he is self-contained as a small cleaning child.

Compared to Xiaoxiao, I don't want to wake up, Xiao Qingzi is a little one year old, but it is much more sensible.

When Xu Qian was washed with her face, Xiao Qingzi woke up, she opened the eyes of the eyeliner to call Xu Zun: "Pigeon!"

After Xu Qian gave it to the face, after wearing her clothes shoes, Xiao Qingzi was completely awake. She is not like her Xiaoxiao, but she took the initiative to take her little toothbrush in brushing.

As for Xiaoxiao, this is a little dog, and after a few minutes on the walk, she finally can't fit.

The breath is rushing into the door, Xiao dog raises her little puppies to pat the brother's legs, did not give Xu Qian lesson her opportunity, Xiaogang ran to Xiaoxilai, using her own little toothbrush and smashing Daily games in your mouth.

Wait until these two silly children are brushing, and time has passed for half an hour.

At this time, Mom Fang Shuying has been doing breakfast, waiting for them.

Xiaoxiao was put on his brother. She didn't open her eyes. When she was careful, she thought that she would sleep more. Children are always asleep.

Let them sleep, let them get up.

Especially in winter.

No forced this little sister must wake up, Xu Zhong just took Xiaoxiao to the door, letting this fascinating Xiaoyang standing on the walkway, he is self-contained as a small cleaning child.

Compared to Xiaoxiao, I don't want to wake up, Xiao Qingzi is a little one year old, but it is much more sensible.

When Xu Qian was washed with her face, Xiao Qingzi woke up, she opened the eyes of the eyeliner to call Xu Zun: "Pigeon!"

After Xu Qian gave it to the face, after wearing her clothes shoes, Xiao Qingzi was completely awake. She is not like her Xiaoxiao, but she took the initiative to take her little toothbrush in brushing.

As for Xiaoxiao, this is a little dog, and after a few minutes on the walk, she finally can't fit.

The breath is rushing into the door, Xiao dog raises her little puppies to pat the brother's legs, did not give Xu Qian lesson her opportunity, Xiaogang ran to Xiaoxilai, using her own little toothbrush and smashing Daily games in your mouth.

Wait until these two silly children are brushing, and time has passed for half an hour.

At this time, Mom Fang Shuying has been doing breakfast, waiting for them.

Compared to Xiaoxiao, I don't want to wake up, Xiao Qingzi is a little one year old, but it is much more sensible. When Xu Qian was washed with her face, Xiao Qingzi woke up, she opened the eyes of the eyeliner to call Xu Zun: "Pigeon!"

After Xu Qian gave it to the face, after wearing her clothes shoes, Xiao Qingzi was completely awake. She is not like her Xiaoxiao, but she took the initiative to take her little toothbrush in brushing.

As for Xiaoxiao, this is a little dog, and after a few minutes on the walk, she finally can't fit.

The breath is rushing into the door, Xiao dog raises her little puppies to pat the brother's legs, did not give Xu Qian lesson her opportunity, Xiaogang ran to Xiaoxilai, using her own little toothbrush and smashing Daily games in your mouth.

Wait until these two silly children are brushing, and time has passed for half an hour.

At this time, Mom Fang Shuying has been doing breakfast, waiting for them. The breath is rushing into the door, Xiao dog raises her little puppies to pat the brother's legs, did not give Xu Qian lesson her opportunity, Xiaogang ran to Xiaoxilai, using her own little toothbrush and smashing Daily games in your mouth. Wait until these two silly children are brushing, and time has passed for half an hour.

At this time, Mom Fang Shuying has been doing breakfast, waiting for them.

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